Pierwszy tom „Rocznika Przemyskiego” ukazał się w 1912 r. Został wydrukowany w przemyskiej drukarni Jana Łazora w nakładzie 500 egzemplarzy i zawierał pracę Jana Smołki pt. Powstanie wielkopolskie przeciwko Szwedom w latach 1655-1657 oraz część sprawozdawczą dotyczącą działalności Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk w Przemyślu i jego agend oraz wykaz członków Towarzystwa. Kolejne tomy Rocznika przed 1939 r. ukazały się w latach 1913, 1924, 1925, 1927 (tomy II-VII). Publikowano w nich głównie rozprawy z zakresu historii średniowiecznej i nowożytnej oraz sprawozdania Dyrekcji i kasowe TPN. Periodyk do 1927 roku ukazywał się pod tytułem „Rocznik Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk w Przemyślu”. Tomu VIII z powodu braku środków finansowych nie wydrukowano (jego wydanie było planowane na rok 1936).
W „Roczniku Przemyskim Historia” publikowane są artykuły z zakresu szeroko pojętej historii i kultury głównie z terenów obecnej Polski południowo-wschodniej oraz wschodniego pogranicza dawnej Rzeczpospolitej, tzw. Kresów Wschodnich, od średniowiecza do współczesności. Ideą czasopisma jest nowoczesne i interdyscyplinarne spojrzenie na zagadnienia historii i kultury.
Oprócz recenzowanych artykułów naukowych w czasopiśmie są publikowane także edycje interesujących źródeł historycznych, polemiki, artykuły recenzyjne i recenzje aktualnych opracowań oraz sprawozdania dotyczące działalności wydawcy – Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk w Przemyślu.
Pierwszy „powojenny” tom „Rocznika Przemyskiego” ukazał się w 1959 r. Następne numery czasopisma zawierały przede wszystkim prace historyczne, jak również rozprawy z zakresu archeologii i etnografii. W kolejnych tomach ukazywały się artykuły z różnych dziedzin, najczęściej w porządku: archeologia, historia, językoznawstwo i literaturoznawstwo, nauki przyrodnicze, techniczne i pedagogiczne, a więc z dziedzin obejmujących działalność Towarzystwa.
W 1994 r. ukazał się podwójny tom Rocznika (nr 29-30) składający się z 8 zeszytów obejmujących prace z takich dyscyplin naukowych jak: archeologia, historia języka i literatury, historia oświaty i wychowania, nauki przyrodnicze, nauki rolnicze i nauki medyczne oraz dwa zeszyty uzupełniające – jeden zawierał Kronikę TPN za lata 1987-1993 (z. 9), a drugi – Bibliografię zawartości „Rocznika Przemyskiego” za lata 1909-1911-1993/1994 (z. 10). Następne numery „Rocznika Przemyskiego” ukazywały się już w podziale na tematyczne zeszyty.
Podział „Rocznika Przemyskiego” na zeszyty – wydawane od roku 1995 odrębnie – utrzymuje się do dziś. Po 1995 r. opublikowano poszczególne zeszyty „Rocznika Przemyskiego” reprezentujące: archeologię, historię, historię wojskowości, literaturę i język, historię sztuki, nauki przyrodnicze i nauki rolnicze, nauki pedagogiczne, socjologię. W ramach Rocznika Przemyskiego ukazywały sie również zeszyty dotyczące nauk medycznych, które tworzyły Acta Medica Premisliensia. Obecnie regularnie ukazują się zeszyty: Historia, Historia Wojskowości, Literatura i Język oraz Nauki Przyrodnicze.
Czasopismo dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury.
ISSN: 2449-7347
eISSN: 2720-4790
MNiSW points: 20
UIC ID: 201022
DOI: 10.4467/24497347RPH
Editorial team
Society of Friends of Science in Przemyśl
Language Editor: Monika Kulesza
Statistical Editor: Mateusz Wyżga
Editor-in-Chief: Tomasz Pudłocki, Maria Stinia, Wiktor Szymborski, Arkadiusz S. Więch
Tomasz Pudłocki , Arkadiusz Stanisław Więch
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 3 - 7 Rogowska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 9 - 22 Krzysztof Nowak
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 23 - 52 Krzysztof Sitnik
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 53 - 89 Lecyk
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 91 - 116ł Wójcik
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 117 - 135 Dawid Majus
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 137 - 151ławomir Kułacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 153 - 169łażej Szyszkowski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 171 - 213 Pudłocki
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 215 - 232ław Maj
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 233 - 267 Stojak-Pomykacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 269 - 307 Wodzińska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 309 - 343łomiej Gapiński
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 345 - 367 Hofman
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 369 - 380 Stanisław Więch
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 381 - 396ért Ernő Marton
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 397 - 401 Pomykacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 403 - 409 Sajnóg
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 411 - 418 Wanda Olszowska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 419 - 423 Iwaneczko
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 425 - 429 Pudłocki , Arkadiusz Stanisław Więch
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 3 - 7 Rogowska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 9 - 22 Krzysztof Nowak
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 23 - 52 Krzysztof Sitnik
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 53 - 89 Lecyk
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 91 - 116ł Wójcik
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 117 - 135 Dawid Majus
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 137 - 151ławomir Kułacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 153 - 169łażej Szyszkowski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 171 - 213 Pudłocki
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 215 - 232ław Maj
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 233 - 267 Stojak-Pomykacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 269 - 307 Wodzińska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 309 - 343łomiej Gapiński
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 345 - 367 Hofman
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 369 - 380 Stanisław Więch
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 381 - 396ért Ernő Marton
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 397 - 401 Pomykacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 403 - 409 Sajnóg
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 411 - 418 Wanda Olszowska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 419 - 423 Iwaneczko
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 425 - 429 date: 2023
Tomasz Pudłocki
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 3 - 7 author presents the alterations the title periodical has faced in recent years. In an effort to meet the transformations Polish scientific journals have been undergoing, in 2016 the “Rocznik Przemyski” was turned into a publishing series with individual periodicals. An international board of editors was appointed, as well as a Scientific Council and a group of reviewers. “Rocznik Przemyski. Historia” has been listed in several international data bases and its electronic version is available at the Portal Czasopism Naukowych (Scientific Journals Online). Recent years have also seen three special issues of the journal. The author discusses the content of the current issue and explains why it is unusual.
Gellért Ernő Marton
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 9 - 34 goal of this paper is to present some new sources as part of a greater project, the collecting of Baron Péter Koháry’s correspondence and other sources of his life, diplomatic as well as military administrative role, and activity. Koháry (1564–1632) was the vice-captain of Érsekújvár and vice-general of the border-fortress zone of the Cisdanubian district and mining region (1611–1632). The selection of the methods and tools to elaborate the sources and the first quantitative analysis concerning the 1620s has already been completed. Currently, the author is working on the vice-captain’s biography and sources concerning the peace process of Szőny (1627) and negotiations in Szécsény and Buda (1628–1629). More precisely, the article aims at summarising the new partial results of the research into sources concerning him. These new results can help complete and correct the data of Koháry’s biography. Furthermore, the analysis of these new sources allows for a better understanding of his life, relationships, acts, and financial status. In historical literature, a wide range of studies can be found concerning the life of Koháry’s son (István I) and grandson (István II), but research has not focused sufficiently on Péter, who established the reputation and status of the Koháry Family.
Maria Stinia
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 35 - 45 private secondary school (Realgymnasium) in Skalat operated from 1911 to 1914, and had good financial backing and support from the local community. It filled an educational gap in a district that was poorly connected to other cities. In the gymnasium Jewish students dominated quantitatively over Roman Catholics and a small group of Greek Catholics. The collection of teaching resources was systematically increased and a number of educational activities were undertaken, a school orchestra was formed, a program of excursions was developed, and a scout troop was supported. The school’s existence was brought to an end by World War I and the difficult post-war situation. It exemplified the emancipation aspirations of students coming from a provincial town, especially of Jewish origin.
Victoria Wiltos
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 47 - 68 article discusses the historical development of tourism on the Croatian island of Lošinj, which underwent a transformation from a hub for goods to a popular destination for health tourism during the winter. The paper explores the factors that contributed to the development of tourism on Lošinj and places its history in a broader context, shedding light on new medical aspirations, the Austrian authorities’ will to vitalize the Austrian Littoral, and the emergence of a new era of tourism to the sea. With over 8000 visitors arriving at the island in the Kvarner during the peak years of 1912/13, Lošinj was the first island of the Austrian Riviera where tourism had been able to develop.
Sławomir Kułacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 69 - 86 article is an attempt to reconstruct and evaluate an armed clash which took place in Central Galicia in the Autumn of 1914. The Austro-Hungarian XIV Corps lead by General Josef Roth was able to cross the River San and gained a bridgehead at Rzuchów in the face of heavy Russian resistance, but was forced to retreat after two days. Inadequate artillery support on the Austro-Hungarian side, unfavourable weather conditions and, above all, a poor choice of landing area, all lead to a defeat and the loss of over a thousand men. Russian losses amounted to a similar figure.
Błażej Szyszkowski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 87 - 114 18-19 September 1932 in Przemyśl, on the initiative of Kazimierz Osiński, head of the National Museum of the Przemyśl Region, the Association of Museums in Poland organized the 8th Convention of the Delegates of the Association of Museums in Poland. 40 participants from all over Poland took part in the convention: representatives of museums, conservators and ministry officials. During the meeting, current museological issues were discussed, e.g. problems and concepts of a regional museum (Rules and Regulations of the Regional Museum Section were adopted) and protection of sacred monuments. The major point on the agenda, however, was passing a bill of the law on protection of public museums and an executive directive to that law. Papers were delivered by delegates Józef Kupka, Jan Lauterbach, Rev. Stefan Momidłowski and Kazimierz Osiński. The Convention was complete with a concert of the orchestra of the Przemyśl Musical Society and a tour of the town’s museums and monuments (the National Museum of the Przemyśl Region, the Diocesan Museum and the Krasiczyn Castle). The event considerably enhanced the reputation of Przemyśl in the Polish museum world.
Arkadiusz Stanisław Więch
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 115 - 127 chronicles are extremely significant and interesting source materials for examining the history of local communities in former Galicia. The author presents the requirements parish chronicles had to meet in the Galicia period as well as discussing their usual content, referring to examples from various chronicles.
Ewa Grin-Piszczek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 129 - 140 the State Archives in Przemyśl there are chronicles from parishes of the Latin rite and from Greek-Catholic parishes. They are documents from the parishes in Tartaków and Wojniłów which belonged to the Lviv Archdiocese, located in fonds no. 2441 “Parish files and register books of the Lviv Archdiocese and Przemyśl diocese of the Roman-Catholic rite”. The chronicles of Greek-Catholic parishes in the fonds of the Przemyśl Archives are represented by: a chronicle of the parish in Dębno (the Leżajsk district), Grab, and a chronicle from the parish in Smolnik near Lutowiska. This paper presents general information on the chronicles, their appearance, the chronicler, the content and the manner of writing. The analysis of the preserved parish chronicles in the fonds of the State Archives in Przemyśl allow to decide that the manner of keeping them depended largely on the involvement and ingenuity of their authors.
