Volume 1, Issue 1

2013 Next

Publication date: 2013


Strona prezentuje oryginalne artykuły naukowe publikowane pierwotnie w ramach kwartalnika ,,Zarządzanie w Kulturze".  Nowa inicjatywa poświęcona  jest w całości szeroko rozumianej tematyce  medialnej.

Licence: None

Editorial team

Issue editor Anna Pluszyńska

Issue content

Juliusz (Michał) Maliszewski

Media Management, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 1 - 10


Digital development strategy for traditional media. Perspectives for the Polish Radio External Service

One of the most important challenges ahead for media is the structural and organizational cooperation between the traditional business and new media. The thesis presented is based on a theory that the traditional media will never be replaced with the new media. Moreover, they evolve under the influence of the later and interact with them. Traditional media contrived the Internet and even managed to raise the ratings. However, it has changed media enterprises management approach. Polish Radio External Service is the representative of the traditional media which will effectively integrate two contrary business models: radio broadcasting with the new media. This is how this broadcaster is facing the changes that happen in the media, which have to respond the requirements of the market. The changes that has to be made in the program need to correspond to such phenomenon as globalization of the markets, new broadcasting technologies and new expectations of the audience.

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Magdalena Różycka

Media Management, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 11 - 32


Public regional media – a state, a society, the market

Media companies, in order to survive and develop on the market – need to be interested in creating positive relationships with recipients. In the period of digitalizing media – more and more diversification can be observed which may be important condition of success of media companies. How-
ever in the contrast to commercial broadcasters, public media shall do all the best and use all possible means (including new age marketing) in order to publish contents set in the mission of broadcasters. Presented in the article, studies have shown that the goodwill is created by a wide range of players in the chain of its value, and how important is the relationship between the supplier and customers, as this could result in customer loyalty to the brand – in this case, the regional public broadcaster. From the perspective of this publication are important research on public marketing assets of regional media and their use in the process of marketing communication.
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Maria Miczyńska-Kowalska

Media Management, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 33 - 49


Present Family Threats in the Risk Society

The article pays attension at the threats of traditional family  model in the risk society. It presents basic U. Beck`s theory foundations about risk society and family model.This article emphasizes the family role in value transmission. It indicates threats, which appeare before modern family: poverty, consum values, sex conflict, lonlyness, alcoholism, the drug habit, delinquency, prostitution

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Ewa Gębicka

Media Management, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 51 - 62


Problems of managing the process of film production In the new media environment and the realities of Polish cinema

The author points out that economic efficiency and social functioning film industry is currently in an increasingly competitive market depends to a great extent on the skilful  management of the implementation process and sell the film by its producer. This also applies to Polish cinema, which since 1989 has begun to develop the structure of the model of Western producers. Article presents the specificity of the investment process of the film, the course covers the basic stages of production and key decisions taken by the producer from the project preparation and collection for this purpose funds through supervision  over the implementation up to the final finished work and putting it up for distribution. Discussion of this issues, the author situates in the context of the possibilities that offers film producers access to new media

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Andrzej Mirski

Media Management, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 63 - 84

Nowadays values plays important role in the modern management. The essence of management values in the company is taking care by managers about the most important values, putting them on, promoting, compliance and control. The values in the field of management of the company can be, according to the author of the article into three main groups: 1. the values in the moral sense: set standards and norms of behavior, 2. the values in terms of utility, primarily concerning the product, 3. the values in economic terms, which include the value of the product, achieved, as well as the value of the firm. There is only one, according to the author of this paper a way to permanently improve the quality and attractiveness of information (as well as the media company’s reputation), namely, that the information will become real creative and cultural goods. At the time when the information produced and distributed by the media company will have the character and quality of cultural and creative goods, acquire the nature of public goods, giving positive externalities. As such, should benefit from public support perspective, as it happens with culture and education institutions.
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