1 (30) 2024

Wokół (po)galicyjskiej prowincji, red. Tomasz Pudłocki, Arkadiusz S. Więch

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Na okładce: Galicjanie – plansza druga w Albumie Costumes Polonais, Emilien Desmaisons (grafik), Wojciech Gerson (rysownik), Rose Joseph Lemercier (Paryż, zakład litograficzny), 1855 rok, ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie, sygn.: Gr.Pol.1836/270 MNW.

Dofinansowano ze środków Gminy Miejskiej Przemyśl.

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Editorial team

Language Editor Monika Kulesza

Statistical Editor Mateusz Wyżga

Editor-in-Chief Tomasz Pudłocki, Maria Stinia, Wiktor Szymborski, Arkadiusz S. Więch

Additional redactors Ewa Grin-Piszczek, Izabela Wodzińska, Karolina Wanda Olszowska

Issue content


Tomasz Pudłocki , Arkadiusz Stanisław Więch

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 3 - 7

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Klaudia Rogowska

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 9 - 22

Adultery and incest were crimes that were severely punished in both urban and rural settings. In this article, the author, on the basis of a preserved case in the rural book of the village of Klimkówka, attempts to show what the punishment of this type of crime looked like after 1772 on the territory of the former Ruthenian Voivodeship.
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Daniel Krzysztof Nowak

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 23 - 52

The subject of this article is the town of Dukla in the second half of the 1780s. It was created based on the first land cadaster of Galicia, i.e. the so-called Josephine cadastre compiled in 1785-1789. First, a general characterisation of the estate demesne with its seat in Dukla, then called dominium, its location in the Austrian administrative system, and the most critical issues related to the compilation of the Josephine cadastre are presented. Then, the focus is on two important issues. The first one concerns land understood mainly as the area of agricultural or woodland, including the division of Dukla into fields, their sizes, the acreage of parcels located on them, their category in terms of the manners of their cultivation, and the subject who ruled over them (manorial land, church land, townland and land belonging to burghers). The second part of the article presents land productivity during this period, i.e. how it was cultivated, the crops obtained in the form of grain and hay, and, in the case of forests, the timber harvested and their values in money and the taxation of land revenue.
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Aleksander Krzysztof Sitnik

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 53 - 89

In the 19th century there were two monastic provinces in Galicia: that of the Reformed Franciscans (the Reformati) and of the Bernardines (the Franciscan Observants). The Reformed Franciscans province was considerably smaller than the Bernardine one, both in terms of the number of monasteries and the monks. Both provinces, remaining under Austrian rule, struggled with the so-called Josephine system, which brought many hazards for the monastic life. Monasteries were getting empty, bishops would direct monks to work in parishes, state authorities made it difficult to admit candidates for religious orders and restricted any contact with central monastic authorities in Rome, monasteries suffered poverty. In that situation, some monks would return to secular life, and those working in parishes did not feel like returning to monasteries. Those who did used to indulge in embarrassing practices, like accepting money for their own needs without the superior’s consent. The superiors, in turn, would give up their posts, unable to meet the material needs of the congregation. Provincial superiors tried to maintain monastic discipline through inspections, sending out circulaires, and summoning provincial chapters. They found the formation of candidates for religious orders significant. They were able to set up their own monastic studies. Despite the many difficulties, the monks conducted intense pastoral activity in monastic churches. In the sanctuaries under their care, they tried to give the faithful access to the sacrament of penance. As far as it was possible, at the bishops’ request, they devoted themselves to missionary work in Galicia. They took special care of the Third Order. They served as confessors and chaplains to nuns. They built Stations of the Cross. They set up and ran schools, which, though not representing high intellectual level for various reasons, educated young people pretty well at the time when educational authorities did not have the right secular teaching staff. A few monks became famous for their pious lives.
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Michał Wójcik

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 117 - 135

This paper focuses on the historical context of the 1883 establishment of judiciary institutions and its significance for the urbanisation process of Mszana Dolna, a small centre in Galicia. It examines this context from social, cultural, and economic perspectives. The discussion on the organisation and functioning of district courts of law provides a comprehensive understanding of the role of the intelligentsia, a new social group in provincial Galicia. The paper also sheds light on the participation of peasants in this group, particularly that of Józef Ptaś, a judge and MP. The paper’s central question is to explore how Mszana Dolna benefited from establishing the court of law in the context of urbanisation processes.
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Krzysztof Dawid Majus

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 137 - 151

The article is devoted to the figure of Shealtiel Eisig Gräber, who lived at the turn of the 19th century and was active in Jarosław and Przemyśl (then Austrian Galicia, now in Poland). Inspired by the works of the Italian scholar Samuel David Luzzatto, he edited and published periodicals and books thus promoting the idea of Jewish enlightenment (Haskalah). The article briefly describes Gräber’s biography, family background and social activities, followed by a broader discussion of his publishing activities.
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Sławomir Kułacz

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 153 - 169

The paper examines the origins and language skills of the officers and cadets of the 40th Infantry Regiment “Ritter von Pino” on the eve of World War I. The research was based on the regiment’s seniority list from 1 July 1914. Additionally, more detailed personnel documents such as qualification lists (Qualifikationslisten) were used to shed light on interesting cases, including officers struggling with the Polish language and those proficient in it but ascribed to distant, German-speaking crown lands of Austria-Hungary. The paper focuses on the ratio of Polish-speaking officers to men, over 90 per cent of whom were Polish. Most officers and cadets (both career and reserve) stemmed from Czech lands. Those from Galicia constituted 23 per cent of the entire cohort. As far as language skills are concerned, most career officers demonstrated at least basic proficiency in Polish. Some officers lacked proficiency in any official language beyond German, indicating potential communication challenges.
The paper concludes by emphasising the significance of language proficiency within the regiment and its implications for communication, especially during the war. High losses among career officers meant that the importance of reserve officers grew, but most of them knew no Polish.
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Błażej Szyszkowski