Grzegorz Klebowicz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 141 - 155 paper is a synthetic presentation of the contents of parish websites and Facebook profiles in terms of historical information posted online. For the purposes of the analysis, a representative group of one-third parishes of the Archdiocese of Przemyśl has been selected (125 out of 392). The research lasted from April to early June 2022. The analysis showed that 64% of the parishes had their own websites, another 8% (without a website) had a Facebook profile, and 28% of the examined parishes remained offline. Within the group of parishes with their own websites, 84% included historical information in the form of texts of considerably varied size and quality, prepared for the purposes of the website. Some of the texts had a quality of reliable scientific monographs. In rare cases calendars of events from the parish life or parish chronicles were found. Parish Facebook profiles were hardly ever used for publishing historical content.
Łukasz Podolak
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 157 - 174 article deals with the image of post-war administration in the eyes of the authors of the parish chronicles from Oleszyce and Przeworsk. The influence of administration on life of both authors was examined, and a comparison was made of administration in both chronicles at the same time. Its assessment in the period up to 1947 is completely different for both circuit breakers. Rev. Penc from Przeworsk was struck as a foreign element imposed on the authorities. Rev. Mroczkowski from Oleszyce, who operates in an area where the main threat of the OUN/UPA exists, has a completely different opinion about the supreme authorities. A counterweight to the Ukrainian underground are Home Army soldiers, who are expected to join the ranks of citizen militias, as well as district and municipal administrations. He is also the author of the Oleszyce family chronicle, which is responsible for its development because it includes members of the Polish anti-communist conspiracy. In comparison to the situation in Przeworsk, this power is not exerted oppressively towards the parish priest. What’s more, Rev. Mroczkowski co-created it himself, sitting on the Presidium of the District National Council in Lubaczów. The situation changed dramatically in 1947, when the administration in Oleszyce, as in the entire Lubaczów district, was taken over by communists. Since then, the threats of both chroniclers, as well as their basic power, being active.
Ewa Grin-Piszczek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 175 - 183 the years 1874–1877 Mieczysław Błażowski took up the job of organizing the Przemyśl municipal files. The result of his work was the development of the Catalogue of the State Archives of the Royal City of Przemyśl. It has the form of a book and is currently kept at the National Archive in Przemyśl in the fonds “Files of the city of Przemyśl”, sign. 2388. Apart from the catalogue of archival material Błażowski developed a list of printed works titled „The list of printed works found in the archives”. The list was later complemented by Błażowski’s successors at the position of the city archivist – Kazimierz Górski and Tadeusz Troskolański. “The list of printed works…” has 95 items and contains printed works which the fonds obtained by way of donations or purchases. Taking the position of the city archivist in 1911, Tadeusz Troskolański began developing a professional archive library, e.g. through purchasing publications on paleography and diplomacy
Adam Korczyński , Ewa Skotniczna
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 185 - 202 1929 Karol Lanckoroński (1848–1933) donated his collection of scientific photographs to the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. Among the photographs of works of art and archeological relics in that collection we can also find prints of ethnographic nature, including photographs by Alfred Silkiewicz, a photographer with connections in Ternopil. On 6 July 1887 the heir to the throne Archduke Rudolph visited Ternopil and saw an ethnographic exhibition designed specially for his visit in the municipal garden. The central figures of the exhibition were residents of minor towns of Eastern Galicia brought to Ternopil, dressed in regional costumes. The text focuses on the circumstances of taking those photographs and on their significance as a source for researching the history of Galicia and its residents.
Bartłomiej Wołyniec
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 203 - 213 history, including histories of parishes as centres of religious but also social and cultural life, have long been the focus of interest of both historians, history lovers and local patriots. This is also the case of the parish in Rybna, which has recently become the theme of a monograph – of popular-science nature, though based on extensive archive research. Even though it does not exhaust the theme of the history of that village and parish near Cracow, it is a perfect point of reference for this paper. The 19th century was very significant for the history of the Rybna parish: among others, a new church was built there in the first quarter of that century. That is why the sources from that period are pretty significant, if not fundamental in many aspects. The documents developed at that time are now kept in several institutions, of which the most important are the Archive of the Metropolitan Curia in Cracow and the National Archive in Cracow. This paper discusses the materials kept there.
Łukasz Chrobak
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 215 - 236 1870 memorandum |by Rev. Václav Štulc to the Prime Minister Alfred Józef Potocki Reverend Václav Štulc, a Czech independence activist, a Polonophile, was pretty familiar with aristocratic elites in Galicia. He maintained particularly close contacts with princes Lubomirski from Przeworsk. After the Austrian Empire had turned into the dualistic Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, he joined the circle of those Czechs who wanted Vienna to acknowledge their aspirations to independence or grant them the status of the third power in the country next to Austria and Hungary. Štulc wrote a sort of a memorandum to Alfred Józef Potocki, the then Prime Minister in the Austrian government, requesting his support for the Czech efforts. In that letter he justified the legitimacy of establishing Austria-Hungary-Bohemia and he warned against Czech separatism which could turn towards Germany or Russia, which could bring about a serious military conflict.
Tomasz Mames
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 237 - 264 mariavitana, i.e. archive materials and book collections on the Mariavite Church are the focus of interest not only of the researchers of that denomination but also other Christian currents. They are a valuable source of information on the doctrine, history and context of functioning of minority churches in the mosaic of denominations in Poland. Although there are no Mariavite centers in Galicia, we can find mariavitana both in Galician archives and publishing houses. On the other hand, Galician printed works are an integral part of the remains of Mariavite libraries. This paper is a contribution to the research on the links between the Mariavite activity in the then Congress Kingdom of Poland and its reception in Galicia. Another suggestion for further research is the reception by the Mariavites of theological literature published in Galicia.
Adrian Uliasz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 265 - 286 paper presents an eminent Polish librarian and historian Fryderyk Papée (1856–1940). He was a long-time staff member and later deputy head of the University Library in Lviv. In the years 1905–1926 he was the head of the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków. The paper discusses Papée’s services as a reformer of those two libraries as well as the Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Czartoryski Library in Kraków. The author also presents Papée’s contribution to erecting new buildings of the University Library in Lviv and the Jagiellonian Library.
Andrzej Edward Godek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 287 - 317 villages of Dobrzechów, Wysoka Strzyżowska and Oparówka were the property of the Cistercian monastery in Koprzywnica since the Middle Ages. After the First Partition, these areas were taken over by the Austrian authorities as chamber estates. In 1789, as a result of the exchange, the villages became the property of Ignacy Skrzyński, and then of his son Franciszek Ksawery Skrzyński. In 1842, the daughter of the latter - Teofila Koźmianowa née Skrzyński - was installed as the owner of the village. As a result of her premature death in 1852, an economic inventory was prepared in favor of court inheritance proceedings, covering all farms and manor buildings, with a detailed description of the buildings located within them. The source is the only such detailed description of the villages in question preserved, and a significant part of the objects listed in it were destroyed in the 19th or early 20th century.
Leszek Zaraska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 319 - 336 article is a critical edition of the memoirs of Karol Monné, a figure of great merit for Przemyśl, city councilor, railway inspector, a participant of the January Uprising, member of many associations and institutions, finally father of Wanda Monné – poet, translator and sculptor, fiancée of artist Artur Grottger. This document, never published before, is a valuable source of information about Karol Monné’s youth, the circumstances in which he got his education, his social and professional activities before he settled permanently in Przemyśl, and above all, his failed marriage to Wanda’s mother – Kordula Wentz. The author pays particular attention to Joanna Przybysławska, with whom Karol became involved after parting with Kordula, as well as to his children from that relationship. The published source can be treated as an important contribution to the biography of Karol Monné, which has not yet been developed.
Barbara Bonar CHR, Marcin A. Klemenski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 337 - 349 the Scientific Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow there are rich collections of correspondence of famous people, including those connected with Przemyśl. In this paper the authors analyze 12 letters of Bishop Józef Sebastian Pelczar to Stanisław Tomkowicz of the years 1886–1916. They concern various matters: from religious art to the maintenance works in the Przemyśl Cathedral to political matters. They are a valuable testimony to the extensive interests of the Przemyśl Bishop.
Ewa Grin-Piszczek, Marcin Marynowski, Tomasz Zając
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 351 - 376 Ziomek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 377 - 384 Pudłocki
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 385 - 390 Dariusz Mames
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 391 - 397 Jacek Lis
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 399 - 403 Edward Godek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 405 - 409 Węglewicz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 411 - 415ł Wilczewski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 417 - 419 Pudłocki
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 3 - 7 author presents the alterations the title periodical has faced in recent years. In an effort to meet the transformations Polish scientific journals have been undergoing, in 2016 the “Rocznik Przemyski” was turned into a publishing series with individual periodicals. An international board of editors was appointed, as well as a Scientific Council and a group of reviewers. “Rocznik Przemyski. Historia” has been listed in several international data bases and its electronic version is available at the Portal Czasopism Naukowych (Scientific Journals Online). Recent years have also seen three special issues of the journal. The author discusses the content of the current issue and explains why it is unusual.
Gellért Ernő Marton
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 9 - 34 goal of this paper is to present some new sources as part of a greater project, the collecting of Baron Péter Koháry’s correspondence and other sources of his life, diplomatic as well as military administrative role, and activity. Koháry (1564–1632) was the vice-captain of Érsekújvár and vice-general of the border-fortress zone of the Cisdanubian district and mining region (1611–1632). The selection of the methods and tools to elaborate the sources and the first quantitative analysis concerning the 1620s has already been completed. Currently, the author is working on the vice-captain’s biography and sources concerning the peace process of Szőny (1627) and negotiations in Szécsény and Buda (1628–1629). More precisely, the article aims at summarising the new partial results of the research into sources concerning him. These new results can help complete and correct the data of Koháry’s biography. Furthermore, the analysis of these new sources allows for a better understanding of his life, relationships, acts, and financial status. In historical literature, a wide range of studies can be found concerning the life of Koháry’s son (István I) and grandson (István II), but research has not focused sufficiently on Péter, who established the reputation and status of the Koháry Family.
Maria Stinia
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 35 - 45 private secondary school (Realgymnasium) in Skalat operated from 1911 to 1914, and had good financial backing and support from the local community. It filled an educational gap in a district that was poorly connected to other cities. In the gymnasium Jewish students dominated quantitatively over Roman Catholics and a small group of Greek Catholics. The collection of teaching resources was systematically increased and a number of educational activities were undertaken, a school orchestra was formed, a program of excursions was developed, and a scout troop was supported. The school’s existence was brought to an end by World War I and the difficult post-war situation. It exemplified the emancipation aspirations of students coming from a provincial town, especially of Jewish origin.
Victoria Wiltos
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 47 - 68 article discusses the historical development of tourism on the Croatian island of Lošinj, which underwent a transformation from a hub for goods to a popular destination for health tourism during the winter. The paper explores the factors that contributed to the development of tourism on Lošinj and places its history in a broader context, shedding light on new medical aspirations, the Austrian authorities’ will to vitalize the Austrian Littoral, and the emergence of a new era of tourism to the sea. With over 8000 visitors arriving at the island in the Kvarner during the peak years of 1912/13, Lošinj was the first island of the Austrian Riviera where tourism had been able to develop.
