Volume 8, Issue 1

2020 Next

Publication date: 20.12.2019

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Issue content

Jan Kania

Media Management, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, pp. 1 - 13


The internet is a natural environment for school children. Some of the messages through it are aggression and verbal violence. The aim of the article is to show the phenomenon of aggression and verbal violence on the Internet towards school children and adolescents. The subject of the research contained in the article are school children and adolescents as recipients and victims of hate speech on the Internet. Research problems are questions about the level of online threats to schoolchildren, how the Polish education system prevents this and how it protects children from these threats. In search of answers to these questions, the author used published research data, showing the activity of children on the Internet, He also reviewed the basics of teaching in terms of preparing students to avoid hate speech on the internet.

The basic research methods are document examination and method of analysis and logical construction. The research shows two key conclusions as answers to research problems. First of all, the level of threat to school children and youth by aggression and verbal violence is significant, because every third teenager was a victim of violence or verbal aggression on the Internet. Secondly, the Polish education system did not protect students from these threats. Schools did not teach children proper behavior on the internet.

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Ewelina Szycman , Monika Boguszewicz-Kreft

Media Management, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, pp. 15 - 25


The research aims to identify the level and the character of the participation of medical doctors and their perception of advantages and disadvantages of their activity in social media from the perspective of the process of building positive professional image. The method of subject literature review and the results of an online surveys conducted among 81 medical doctors have been applied in the article. Virtually all the survey participants (98,8%) admitted having a profile in social media with Facebook being the most popular one (83,3% of profiles). Only a small proportion of the respondents declare the professional character of their activity in social media, mostly taking place on LinkedIn (15,0%). The doctors considered restrictions on privacy (61,7%) and subjecting private life to assessments (53,1%) as the biggest disadvantage of the presence in social media. The advantages included the promotion of medical knowledge and preventive medicine (81,5%) and the possibility of creating positive professional image among prospective patients and in the medical society environment (77,8%) with 85,7% of respondents considering Facebook as the best medium to achieve the above.

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Monika Wawer

Media Management, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, pp. 27 - 39


In response to the changing television market, media organizations create strategic solutions to affect the format trading system that has been stable so far. For two decades, a model of format trade has allowed finding balance in the conceptual frame set by the opposition: adaptation versus creation, broadcasters versus production companies, global versus local conditions, business and cultural values.

The purpose of the article is to preliminarily describe how these strategic and operational activities undertaken by global organisations disturb this balance. Taking control of format production by subsidiaries of foreign capital, new distribution channels may result in a smaller share of broadcasters in creation, universalization of formats lacking local accents, weakening the brand of entities identified on local markets.

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Agata Mardosz-Grabowska

Media Management, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, pp. 41 - 56


Linking values of brand communities are the subject of the analysis. Various types of consumption communities are not a new phenomenon, however, the development of communication technologies in recent two decades has significantly impacted on the number and character of such groups. Relationship between brands and brand communities has become interesting research field due to growing importance of such groups in consumers’ lives as well as their marketing potential. Recent studies highlight the role of values in emerging and functioning of brand communities. The purpose of this case study analysis is to examine the relationship between strategic brand values and linking values of brand community on the example of IKEA and IKEAhackers community. This case confirms earlier hypotheses that brand communities are autonomous, and brand strategic values are neither automatically nor uncritically accepted by the community as linking values of the community. Such groups may accept the values proposed by the brand managers, however, they may also  reinterpret them, reject, recognize as irrelevant or consider different values as linking values of brand community.

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