Sławomir Kułacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 69 - 86 article is an attempt to reconstruct and evaluate an armed clash which took place in Central Galicia in the Autumn of 1914. The Austro-Hungarian XIV Corps lead by General Josef Roth was able to cross the River San and gained a bridgehead at Rzuchów in the face of heavy Russian resistance, but was forced to retreat after two days. Inadequate artillery support on the Austro-Hungarian side, unfavourable weather conditions and, above all, a poor choice of landing area, all lead to a defeat and the loss of over a thousand men. Russian losses amounted to a similar figure.
Błażej Szyszkowski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 87 - 114 18-19 September 1932 in Przemyśl, on the initiative of Kazimierz Osiński, head of the National Museum of the Przemyśl Region, the Association of Museums in Poland organized the 8th Convention of the Delegates of the Association of Museums in Poland. 40 participants from all over Poland took part in the convention: representatives of museums, conservators and ministry officials. During the meeting, current museological issues were discussed, e.g. problems and concepts of a regional museum (Rules and Regulations of the Regional Museum Section were adopted) and protection of sacred monuments. The major point on the agenda, however, was passing a bill of the law on protection of public museums and an executive directive to that law. Papers were delivered by delegates Józef Kupka, Jan Lauterbach, Rev. Stefan Momidłowski and Kazimierz Osiński. The Convention was complete with a concert of the orchestra of the Przemyśl Musical Society and a tour of the town’s museums and monuments (the National Museum of the Przemyśl Region, the Diocesan Museum and the Krasiczyn Castle). The event considerably enhanced the reputation of Przemyśl in the Polish museum world.
Arkadiusz Stanisław Więch
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 115 - 127 chronicles are extremely significant and interesting source materials for examining the history of local communities in former Galicia. The author presents the requirements parish chronicles had to meet in the Galicia period as well as discussing their usual content, referring to examples from various chronicles.
Ewa Grin-Piszczek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 129 - 140 the State Archives in Przemyśl there are chronicles from parishes of the Latin rite and from Greek-Catholic parishes. They are documents from the parishes in Tartaków and Wojniłów which belonged to the Lviv Archdiocese, located in fonds no. 2441 “Parish files and register books of the Lviv Archdiocese and Przemyśl diocese of the Roman-Catholic rite”. The chronicles of Greek-Catholic parishes in the fonds of the Przemyśl Archives are represented by: a chronicle of the parish in Dębno (the Leżajsk district), Grab, and a chronicle from the parish in Smolnik near Lutowiska. This paper presents general information on the chronicles, their appearance, the chronicler, the content and the manner of writing. The analysis of the preserved parish chronicles in the fonds of the State Archives in Przemyśl allow to decide that the manner of keeping them depended largely on the involvement and ingenuity of their authors.
Grzegorz Klebowicz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 141 - 155 paper is a synthetic presentation of the contents of parish websites and Facebook profiles in terms of historical information posted online. For the purposes of the analysis, a representative group of one-third parishes of the Archdiocese of Przemyśl has been selected (125 out of 392). The research lasted from April to early June 2022. The analysis showed that 64% of the parishes had their own websites, another 8% (without a website) had a Facebook profile, and 28% of the examined parishes remained offline. Within the group of parishes with their own websites, 84% included historical information in the form of texts of considerably varied size and quality, prepared for the purposes of the website. Some of the texts had a quality of reliable scientific monographs. In rare cases calendars of events from the parish life or parish chronicles were found. Parish Facebook profiles were hardly ever used for publishing historical content.
Łukasz Podolak
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 157 - 174 article deals with the image of post-war administration in the eyes of the authors of the parish chronicles from Oleszyce and Przeworsk. The influence of administration on life of both authors was examined, and a comparison was made of administration in both chronicles at the same time. Its assessment in the period up to 1947 is completely different for both circuit breakers. Rev. Penc from Przeworsk was struck as a foreign element imposed on the authorities. Rev. Mroczkowski from Oleszyce, who operates in an area where the main threat of the OUN/UPA exists, has a completely different opinion about the supreme authorities. A counterweight to the Ukrainian underground are Home Army soldiers, who are expected to join the ranks of citizen militias, as well as district and municipal administrations. He is also the author of the Oleszyce family chronicle, which is responsible for its development because it includes members of the Polish anti-communist conspiracy. In comparison to the situation in Przeworsk, this power is not exerted oppressively towards the parish priest. What’s more, Rev. Mroczkowski co-created it himself, sitting on the Presidium of the District National Council in Lubaczów. The situation changed dramatically in 1947, when the administration in Oleszyce, as in the entire Lubaczów district, was taken over by communists. Since then, the threats of both chroniclers, as well as their basic power, being active.
Ewa Grin-Piszczek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 175 - 183 the years 1874–1877 Mieczysław Błażowski took up the job of organizing the Przemyśl municipal files. The result of his work was the development of the Catalogue of the State Archives of the Royal City of Przemyśl. It has the form of a book and is currently kept at the National Archive in Przemyśl in the fonds “Files of the city of Przemyśl”, sign. 2388. Apart from the catalogue of archival material Błażowski developed a list of printed works titled „The list of printed works found in the archives”. The list was later complemented by Błażowski’s successors at the position of the city archivist – Kazimierz Górski and Tadeusz Troskolański. “The list of printed works…” has 95 items and contains printed works which the fonds obtained by way of donations or purchases. Taking the position of the city archivist in 1911, Tadeusz Troskolański began developing a professional archive library, e.g. through purchasing publications on paleography and diplomacy
Adam Korczyński , Ewa Skotniczna
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 185 - 202 1929 Karol Lanckoroński (1848–1933) donated his collection of scientific photographs to the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. Among the photographs of works of art and archeological relics in that collection we can also find prints of ethnographic nature, including photographs by Alfred Silkiewicz, a photographer with connections in Ternopil. On 6 July 1887 the heir to the throne Archduke Rudolph visited Ternopil and saw an ethnographic exhibition designed specially for his visit in the municipal garden. The central figures of the exhibition were residents of minor towns of Eastern Galicia brought to Ternopil, dressed in regional costumes. The text focuses on the circumstances of taking those photographs and on their significance as a source for researching the history of Galicia and its residents.
Bartłomiej Wołyniec
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 203 - 213 history, including histories of parishes as centres of religious but also social and cultural life, have long been the focus of interest of both historians, history lovers and local patriots. This is also the case of the parish in Rybna, which has recently become the theme of a monograph – of popular-science nature, though based on extensive archive research. Even though it does not exhaust the theme of the history of that village and parish near Cracow, it is a perfect point of reference for this paper. The 19th century was very significant for the history of the Rybna parish: among others, a new church was built there in the first quarter of that century. That is why the sources from that period are pretty significant, if not fundamental in many aspects. The documents developed at that time are now kept in several institutions, of which the most important are the Archive of the Metropolitan Curia in Cracow and the National Archive in Cracow. This paper discusses the materials kept there.
Łukasz Chrobak
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 215 - 236 1870 memorandum |by Rev. Václav Štulc to the Prime Minister Alfred Józef Potocki Reverend Václav Štulc, a Czech independence activist, a Polonophile, was pretty familiar with aristocratic elites in Galicia. He maintained particularly close contacts with princes Lubomirski from Przeworsk. After the Austrian Empire had turned into the dualistic Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, he joined the circle of those Czechs who wanted Vienna to acknowledge their aspirations to independence or grant them the status of the third power in the country next to Austria and Hungary. Štulc wrote a sort of a memorandum to Alfred Józef Potocki, the then Prime Minister in the Austrian government, requesting his support for the Czech efforts. In that letter he justified the legitimacy of establishing Austria-Hungary-Bohemia and he warned against Czech separatism which could turn towards Germany or Russia, which could bring about a serious military conflict.
Tomasz Mames
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 237 - 264 mariavitana, i.e. archive materials and book collections on the Mariavite Church are the focus of interest not only of the researchers of that denomination but also other Christian currents. They are a valuable source of information on the doctrine, history and context of functioning of minority churches in the mosaic of denominations in Poland. Although there are no Mariavite centers in Galicia, we can find mariavitana both in Galician archives and publishing houses. On the other hand, Galician printed works are an integral part of the remains of Mariavite libraries. This paper is a contribution to the research on the links between the Mariavite activity in the then Congress Kingdom of Poland and its reception in Galicia. Another suggestion for further research is the reception by the Mariavites of theological literature published in Galicia.
Adrian Uliasz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 265 - 286 paper presents an eminent Polish librarian and historian Fryderyk Papée (1856–1940). He was a long-time staff member and later deputy head of the University Library in Lviv. In the years 1905–1926 he was the head of the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków. The paper discusses Papée’s services as a reformer of those two libraries as well as the Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Czartoryski Library in Kraków. The author also presents Papée’s contribution to erecting new buildings of the University Library in Lviv and the Jagiellonian Library.
Andrzej Edward Godek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 287 - 317 villages of Dobrzechów, Wysoka Strzyżowska and Oparówka were the property of the Cistercian monastery in Koprzywnica since the Middle Ages. After the First Partition, these areas were taken over by the Austrian authorities as chamber estates. In 1789, as a result of the exchange, the villages became the property of Ignacy Skrzyński, and then of his son Franciszek Ksawery Skrzyński. In 1842, the daughter of the latter - Teofila Koźmianowa née Skrzyński - was installed as the owner of the village. As a result of her premature death in 1852, an economic inventory was prepared in favor of court inheritance proceedings, covering all farms and manor buildings, with a detailed description of the buildings located within them. The source is the only such detailed description of the villages in question preserved, and a significant part of the objects listed in it were destroyed in the 19th or early 20th century.
Leszek Zaraska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 319 - 336 article is a critical edition of the memoirs of Karol Monné, a figure of great merit for Przemyśl, city councilor, railway inspector, a participant of the January Uprising, member of many associations and institutions, finally father of Wanda Monné – poet, translator and sculptor, fiancée of artist Artur Grottger. This document, never published before, is a valuable source of information about Karol Monné’s youth, the circumstances in which he got his education, his social and professional activities before he settled permanently in Przemyśl, and above all, his failed marriage to Wanda’s mother – Kordula Wentz. The author pays particular attention to Joanna Przybysławska, with whom Karol became involved after parting with Kordula, as well as to his children from that relationship. The published source can be treated as an important contribution to the biography of Karol Monné, which has not yet been developed.
Barbara Bonar CHR, Marcin A. Klemenski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 337 - 349 the Scientific Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow there are rich collections of correspondence of famous people, including those connected with Przemyśl. In this paper the authors analyze 12 letters of Bishop Józef Sebastian Pelczar to Stanisław Tomkowicz of the years 1886–1916. They concern various matters: from religious art to the maintenance works in the Przemyśl Cathedral to political matters. They are a valuable testimony to the extensive interests of the Przemyśl Bishop.
Ewa Grin-Piszczek, Marcin Marynowski, Tomasz Zając
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 351 - 376 Ziomek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 377 - 384 Pudłocki
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 385 - 390 Dariusz Mames
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 391 - 397 Jacek Lis
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 399 - 403 Edward Godek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 405 - 409 Węglewicz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 411 - 415ł Wilczewski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (29) 2023, 2023, pp. 417 - 419 date: 12.2022
Issue Editors: Łukasz Chrobak, Tomasz Pudłocki
Tomasz Pudłocki
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 5 - 16 article describes the links connecting Polish historian Andrzej Chwalba, professionally connected with the Jagiellonian University, with Przemyśl and its academic milieu. The author shows to what extent personal relationships, the town’s history and the work as a lecturer at the East European State Higher School in Przemyśl had influenced Professor Chwalba’s activity in the local community. The articles is also an attempt to justify awarding Prof. Chwalba with the title of an Honorary Member of the TPN Society of the Friends of Learning and dedicating to him the current volume of the Rocznik Przemyski (History) periodical.
Małgorzata Karpińska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 17 - 28 paper, discussing the diaries of Karol Sienkiewicz and Piotr Kopczyński, presents their attitude to the material culture of Western Europe in the first three decades of the 19th century. Both men were graduates of the Volhynian Gimnazjum in Krzemieniec (Kremenets). They found themselves in the West for different reasons and in different times. Sienkiewicz, sent to England in 1821, was supposed to broaden his horizons and search for material connected with Poland. Kopczyński left for France in 1831 out of fear of repressive measures for the participation in the November Uprising. The article is supposed to show how the Kremenets-based education of both schoolmates influenced their perception of reality and attitude to material culture of France and England, changing because of the Industrial Revolution.
Łukasz Chrobak
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 29 - 50 relationships have long been a subject of thorough research. Rev. Václav Štulc, equally with the poet Zygmunt Krasiński, was Prince Jerzy Lubomirski’s friend until the latter’s death. They had known each other since university and used to visit each other for many years . With time their contact became very close and the Czech became almost a member of the princely family. This paper indicates the nature of their correspondence and its themes. The author emphasizes the important role Rev. Štulc played in the Lubomirski family. We learn about the personal problems of the Princes Lubomirski, their economic plans and political views. The article analyzes the correspondence between the Lubomirskis and Štulc and aims to partially reconstruct the social contacts in the salons of Kraków and Przeworsk. Besides, it allows us to look at Polish-Czech relations from the point of view of microhistory.
Anna Kozimala
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 51 - 86 article deals with the phenomenon of Polish emigration to Brazil based on “Diaries of Emigrants”. The author analyses the daily life of emigrants, their culture and formation of Polish settlements in Brazil. Moreover, the article discusses multiple attempts to migrate to Brazil, waves of refugees and the phenomenon of “Brazilian fever”. The article also describes material conditions, opportunities to earn money and work for Polish emigrants, who did not know the Portuguese language.
Mateusz Olejnik
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 87 - 102 1867 in Lviv the Polish Gymnastic Society was established, adopting two years later the name “Sokół” (The Falcon). Since 1884, the “Falcon” societies started to be set up outside Lviv, then outside the Austrian partition and in Polish communities in Europe and both Americas. Between the wars there were over 800 of them in the Republic of Poland. Their activity in Poland was only stopped by the outbreak of the Second World War. Despite their name, those societies ran a very diverse activity. Thanks to their broad offer including gymnastics, sports, civil defense training, drama groups, choirs, orchestras, cinemas and libraries, patriotic, social and light entertainment events, as well as extensive infrastructure facilities like The Falcon buildings, playgrounds, shooting ranges, pools etc., the Falcon “nests” used to become local centers of social and cultural life. This article outlines the annual cycle of the Falcon activity, including the seasons of the year, particularly in the first half of the 20th c.
Marcin Marynowski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 103 - 142 period of the Galician autonomy 1867-1914 was favorable to the increase of social awareness in the society of Bochnia, as well as the increasing involvement of the inhabitants in the life of the town. One of the main factors which shaped the national character of the society was the introduction of the Polish language in 1867 in folk and high schools. Two years later, in 1869, the Polish language became the official language in administration and the judiciary. In the town celebrations took place, commemorating significant anniversaries in Polish history, but there were also some solemn moments proving loyalty to the Austrian emperor.
The paper cross-sectionally presents selected issues relating to the society of Bochnia in the period of autonomy. It mentions pre-autonomy events that influenced the development of social awareness in the town during the period in question. Social attitudes are illustrated by descriptions of ceremonial events that took place at that time. In the town, there were a lot of changes that improved the life of its inhabitants. Particular chapters deal with the topics of maintaining order in the town, the importance of Bochnia’s cemetery, which became an important place of remembrance for society, and the presence of Jews in Bochnia. They testify to the planned activities, which were to bring numerable benefits to Bochnia and its inhabitants in the discussed period. Useful for assessment of social mentality are the fragments showing the intertwining of urban and rural features of the town’s inhabitants, which can be noticed also in the chapter about the impact of Cracow on the society of Bochnia. The outbreak of the war in 1914 marked the end of long decades of a peaceful life for the town and its inhabitants.
Grzegorz Klebowicz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 143 - 156 article discusses the publishing activity of the Society of the Friends of Learning in Przemyśl (TPN) from its establishment in 1909 until the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939. Publishing academic works was one of the TPN statutory goals beside e.g. running a museum, a library, an archive, conducting archaeological work and activity promoting various fields of knowledge. Despite lack of a specialized publishing agenda, thanks to voluntary work of a few people, particularly the historian Jan Smołka, the TPN published valuable editions of sources, archival aids and monographs. Seven volumes of the “Rocznik TPN” periodical were also published with over a dozen articles, mainly in the field of history and related disciplines. The authors of the TPN publications were mainly local researchers as well as academics from Lviv and Kraków. Thanks to its management of the town’s archive material and the library with an extensive book collection, the Society created conditions for carrying out historical research.
Przemysław Matusik
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 157 - 172 the example of Poznań, the article takes up the question of the connection between the development of research on the history of particular cities and their institutional establishment. Here, beside universities, a major role was also played by archives, libraries, academic and urban societies, as well as editorial offices of the periodicals they published. In the case of Poznań, which in the 19th century did not have a university, research on the city was inspired mainly by the German historical society. Between the wars, although the university had already been established, the initiating role was still played by local non-academic circles, gathered around the “Kronika Miasta Poznania” chronicle published by the Poznań city hall. After 1945, an ever increasing role was played by the university academic milieu, whose representatives carried out in the 1980s/1990s various publishing projects, creating and strengthening the group of researchers dealing with urban themes. After 1990 they gathered again around the “Kronika Miasta Poznania”, which inspired readers to examine different aspects of the city history.
Stanisław Stępień
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 173 - 198 before the outbreak of the October Revolution in Russia, the most engaged in terms of outlook Bolsheviks expressed the need to reject bourgeoisie mentality and remove religion from social life. The attempt was made after the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. It was decided to apply “scientific methods” to religion, based on the evolution theory by Charles Darwin. On 7 February 1925 in the USSR the League of Atheists was set up, which name was in 1929 changed to the League of Militant Atheists; antireligious periodicals and a series of various brochures were published in millions of copies. One of the ways to fight religion was to eliminate Christian names from social life. Therefore, new Communist names were created, of antireligious meaning or praising the new political system and its economic successes, like: Industrin, Tractorin, Combine, Oktyabrin, and even Stalic, Stal, Stalin as well as their female counterparts: Stalina, Oktyabrina, Tractorina. Baptism was replaced with a secular ceremony called Oktyabriny (October-making) or zvyezdiny (star-making). The experiment did not stand the test of time and though some of the names created at the time have been preserved in their vestigial form, they are the main object of research by historians and linguists.
Arkadiusz Stanisław Więch
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 199 - 220ózef Wyrobek (1850-1924) is regarded to be the first historian of Dębica, a former Galician town, where he was a secondary school teacher for 20 years. So far no biography of his has been created. His two letters to Kazimierz Bartoszewicz (1852-1930), a well-known Galician author, bookseller and publisher, preserved in the State Archive, have become a pretext to having a look at that figure.
Irena Kozimala
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 221 - 238 aim of this article is to present little known memories of a Serbian officer Dragan Mihajlo Sotirovič of the 1943-1945 Lviv guerilla war. The presented account, written presumably at the order of the authorities of the Polish 2nd Corps in the West, does not bear a date. We may speculate, though, that it was created soon after the first one, dated 27 April 1946, already known in historiography. Some fragments here are identical with certain motifs of the first account. It seems that in terms of the subject matter it is rather factually reliable, as it finds confirmation also in other sources.
Jan Draus
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 239 - 248 author remembers the figure of Jozafat Kocyłowski – one of the most distinctive Przemyśl bishops of the Greek Catholic rite, and the leader of the Ukrainians from Przemyśl in the first half of the 20th century. His attitude was perceived as controversial both among the Poles (November 1918, the Second World War) and Ukrainians (the conflict about celibacy of 1925-1926); still, he is regarded to be one of the most outstanding figures of his time, owing to his organizational talent and moral and social stance. As a victim of Stalin repressions and a martyr of universal church, in 2001 he was announced Blessed by Pope John Paul II.
Jolanta Czartoryska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 249 - 254 author shares her reflections on reading books by Prof. Andrzej Chwalba and on her personal encounter with him. She starts from her own student memories and her own, different from Prof. Chwalba’s, fates, until the 2011 conference in Przemyśl dedicated to an eminent lawyer and Member of Parliament, Herman Lieberman. The author expresses her admiration for Prof. Chwalba’s hard work, ingenuity and diversity of interests.
Maria Stinia
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 255 - 262 Iwaneczko
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 263 - 266 Węglewicz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 267 - 272 Pudłocki
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 5 - 16 article describes the links connecting Polish historian Andrzej Chwalba, professionally connected with the Jagiellonian University, with Przemyśl and its academic milieu. The author shows to what extent personal relationships, the town’s history and the work as a lecturer at the East European State Higher School in Przemyśl had influenced Professor Chwalba’s activity in the local community. The articles is also an attempt to justify awarding Prof. Chwalba with the title of an Honorary Member of the TPN Society of the Friends of Learning and dedicating to him the current volume of the Rocznik Przemyski (History) periodical.
Małgorzata Karpińska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 17 - 28 paper, discussing the diaries of Karol Sienkiewicz and Piotr Kopczyński, presents their attitude to the material culture of Western Europe in the first three decades of the 19th century. Both men were graduates of the Volhynian Gimnazjum in Krzemieniec (Kremenets). They found themselves in the West for different reasons and in different times. Sienkiewicz, sent to England in 1821, was supposed to broaden his horizons and search for material connected with Poland. Kopczyński left for France in 1831 out of fear of repressive measures for the participation in the November Uprising. The article is supposed to show how the Kremenets-based education of both schoolmates influenced their perception of reality and attitude to material culture of France and England, changing because of the Industrial Revolution.
Łukasz Chrobak
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 29 - 50 relationships have long been a subject of thorough research. Rev. Václav Štulc, equally with the poet Zygmunt Krasiński, was Prince Jerzy Lubomirski’s friend until the latter’s death. They had known each other since university and used to visit each other for many years . With time their contact became very close and the Czech became almost a member of the princely family. This paper indicates the nature of their correspondence and its themes. The author emphasizes the important role Rev. Štulc played in the Lubomirski family. We learn about the personal problems of the Princes Lubomirski, their economic plans and political views. The article analyzes the correspondence between the Lubomirskis and Štulc and aims to partially reconstruct the social contacts in the salons of Kraków and Przeworsk. Besides, it allows us to look at Polish-Czech relations from the point of view of microhistory.
Anna Kozimala
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 51 - 86 article deals with the phenomenon of Polish emigration to Brazil based on “Diaries of Emigrants”. The author analyses the daily life of emigrants, their culture and formation of Polish settlements in Brazil. Moreover, the article discusses multiple attempts to migrate to Brazil, waves of refugees and the phenomenon of “Brazilian fever”. The article also describes material conditions, opportunities to earn money and work for Polish emigrants, who did not know the Portuguese language.
Mateusz Olejnik
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 87 - 102 1867 in Lviv the Polish Gymnastic Society was established, adopting two years later the name “Sokół” (The Falcon). Since 1884, the “Falcon” societies started to be set up outside Lviv, then outside the Austrian partition and in Polish communities in Europe and both Americas. Between the wars there were over 800 of them in the Republic of Poland. Their activity in Poland was only stopped by the outbreak of the Second World War. Despite their name, those societies ran a very diverse activity. Thanks to their broad offer including gymnastics, sports, civil defense training, drama groups, choirs, orchestras, cinemas and libraries, patriotic, social and light entertainment events, as well as extensive infrastructure facilities like The Falcon buildings, playgrounds, shooting ranges, pools etc., the Falcon “nests” used to become local centers of social and cultural life. This article outlines the annual cycle of the Falcon activity, including the seasons of the year, particularly in the first half of the 20th c.
Marcin Marynowski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 103 - 142 period of the Galician autonomy 1867-1914 was favorable to the increase of social awareness in the society of Bochnia, as well as the increasing involvement of the inhabitants in the life of the town. One of the main factors which shaped the national character of the society was the introduction of the Polish language in 1867 in folk and high schools. Two years later, in 1869, the Polish language became the official language in administration and the judiciary. In the town celebrations took place, commemorating significant anniversaries in Polish history, but there were also some solemn moments proving loyalty to the Austrian emperor.
The paper cross-sectionally presents selected issues relating to the society of Bochnia in the period of autonomy. It mentions pre-autonomy events that influenced the development of social awareness in the town during the period in question. Social attitudes are illustrated by descriptions of ceremonial events that took place at that time. In the town, there were a lot of changes that improved the life of its inhabitants. Particular chapters deal with the topics of maintaining order in the town, the importance of Bochnia’s cemetery, which became an important place of remembrance for society, and the presence of Jews in Bochnia. They testify to the planned activities, which were to bring numerable benefits to Bochnia and its inhabitants in the discussed period. Useful for assessment of social mentality are the fragments showing the intertwining of urban and rural features of the town’s inhabitants, which can be noticed also in the chapter about the impact of Cracow on the society of Bochnia. The outbreak of the war in 1914 marked the end of long decades of a peaceful life for the town and its inhabitants.
Grzegorz Klebowicz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 143 - 156 article discusses the publishing activity of the Society of the Friends of Learning in Przemyśl (TPN) from its establishment in 1909 until the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939. Publishing academic works was one of the TPN statutory goals beside e.g. running a museum, a library, an archive, conducting archaeological work and activity promoting various fields of knowledge. Despite lack of a specialized publishing agenda, thanks to voluntary work of a few people, particularly the historian Jan Smołka, the TPN published valuable editions of sources, archival aids and monographs. Seven volumes of the “Rocznik TPN” periodical were also published with over a dozen articles, mainly in the field of history and related disciplines. The authors of the TPN publications were mainly local researchers as well as academics from Lviv and Kraków. Thanks to its management of the town’s archive material and the library with an extensive book collection, the Society created conditions for carrying out historical research.
Przemysław Matusik
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 157 - 172 the example of Poznań, the article takes up the question of the connection between the development of research on the history of particular cities and their institutional establishment. Here, beside universities, a major role was also played by archives, libraries, academic and urban societies, as well as editorial offices of the periodicals they published. In the case of Poznań, which in the 19th century did not have a university, research on the city was inspired mainly by the German historical society. Between the wars, although the university had already been established, the initiating role was still played by local non-academic circles, gathered around the “Kronika Miasta Poznania” chronicle published by the Poznań city hall. After 1945, an ever increasing role was played by the university academic milieu, whose representatives carried out in the 1980s/1990s various publishing projects, creating and strengthening the group of researchers dealing with urban themes. After 1990 they gathered again around the “Kronika Miasta Poznania”, which inspired readers to examine different aspects of the city history.
Stanisław Stępień
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 173 - 198 before the outbreak of the October Revolution in Russia, the most engaged in terms of outlook Bolsheviks expressed the need to reject bourgeoisie mentality and remove religion from social life. The attempt was made after the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. It was decided to apply “scientific methods” to religion, based on the evolution theory by Charles Darwin. On 7 February 1925 in the USSR the League of Atheists was set up, which name was in 1929 changed to the League of Militant Atheists; antireligious periodicals and a series of various brochures were published in millions of copies. One of the ways to fight religion was to eliminate Christian names from social life. Therefore, new Communist names were created, of antireligious meaning or praising the new political system and its economic successes, like: Industrin, Tractorin, Combine, Oktyabrin, and even Stalic, Stal, Stalin as well as their female counterparts: Stalina, Oktyabrina, Tractorina. Baptism was replaced with a secular ceremony called Oktyabriny (October-making) or zvyezdiny (star-making). The experiment did not stand the test of time and though some of the names created at the time have been preserved in their vestigial form, they are the main object of research by historians and linguists.
Arkadiusz Stanisław Więch
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 199 - 220ózef Wyrobek (1850-1924) is regarded to be the first historian of Dębica, a former Galician town, where he was a secondary school teacher for 20 years. So far no biography of his has been created. His two letters to Kazimierz Bartoszewicz (1852-1930), a well-known Galician author, bookseller and publisher, preserved in the State Archive, have become a pretext to having a look at that figure.
Irena Kozimala
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 221 - 238 aim of this article is to present little known memories of a Serbian officer Dragan Mihajlo Sotirovič of the 1943-1945 Lviv guerilla war. The presented account, written presumably at the order of the authorities of the Polish 2nd Corps in the West, does not bear a date. We may speculate, though, that it was created soon after the first one, dated 27 April 1946, already known in historiography. Some fragments here are identical with certain motifs of the first account. It seems that in terms of the subject matter it is rather factually reliable, as it finds confirmation also in other sources.
Jan Draus
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 239 - 248 author remembers the figure of Jozafat Kocyłowski – one of the most distinctive Przemyśl bishops of the Greek Catholic rite, and the leader of the Ukrainians from Przemyśl in the first half of the 20th century. His attitude was perceived as controversial both among the Poles (November 1918, the Second World War) and Ukrainians (the conflict about celibacy of 1925-1926); still, he is regarded to be one of the most outstanding figures of his time, owing to his organizational talent and moral and social stance. As a victim of Stalin repressions and a martyr of universal church, in 2001 he was announced Blessed by Pope John Paul II.
Jolanta Czartoryska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 249 - 254 author shares her reflections on reading books by Prof. Andrzej Chwalba and on her personal encounter with him. She starts from her own student memories and her own, different from Prof. Chwalba’s, fates, until the 2011 conference in Przemyśl dedicated to an eminent lawyer and Member of Parliament, Herman Lieberman. The author expresses her admiration for Prof. Chwalba’s hard work, ingenuity and diversity of interests.
Maria Stinia
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 255 - 262 Iwaneczko
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 263 - 266 Węglewicz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 4 (28) 2022 - Special Isssue, 2022, pp. 267 - 272 date: 12.2021
Tomasz Dariusz Mames
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 3 - 36 the beginnings of the Mariavite Church have been quite extensively discussed in contemporary Polish historiography, the canonical and legal issues concerning the development of the structures of that denomination seem to be an insufficiently researched area. Indeed, almost all publications on the history of that movement mention particular levels of the Mariavite church and monastic administration, however they do not answer the basic question about the reasons why the Mariavite Church did not accept the episcopate or synodical system but the monastic one and adapted to congregationalism imposed by the authorities. The article, using methodology typical of historical and theological sciences, organizes the previous knowledge on the organization and system of Mariavite congregations within the Catholic Church (1887-1906), as well as at the time when the independent of Rome Mariavite Church developed (1906-1914). The author also answers the questions about possible reasons for adopting the monastic system, unique in the family of Old Catholic Churches.
Kazimiera Ewa Korzeniewska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 37 - 53 Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Dominic was founded in Wielowieś, Galicia, in 1861. Simultaneously with the foundation of the Congregation, the sisters started their apostolic service of teaching in the school in the village of Wielowieś. At first it was a parochial school, then it became a private elementary school by the monastery. In 1889 it was turned into a public elementary school. The article shows the changes in the school curriculums, which were caused by the transformations of school status (from private to public, and then from two-class to three-class school) and by the revision of the educational law in Galicia. The paper also attempts to depict the methods adopted by the sisters to teach different subjects, including enumeration of the textbooks used in the process of teaching.
Tomasz Pomykacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 55 - 88 article reviews and discusses wide range of memories and reports relating to the fights for the Przemyśl Fortress published before 1945 in the Hungarian language. These sources so far have been neglected in the historiography of Przemyśl’s Fortress – despite the importance of Hungarian formations to the defence of the fortress. Simultaneously, the article tries to discuss them from your point of view their strong emotional, often chauvinistic and political (most obviously anti-Trianon) dimensions, which was part of the nationalist and revisionist projects characteristic for Hungary’s politics in the interwar period.
Natalia Stojak-Pomykacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 89 - 125 Przemyśl, the second half of the 19th century was a time of dynamic economic and territorial development. It was then that the majority of historic urban fabric was established, both in terms of area and numbers. Unfortunately, the 19th-century tenement houses in Przemyśl have not been widely discussed so far. The few publications there are concern converted houses, untypical of that period. The literature on urbanization of the suburbs (which today constitute the historic town centre) in that period is also scanty. In order to discover the nature of changes in the town at that time, the author has chosen to discuss tenement houses in Franciszka Smolki Street. Those houses are a typical example of multi-family houses in the period under discussion. They were built in a previously undeveloped area, and soon that street became one of the more elegant ones in Przemyśl. Although it was subjected to urbanization relatively promptly, its houses are not homogeneous in nature and they are evidence of aesthetic changes and changes connected with the residents’ standard of living. Functional and spatial solutions used in particular groups of houses constitute the history of urbanization of that fragment of the town.
Łukasz Podolak
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 127 - 152 paper is an attempt to present the beginnings of civil service and units of local government in the Lubaczów district as well as organizing, supplementing and verifying the previous findings, particularly because the formation and functioning of local authority here differed from other areas. That was a result of a series of factors, among which the major one seems to be the fact that the authorities and the apparatus of security and public order were controlled by members of the Polish underground state. Indeed, there used to be districts in which members of the underground were part of local government and district authorities, however nowhere did they prevail to such an extent and for so long. In addition, we should notice the vague state affiliation and the Polish-Ukrainian war going on since the spring of 1944. The above mentioned factors and the lack of any structures of the Polish Workers’ Party (PPR) here were the reasons for that exceptional political situation in the Lubaczów district.
Marcin Koperski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 153 - 172 paper is the second part of the article Letters of Bishop Michał Kuziemski. The sources to discover the history of the Greek Catholic diocese of Chełm previously published in “Rocznik Przemyski. Historia”. It consists of letters translated from Latin and Italian (nos. 16 to 24) published in the book by Fr. Luigi Glinka titled Diocesi ucraino-cattolica di Cholm (Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Chełm) published in Rome in 1975. It is for the first time that the content of those letters is introduced in Polish historiography.
Adam Szczupak
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 173 - 190 article includes the edition of three sources to the history of Przemyśl during the First World War by Greek Catholic clergy from Przemyśl: an account of Bishop Konstantyn Czechowicz and Rev. Aleksander Zubrycki and the first part of a memoir by Rev. Miron Podoliński. The texts of those documents have been deciphered from manuscripts kept at the State Archives in Przemyśl, translated from Ukrainian and annotated.
Bartosz Kaczmarek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 191 - 214 article presents the translation and edition of a source: two letters written in December 1914 by a British officer Edward Hulse; it is his account of the events of the Christman truce. The aim of the paper is also to present and discuss the problem of mythologizing that event and changing its perception in historiography.
Józef Wołczański
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 215 - 402 second part of the correspondence between Rev. Dr Jan Kwolek (Przemyśl) and Rev. Prof. Jan Fijałek (Kraków) presented here covers eight years: 1928-1936. As for the former priest it was the prime of his spiritual, intellectual and organizational development, whereas the latter was approaching the end of his life, enjoying deserved renown in the field of historical research; he died in 1936.
No wonder then that the subject matter of the letters – in vast majority authored by the Przemyśl priest – was largely an account of his successive achievements, in particular in the field of modern organization of the Diocesan Archive which he headed, requests for academic consultations about the formation of a reference library, and discussions on current academic work. Rev. Jan Kwolek would regularly write to his correspondent about concentrating the records from the parish churches of the whole Przemyśl diocese, systematically deposited in Przemyśl. He also used to tell him about the positive reception of his work all over Poland, he shared his joy about significant interest among local theology students in archive work, he did not hide his concern for the fate of the Diocesan Archive due to lack of a successor; finally, he would inform Rev. Fijałek about current events in the local church: changes in managerial positions, deficiencies of the personal policy and his own successive promotions. On the other hand, Rev. Fijałek would spontaneously respond to his younger colleague’s requests, not so much instructing him on the matters of organizing the archive, as that was something Rev. Kwolek managed perfectly well, as indicating the titles of academic books indispensable in an archive library. He did not spare words of praise, which must have been an incentive for the younger priest to keep up the good work.
The correspondence makes the reader admire the enormous achievements of one person in the field of establishing in the interwar Przemyśl a second modern research and academic institution (after the Archdiocesan Archive) accessible to historians dealing with matters of the church. The letters published here enhance the reader’s knowledge and awareness by so far unknown facts from the history of research under the aegis of Roman Catholic Church in the Second Republic of Poland.
Tomasz Pudłocki , Wiktor Węglewicz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 403 - 449 authors present a source rarely used in historical research: a commendation of a person delivered on the occasion of their jubilee. By courtesy of the family, an unknown historical source has been edited, concerned with Bohdan Zahaykevycz, one of the major figures in interwar Przemyśl: secondary school teacher, museologist, organizer of cultural activities, brother of Volodymyr Zahaykevych (Deputy Speaker of the Sejm of the Second Republic of Poland and lawyer). After emigrating from Przemyśl, Zahaykevycz was one of the key figures in the life of the Ukrainian diaspora in the USA. This text is supposed to honor his services as a sort of liaison between the past world for American Ukrainians and their postwar reality overseas. It says a lot about what and how was remembered and maintained in the collective memory of the generations living in new reality after 1945, focusing above all on Ukrainian life in Przemyśl in the first half of the 20th century.
Gellért Ernő Marton
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 451 - 460 aim of this paper is to present a report about the status of the author’s ongoing doctoral dissertation. Since the author’s first publication had been published in Rocznik Przemyski. Historia in 2019, further archival research was made as well as other publications were finished concerning the Habsburg–Ottoman territorial negotiations in Szécsény and Buda in 1628–1629. In the following, one can find information regarding publications related to the topic of the dissertation, and information regarding the first partial results.
Adam Perłakowski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 461 - 474 Tracz-Tryniecki
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 475 - 478 Perłakowski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 479 - 482 Zając
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 483 - 486 Dariusz Mames
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 3 - 36 the beginnings of the Mariavite Church have been quite extensively discussed in contemporary Polish historiography, the canonical and legal issues concerning the development of the structures of that denomination seem to be an insufficiently researched area. Indeed, almost all publications on the history of that movement mention particular levels of the Mariavite church and monastic administration, however they do not answer the basic question about the reasons why the Mariavite Church did not accept the episcopate or synodical system but the monastic one and adapted to congregationalism imposed by the authorities. The article, using methodology typical of historical and theological sciences, organizes the previous knowledge on the organization and system of Mariavite congregations within the Catholic Church (1887-1906), as well as at the time when the independent of Rome Mariavite Church developed (1906-1914). The author also answers the questions about possible reasons for adopting the monastic system, unique in the family of Old Catholic Churches.
Kazimiera Ewa Korzeniewska
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 37 - 53 Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Dominic was founded in Wielowieś, Galicia, in 1861. Simultaneously with the foundation of the Congregation, the sisters started their apostolic service of teaching in the school in the village of Wielowieś. At first it was a parochial school, then it became a private elementary school by the monastery. In 1889 it was turned into a public elementary school. The article shows the changes in the school curriculums, which were caused by the transformations of school status (from private to public, and then from two-class to three-class school) and by the revision of the educational law in Galicia. The paper also attempts to depict the methods adopted by the sisters to teach different subjects, including enumeration of the textbooks used in the process of teaching.
Tomasz Pomykacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 55 - 88 article reviews and discusses wide range of memories and reports relating to the fights for the Przemyśl Fortress published before 1945 in the Hungarian language. These sources so far have been neglected in the historiography of Przemyśl’s Fortress – despite the importance of Hungarian formations to the defence of the fortress. Simultaneously, the article tries to discuss them from your point of view their strong emotional, often chauvinistic and political (most obviously anti-Trianon) dimensions, which was part of the nationalist and revisionist projects characteristic for Hungary’s politics in the interwar period.
Natalia Stojak-Pomykacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 89 - 125 Przemyśl, the second half of the 19th century was a time of dynamic economic and territorial development. It was then that the majority of historic urban fabric was established, both in terms of area and numbers. Unfortunately, the 19th-century tenement houses in Przemyśl have not been widely discussed so far. The few publications there are concern converted houses, untypical of that period. The literature on urbanization of the suburbs (which today constitute the historic town centre) in that period is also scanty. In order to discover the nature of changes in the town at that time, the author has chosen to discuss tenement houses in Franciszka Smolki Street. Those houses are a typical example of multi-family houses in the period under discussion. They were built in a previously undeveloped area, and soon that street became one of the more elegant ones in Przemyśl. Although it was subjected to urbanization relatively promptly, its houses are not homogeneous in nature and they are evidence of aesthetic changes and changes connected with the residents’ standard of living. Functional and spatial solutions used in particular groups of houses constitute the history of urbanization of that fragment of the town.
Łukasz Podolak
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 127 - 152 paper is an attempt to present the beginnings of civil service and units of local government in the Lubaczów district as well as organizing, supplementing and verifying the previous findings, particularly because the formation and functioning of local authority here differed from other areas. That was a result of a series of factors, among which the major one seems to be the fact that the authorities and the apparatus of security and public order were controlled by members of the Polish underground state. Indeed, there used to be districts in which members of the underground were part of local government and district authorities, however nowhere did they prevail to such an extent and for so long. In addition, we should notice the vague state affiliation and the Polish-Ukrainian war going on since the spring of 1944. The above mentioned factors and the lack of any structures of the Polish Workers’ Party (PPR) here were the reasons for that exceptional political situation in the Lubaczów district.
Marcin Koperski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 153 - 172 paper is the second part of the article Letters of Bishop Michał Kuziemski. The sources to discover the history of the Greek Catholic diocese of Chełm previously published in “Rocznik Przemyski. Historia”. It consists of letters translated from Latin and Italian (nos. 16 to 24) published in the book by Fr. Luigi Glinka titled Diocesi ucraino-cattolica di Cholm (Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Chełm) published in Rome in 1975. It is for the first time that the content of those letters is introduced in Polish historiography.
Adam Szczupak
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 173 - 190 article includes the edition of three sources to the history of Przemyśl during the First World War by Greek Catholic clergy from Przemyśl: an account of Bishop Konstantyn Czechowicz and Rev. Aleksander Zubrycki and the first part of a memoir by Rev. Miron Podoliński. The texts of those documents have been deciphered from manuscripts kept at the State Archives in Przemyśl, translated from Ukrainian and annotated.
Bartosz Kaczmarek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 191 - 214 article presents the translation and edition of a source: two letters written in December 1914 by a British officer Edward Hulse; it is his account of the events of the Christman truce. The aim of the paper is also to present and discuss the problem of mythologizing that event and changing its perception in historiography.
Józef Wołczański
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 215 - 402 second part of the correspondence between Rev. Dr Jan Kwolek (Przemyśl) and Rev. Prof. Jan Fijałek (Kraków) presented here covers eight years: 1928-1936. As for the former priest it was the prime of his spiritual, intellectual and organizational development, whereas the latter was approaching the end of his life, enjoying deserved renown in the field of historical research; he died in 1936.
No wonder then that the subject matter of the letters – in vast majority authored by the Przemyśl priest – was largely an account of his successive achievements, in particular in the field of modern organization of the Diocesan Archive which he headed, requests for academic consultations about the formation of a reference library, and discussions on current academic work. Rev. Jan Kwolek would regularly write to his correspondent about concentrating the records from the parish churches of the whole Przemyśl diocese, systematically deposited in Przemyśl. He also used to tell him about the positive reception of his work all over Poland, he shared his joy about significant interest among local theology students in archive work, he did not hide his concern for the fate of the Diocesan Archive due to lack of a successor; finally, he would inform Rev. Fijałek about current events in the local church: changes in managerial positions, deficiencies of the personal policy and his own successive promotions. On the other hand, Rev. Fijałek would spontaneously respond to his younger colleague’s requests, not so much instructing him on the matters of organizing the archive, as that was something Rev. Kwolek managed perfectly well, as indicating the titles of academic books indispensable in an archive library. He did not spare words of praise, which must have been an incentive for the younger priest to keep up the good work.
The correspondence makes the reader admire the enormous achievements of one person in the field of establishing in the interwar Przemyśl a second modern research and academic institution (after the Archdiocesan Archive) accessible to historians dealing with matters of the church. The letters published here enhance the reader’s knowledge and awareness by so far unknown facts from the history of research under the aegis of Roman Catholic Church in the Second Republic of Poland.
Tomasz Pudłocki , Wiktor Węglewicz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 403 - 449 authors present a source rarely used in historical research: a commendation of a person delivered on the occasion of their jubilee. By courtesy of the family, an unknown historical source has been edited, concerned with Bohdan Zahaykevycz, one of the major figures in interwar Przemyśl: secondary school teacher, museologist, organizer of cultural activities, brother of Volodymyr Zahaykevych (Deputy Speaker of the Sejm of the Second Republic of Poland and lawyer). After emigrating from Przemyśl, Zahaykevycz was one of the key figures in the life of the Ukrainian diaspora in the USA. This text is supposed to honor his services as a sort of liaison between the past world for American Ukrainians and their postwar reality overseas. It says a lot about what and how was remembered and maintained in the collective memory of the generations living in new reality after 1945, focusing above all on Ukrainian life in Przemyśl in the first half of the 20th century.
Gellért Ernő Marton
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 451 - 460 aim of this paper is to present a report about the status of the author’s ongoing doctoral dissertation. Since the author’s first publication had been published in Rocznik Przemyski. Historia in 2019, further archival research was made as well as other publications were finished concerning the Habsburg–Ottoman territorial negotiations in Szécsény and Buda in 1628–1629. In the following, one can find information regarding publications related to the topic of the dissertation, and information regarding the first partial results.
Adam Perłakowski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 461 - 474 Tracz-Tryniecki
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 475 - 478 Perłakowski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 479 - 482 Zając
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 483 - 486 date: 12.2021
Gellért Ernő Marton
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 3 - 28 goal of this paper is to summarise the diplomatic and political role of poet and intellectual, János Rimay of Alsósztregova and Rima. Rimay is well-known as the pupil and friend of the great Hungarian poet, Bálint Balassi, and also as a great poet and a representative of stoicism, as well as as a diplomat and statesman who became important in the regional diplomacy in the last decades of the 16th century and the first decades of the 17th century.
Jakub Bodaszewski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 29 - 64 village of Chlebna is a very interesting example of lack of any changes whatsoever in the social and economic system in Galicia, the region which at the end of the 18th century remained under Austrian rule. Thanks to a multitude of preserved archive materials, it has been possible to reconstruct both the sequence of owners of the village in the mentioned period, economic issues and the situation of the residents in the system of private serfdom villages. The paper presents the occupational structure and spatial arrangement of the place. It also discusses the influence of the area and the water network on the economy of Chlebna. The comparison of the condition in 1773 and in 1785–1789 does not show any signs of improvement in the economic situation. The article is also interesting for genealogists. It is, however, but a small fragment of the history of a small Galician village.
Adrian Cieślik
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 65 - 84 of the conditions for the maintenance of monasteries in the past centuries, especially on the eastern borders of the Republic of Poland, was the possession of land and a well-functioning farm. The income from the farm was used by the monks to maintain the monastery buildings. That was the case of Yezupil (Jezupol), now in Ukraine, where not only the Dominican convent was located but a local farm as well. It was situated a few kilometers from the monastery – in the village of Uzin. This article describes its history and functioning at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Information on the farm in Uzin was compiled on the basis of documents preserved in the Archives of the Polish Dominican Province in Kraków.
Maria Stinia
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 85 - 94 secondary school (gimnazjum) in the town of Borshchiv (Borszczów) was established in 1909. An important figure who took part in its creation was Count Tadeusz Czarkowski-Golejewski. Though the school had existed for a short period before the First World War, it utilized interesting educational solutions based on student autonomy, relationship with the parents and combining intellectual and physical effort. In the local community the school gave the incentive to develop regionalism. Due to a large number of auditors taking part in the lessons, and evening courses for girls, elements of co-education were introduced in the provinces. Co-operation with branches of the “Falcon” Polish Gymnastic Society as well as involvement of local medical community made it possible to popularize physical education and provide medical and hygienic supervision to a large group of young people. The pedagogical offer of the school was above all directed to Polish people from the town and its vicinity, which was evident in the changing ethnic and religious structures.
Tomasz Pomykacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 95 - 146 this paper the author attempts to present the ethnic composition of the garrison of the Przemyśl Fortress between September 1914 and March 1915, among others based on statistical data of the whole monarchy and the ethnic makeup in the areas where military units fighting in Przemyśl were mobilized. The statistics have been supplemented with information from Austrian and Hungarian press (mainly from 1914–1915), diaries and memoirs as well as relevant literature.
Stanisław Majerski i jego wkład w likwidację zniszczeń spowodowanych Wielką Wojną na terenie Galicji
Bartosz Podubny
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 147 - 178 author presents the so far unexplored scope of work of the architect from Przemyśl, Stanisław Majerski (1872–1926) regarding his employment at the National Headquarters for Economic Reconstruction of Galicia, branch in Przemyśl, during the First World War. The 1914–1915 warfare caused enormous destruction in Galicia, particularly in the Przemyśl region; after the hostilities had ceased, estimation of the losses and reconstruction began. Based on the materials from the National Archive in Kraków the article outlines Majerski’s work at the construction branch in Przemyśl. Majerski’s work on the reconstruction of destroyed churches in Gorlice, Nisko, Stara Sól, Tamanowice and Żurawica is discussed as well.
Marcin Kapłon
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 179 - 212 paper shows the life of Rev. Jan Kwolek, an outstanding priest from the Przemyśl Diocese and a man of broad intellectual horizons, with regard to his work at the Archdiocesan Archive in Przemyśl. The article consists of three parts showing Reverend Kwolek’s life, an outline of the history of Polish archive resources, finally – the enormous effort the priest had put into proper organizing and functioning of this institution.
Bartosz Jakubowski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 213 - 234 paper shows the circumstances of the Rozwadowski family’s arrival in the Przemyśl Region and establishing the famous fish farm in Starzawa. The article also contributes to the history of the Pawlikowskis from Medyka. In the late 1920s Michał Pawlikowski got Wincenty Rozwadowski (owner of Babin near Kalush /Kałusz/) interested in setting up fish ponds in Starzawa near Mostyska (Mościska), property of his father Jan Gwalbert Pawlikowski, of which he was administrator. Following long negotiations, in 1931 J.G. Pawlikowski sold to Wincenty Rozwadowski and his children 414 hectares of land in Starzawa, including marshy meadowland and wasteland. The Rozwadowskis established there a new structure called Starzawa Stawy (Starzawa Ponds), soon renamed Nowostawy, and W. Rozwadowski established a large fish farm there. In the 1930s the estate was administered by Wincenty’s son, Bartłomiej Rozwadowski, who got arrested by NKVD in October 1939 and all trace of him was lost. After the war the ponds were nationalized and the former owners were hardly ever mentioned again.
Karol Sanojca
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 235 - 244 the south-eastern outskirts of Poland between the wars, the school network was not developed enough to satisfy local community. That is why in Hutsul Kosiv (Kosów Huculski) in 1937, measures were taken to make it possible for schoolchildren to obtain secondary school education. The institution which was established was a private mixed secondary school (gimnazjum). The licensee was the local People’s School Association. Though the school functioned only three years, it had managed to become firmly established. The teaching staff had all the required qualifications. The number of students grew fast. The necessary facilities (the building, the library and teaching aids) were improving. Parents and caregivers showed considerable involvement in the school life. The school’s achievements were recognized when by the decision of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Public Education of May 1939 the school was granted the rights of a state comprehensive secondary school as of the school year 1939/1940. Unfortunately, the decision could not take force.
Michał Ceglarek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 245 - 272 article presents Krystyna Maria Kobylańska (1922–2009) and her professional activity as musicologist, Chopin-scholar and Museum Curator. Kobylańska is also the author of many significant publications on the life and work of Frédéric Chopin. She devoted her entire life to the work of the Polish composer.
Andrew Kier Wise
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 273 - 288 article deals with 21st-century American perceptions of the multicultural history of Galicia, especially during the interwar period, World War II and the Holocaust. The author primarily examines select books, articles and films that target a broad American audience. In particular, the film Three Stories of Galicia (2010) is analyzed, with a focus on the ways in which American audiences helped shape the directors’ creative process. The Galician stories in the film thus became “Americanized” and “universalized” models for efforts at reconciliation in other troubled multicultural societies. The author also concludes that the “myth of Galicia” featuring the peaceful coexistence of peoples resonates especially with readers and viewers who envision a “post-racial America.”
Józef Wołczański
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 289 - 420 paper presents a collection of a few dozen letters written between 1919 and 1938. Their authors were two eminent representatives of the humanities and of the Polish Catholic Church at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. One of them, Reverend Professor Jan Nepomucen Fijałek, represented the Kraków Archdiocese, though professionally he was associated with the University of Lviv and the Jagiellonian University. As an outstanding scholar and expert on sources to the history of medieval Church and spiritual culture of Poland, as well as a distinguished pedagogue, he enjoyed great renown in the world of science. The other correspondent, Reverend Doctor Jan Kwolek, a lawyer, lecturer at the Theological Institute of the Latin rite in Przemyśl, chancellor of the Episcopal Curia, organizer and director of a Diocesan Archive, a model for the whole country, unceasingly developed his interests in canon studies, history of the Church, and showed great concern for preserving the archive heritage of the Przemyśl Diocese. The majority of the letters were written by Rev. Kwolek, though they are not complete; the addressee had collected them meticulously, sometimes adding brief commentaries. The Przemyśl priest must not have attached a lot of weight to collecting the letters of the Kraków mentor, as only over a dozen of them have been preserved. The sources present very interesting material. The “supplicant” here is definitely Rev. Kwolek, seeking in the unquestionable scientific authority of Rev. Fijałek advice on organizing the Przemyśl archive but also methodological and factual guidelines for archive research and publications. In the course of time the distance between the two scholars was gradually decreasing, though it never crossed accepted social boundaries. What confirms that is the elaborate titles both correspondents addressed each other with. The subject matter of the letters is rather diverse and includes several themes. The dominant one is Rev. Kwolek’s requests to be recommended relevant literature necessary to complete a reference library needed in research and scholarly work. Quite a lot of space is also devoted to the Przemyśl priest’s reports on the progressing work on completing and organizing the archive of the Episcopal Curia in Przemyśl. Rev. Prof. Fijałek, apparently did not hide his sincere appreciation of the activity of the junior priest, indefatigable archive fanatic, encouraging him, providing him with expert instruction and warning him against naïve faith in the patronage of successive bishops. Another extensive motif is common and readily produced by church circles gossip on different Church dignitaries in Kraków and Przemyśl, as well as expectations of personal reshuffles and new careers with the start of every new pontificate. Without a doubt, the presented material deserves publication, as it shows the effort of creating and then preserving pioneer initiatives on scholarly and religious ground, particularly in Przemyśl in the first half of the 20th century.
Małgorzata Skotnicka-Palka
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 421 - 428 source materials by Jan Hipolit Majewski, the Municipal School Inspector in Lviv, present the plan of extracurricular work for 1936/1937, and also contain a report on the organization of the Folk High School in Lviv. They show the problems of adult education in the late twenties of the interwar period.
Katarzyna Matyja
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 429 - 457 aim of the article is to edit an unknown and unused source, i.e. the chronicle of the Tarnobrzeg monastery from 1939–1945. The edition was preceded by a short introduction to the history of the Dominican community in Tarnobrzeg. For the almost entire period of the occupation, Father Fabian Madura was the prior of the monastery in Tarnobrzeg, and in his activities – also for the benefit of the needy – he was characterized by great courage. He acted on many levels: among others he organized aid for the displaced persons from Wielkopolska, or a kitchen for the poorest. He was active in ministry: he founded a choir which performed numerous charity concerts. Other fathers and brothers who lived in the monastery helped him in all the activities. The source delivers a lot of information about the life of monks in Tarnobrzeg and the history of the city in the war period. The entries from September 1939, when the Nazis invaded the city, are particularly interesting, as well as from the turn of July and August 1944 – at that time Tarnobrzeg was „liberated” by the Soviet army. As a result of these activities, many buildings – including those belonging to the Dominicans – were seriously damaged, which is also mentioned in the presented source.
Adam Świątek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 459 - 468 Stanisław Więch
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 469 - 474 Pudłocki
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 475 - 481 Kudela-Świątek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 483 - 487ért Ernő Marton
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 3 - 28 goal of this paper is to summarise the diplomatic and political role of poet and intellectual, János Rimay of Alsósztregova and Rima. Rimay is well-known as the pupil and friend of the great Hungarian poet, Bálint Balassi, and also as a great poet and a representative of stoicism, as well as as a diplomat and statesman who became important in the regional diplomacy in the last decades of the 16th century and the first decades of the 17th century.
Jakub Bodaszewski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 29 - 64 village of Chlebna is a very interesting example of lack of any changes whatsoever in the social and economic system in Galicia, the region which at the end of the 18th century remained under Austrian rule. Thanks to a multitude of preserved archive materials, it has been possible to reconstruct both the sequence of owners of the village in the mentioned period, economic issues and the situation of the residents in the system of private serfdom villages. The paper presents the occupational structure and spatial arrangement of the place. It also discusses the influence of the area and the water network on the economy of Chlebna. The comparison of the condition in 1773 and in 1785–1789 does not show any signs of improvement in the economic situation. The article is also interesting for genealogists. It is, however, but a small fragment of the history of a small Galician village.
Adrian Cieślik
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 65 - 84 of the conditions for the maintenance of monasteries in the past centuries, especially on the eastern borders of the Republic of Poland, was the possession of land and a well-functioning farm. The income from the farm was used by the monks to maintain the monastery buildings. That was the case of Yezupil (Jezupol), now in Ukraine, where not only the Dominican convent was located but a local farm as well. It was situated a few kilometers from the monastery – in the village of Uzin. This article describes its history and functioning at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Information on the farm in Uzin was compiled on the basis of documents preserved in the Archives of the Polish Dominican Province in Kraków.
Maria Stinia
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 85 - 94 secondary school (gimnazjum) in the town of Borshchiv (Borszczów) was established in 1909. An important figure who took part in its creation was Count Tadeusz Czarkowski-Golejewski. Though the school had existed for a short period before the First World War, it utilized interesting educational solutions based on student autonomy, relationship with the parents and combining intellectual and physical effort. In the local community the school gave the incentive to develop regionalism. Due to a large number of auditors taking part in the lessons, and evening courses for girls, elements of co-education were introduced in the provinces. Co-operation with branches of the “Falcon” Polish Gymnastic Society as well as involvement of local medical community made it possible to popularize physical education and provide medical and hygienic supervision to a large group of young people. The pedagogical offer of the school was above all directed to Polish people from the town and its vicinity, which was evident in the changing ethnic and religious structures.
Tomasz Pomykacz
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 95 - 146 this paper the author attempts to present the ethnic composition of the garrison of the Przemyśl Fortress between September 1914 and March 1915, among others based on statistical data of the whole monarchy and the ethnic makeup in the areas where military units fighting in Przemyśl were mobilized. The statistics have been supplemented with information from Austrian and Hungarian press (mainly from 1914–1915), diaries and memoirs as well as relevant literature.
Stanisław Majerski i jego wkład w likwidację zniszczeń spowodowanych Wielką Wojną na terenie Galicji
Bartosz Podubny
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 147 - 178 author presents the so far unexplored scope of work of the architect from Przemyśl, Stanisław Majerski (1872–1926) regarding his employment at the National Headquarters for Economic Reconstruction of Galicia, branch in Przemyśl, during the First World War. The 1914–1915 warfare caused enormous destruction in Galicia, particularly in the Przemyśl region; after the hostilities had ceased, estimation of the losses and reconstruction began. Based on the materials from the National Archive in Kraków the article outlines Majerski’s work at the construction branch in Przemyśl. Majerski’s work on the reconstruction of destroyed churches in Gorlice, Nisko, Stara Sól, Tamanowice and Żurawica is discussed as well.
Marcin Kapłon
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 179 - 212 paper shows the life of Rev. Jan Kwolek, an outstanding priest from the Przemyśl Diocese and a man of broad intellectual horizons, with regard to his work at the Archdiocesan Archive in Przemyśl. The article consists of three parts showing Reverend Kwolek’s life, an outline of the history of Polish archive resources, finally – the enormous effort the priest had put into proper organizing and functioning of this institution.
Bartosz Jakubowski
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 213 - 234 paper shows the circumstances of the Rozwadowski family’s arrival in the Przemyśl Region and establishing the famous fish farm in Starzawa. The article also contributes to the history of the Pawlikowskis from Medyka. In the late 1920s Michał Pawlikowski got Wincenty Rozwadowski (owner of Babin near Kalush /Kałusz/) interested in setting up fish ponds in Starzawa near Mostyska (Mościska), property of his father Jan Gwalbert Pawlikowski, of which he was administrator. Following long negotiations, in 1931 J.G. Pawlikowski sold to Wincenty Rozwadowski and his children 414 hectares of land in Starzawa, including marshy meadowland and wasteland. The Rozwadowskis established there a new structure called Starzawa Stawy (Starzawa Ponds), soon renamed Nowostawy, and W. Rozwadowski established a large fish farm there. In the 1930s the estate was administered by Wincenty’s son, Bartłomiej Rozwadowski, who got arrested by NKVD in October 1939 and all trace of him was lost. After the war the ponds were nationalized and the former owners were hardly ever mentioned again.
Karol Sanojca
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 235 - 244 the south-eastern outskirts of Poland between the wars, the school network was not developed enough to satisfy local community. That is why in Hutsul Kosiv (Kosów Huculski) in 1937, measures were taken to make it possible for schoolchildren to obtain secondary school education. The institution which was established was a private mixed secondary school (gimnazjum). The licensee was the local People’s School Association. Though the school functioned only three years, it had managed to become firmly established. The teaching staff had all the required qualifications. The number of students grew fast. The necessary facilities (the building, the library and teaching aids) were improving. Parents and caregivers showed considerable involvement in the school life. The school’s achievements were recognized when by the decision of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Public Education of May 1939 the school was granted the rights of a state comprehensive secondary school as of the school year 1939/1940. Unfortunately, the decision could not take force.
Michał Ceglarek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 245 - 272 article presents Krystyna Maria Kobylańska (1922–2009) and her professional activity as musicologist, Chopin-scholar and Museum Curator. Kobylańska is also the author of many significant publications on the life and work of Frédéric Chopin. She devoted her entire life to the work of the Polish composer.
Andrew Kier Wise
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 273 - 288 article deals with 21st-century American perceptions of the multicultural history of Galicia, especially during the interwar period, World War II and the Holocaust. The author primarily examines select books, articles and films that target a broad American audience. In particular, the film Three Stories of Galicia (2010) is analyzed, with a focus on the ways in which American audiences helped shape the directors’ creative process. The Galician stories in the film thus became “Americanized” and “universalized” models for efforts at reconciliation in other troubled multicultural societies. The author also concludes that the “myth of Galicia” featuring the peaceful coexistence of peoples resonates especially with readers and viewers who envision a “post-racial America.”
Józef Wołczański
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 289 - 420 paper presents a collection of a few dozen letters written between 1919 and 1938. Their authors were two eminent representatives of the humanities and of the Polish Catholic Church at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. One of them, Reverend Professor Jan Nepomucen Fijałek, represented the Kraków Archdiocese, though professionally he was associated with the University of Lviv and the Jagiellonian University. As an outstanding scholar and expert on sources to the history of medieval Church and spiritual culture of Poland, as well as a distinguished pedagogue, he enjoyed great renown in the world of science. The other correspondent, Reverend Doctor Jan Kwolek, a lawyer, lecturer at the Theological Institute of the Latin rite in Przemyśl, chancellor of the Episcopal Curia, organizer and director of a Diocesan Archive, a model for the whole country, unceasingly developed his interests in canon studies, history of the Church, and showed great concern for preserving the archive heritage of the Przemyśl Diocese. The majority of the letters were written by Rev. Kwolek, though they are not complete; the addressee had collected them meticulously, sometimes adding brief commentaries. The Przemyśl priest must not have attached a lot of weight to collecting the letters of the Kraków mentor, as only over a dozen of them have been preserved. The sources present very interesting material. The “supplicant” here is definitely Rev. Kwolek, seeking in the unquestionable scientific authority of Rev. Fijałek advice on organizing the Przemyśl archive but also methodological and factual guidelines for archive research and publications. In the course of time the distance between the two scholars was gradually decreasing, though it never crossed accepted social boundaries. What confirms that is the elaborate titles both correspondents addressed each other with. The subject matter of the letters is rather diverse and includes several themes. The dominant one is Rev. Kwolek’s requests to be recommended relevant literature necessary to complete a reference library needed in research and scholarly work. Quite a lot of space is also devoted to the Przemyśl priest’s reports on the progressing work on completing and organizing the archive of the Episcopal Curia in Przemyśl. Rev. Prof. Fijałek, apparently did not hide his sincere appreciation of the activity of the junior priest, indefatigable archive fanatic, encouraging him, providing him with expert instruction and warning him against naïve faith in the patronage of successive bishops. Another extensive motif is common and readily produced by church circles gossip on different Church dignitaries in Kraków and Przemyśl, as well as expectations of personal reshuffles and new careers with the start of every new pontificate. Without a doubt, the presented material deserves publication, as it shows the effort of creating and then preserving pioneer initiatives on scholarly and religious ground, particularly in Przemyśl in the first half of the 20th century.
Małgorzata Skotnicka-Palka
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 421 - 428 source materials by Jan Hipolit Majewski, the Municipal School Inspector in Lviv, present the plan of extracurricular work for 1936/1937, and also contain a report on the organization of the Folk High School in Lviv. They show the problems of adult education in the late twenties of the interwar period.
Katarzyna Matyja
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 429 - 457 aim of the article is to edit an unknown and unused source, i.e. the chronicle of the Tarnobrzeg monastery from 1939–1945. The edition was preceded by a short introduction to the history of the Dominican community in Tarnobrzeg. For the almost entire period of the occupation, Father Fabian Madura was the prior of the monastery in Tarnobrzeg, and in his activities – also for the benefit of the needy – he was characterized by great courage. He acted on many levels: among others he organized aid for the displaced persons from Wielkopolska, or a kitchen for the poorest. He was active in ministry: he founded a choir which performed numerous charity concerts. Other fathers and brothers who lived in the monastery helped him in all the activities. The source delivers a lot of information about the life of monks in Tarnobrzeg and the history of the city in the war period. The entries from September 1939, when the Nazis invaded the city, are particularly interesting, as well as from the turn of July and August 1944 – at that time Tarnobrzeg was „liberated” by the Soviet army. As a result of these activities, many buildings – including those belonging to the Dominicans – were seriously damaged, which is also mentioned in the presented source.
Adam Świątek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 459 - 468 Stanisław Więch
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 469 - 474 Pudłocki
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 475 - 481 Kudela-Świątek
Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, pp. 483 - 487