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 171 - 213

Kazimierz Osiński (1883–1956) – a resident of Przemyśl who devoted his life to his city, currently remembered as the creator and curator of the National Museum of Przemyśl District. He was an architect, museologist, social and cultural activist, regionalist, conservator, and World War I and II soldier. The article is about Kazimierz Osiński’s studies at the Polytechnic School and the Francis the I University of Lviv in 1903–1908. The author analyses the main aspects of Osiński’s studies: education per se, social and scientific activity, the development of the idea of antiques collecting (creation of the Osiński Museum) and the beginnings of his artistic and architectural work. The author puts forward the thesis that at that time, in Osiński’s personality, in parallel with the knowledge, he aquired, essential professional experience and strong, broad social, artistic and collecting passions as began to develop. All this intensively shaped his personality.
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Tomasz Pudłocki

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 215 - 232

This paper is a case study of an offence committed by a Galician teacher, Stanisław Szołajski, who overstepped the social norms related to his profession, social gender and social status. The author analyses the case of Stanisław Szołajski, a professor of history and geography at the Gimnazjum School in Jarosław under Austro-Hungarian rule, who committed an act against social conventions. That event is a pretext for reflecting on how young secondary school teachers found it hard to adjust to the environment of provincial towns and get disciplined by school supervisors, which became a real problem, especially during the Great War. Szołajski, through his loss of self-control and provoking a public row, broke the moral norms ascribed to men and male teachers. That event shows that apart from granting sick leaves in the Galician school system, no psychological support was provided for the teachers who had difficulty adapting to a new environment. Those who did not conform to social norms were just moved to new schools in other places or dismissed altogether.
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Stanisław Maj

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 233 - 267

The work presents the biography of Józef Jarolim, a distinguished citizen of Przemyśl from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Jarolim was an entrepreneur and construction expert, a long-time city councillor, a member and activist of „Gwiazda”, editor of „Gazeta Przemyska”, president of the Volunteer Fire Department, co-founder of the Przemyśl Credit Fund and a member of the Bourgeois Casino. The biography is mainly based on information from the press of the time, thus enriching it with Jarolim’s statements and opinions about him. In this way, the author wanted to present a more truthful image of the hero. The work can supplement the rich history of Przemyśl with a few details and encourage others to restore the memory of similar people.
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Natalia Stojak-Pomykacz

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 269 - 307

The end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century was a period of the most significant rapid development of Przemyśl in history – both in terms of territory and population. It was also a time of quickly passing fashions and dynamic progress in construction. The following article is another step towards periodization of the architectural heritage of this period. It is another part of research on the resource of tenement houses of Lwowskie Przedmieście in Przemyśl. Moniuszki Street was selected as the subject of the study as a small, closed resource divided into investment groups. The following work aims to compare the time of construction of the buildings with the aesthetic and construction solutions presented by the buildings (in terms of technology and construction) and the investors, along with a simultaneous analysis of the planning role of the city authorities in the formation of new districts of the then dynamically developing city of Przemyśl.
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Izabela Wodzińska

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 309 - 343

The article presents the idea and significance of household correspondence courses conducted by the „Bluszcz” Publishing Society, intended for women from impoverished landed gentry, intelligentsia and bourgeoisie, professionally active, living in cities and towns within the borders of the Second Polish Republic. The source base was mainly used for notebooks published under the editorship of Elżbieta Kiewnarska and Wanda Dobrzańska, located in the collections of the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków. They were supplemented with household guides, press articles and advertising brochures. Based on the collected materials, the role of women in the family and in running a modern household and the social requirements placed on them were described. In addition, the following issues were addressed: professional and social activity, childcare, skilful management of servants, personal hygiene, diet, clothing, and home furnishings.
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Bartłomiej Gapiński

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 345 - 367

The author analyses epistolary requests for prayers sent in the 1970s to the sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska from the perspective of expressing loneliness and community identification. The article oscillates between historical and ethnological reflection, referring to „monoseology”, a coined term for a philosophical study on loneliness. The author analyses the attitudes of the faithful sending prayer requests to this sanctuary.
The article consists of four parts. In the first one, the history of the sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is presented. In the next part, the author analyses the Kalwaria letters with supplications for prayers as a historical source and attemps to make a general characteristic of them. In the third part, starting from the perspective of the history of solitude and monoseology, the author reflects on the expression of a solitary attitude in correspondence. He concludes by showing to which two fundamental communities the senders refer - namely, the family and the Church (identified in the Polish People’s Republic as a religious-national community).
Loneliness has a negative character in the correspondence, but it also expresses hope and faith in a positive change in life. Communities are perceived in the perspective of danger: the family’s disintegration and the Church’s confrontation with communism.
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Marian Hofman

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 369 - 380

The author discusses the problem of changing jurisdictional boundaries of the parish of Żurawica across centuries – from the time of its establishment until now. The analysis conducted proves that through centuries that parish was quite extensive. In the period of its most intense territorial development it included the following villages: Żurawica, Bolestraszyce (with Wola), Buszkowice, Buszkowiczki (also featuring a village called Wielboryże), Duńkowiczki, Małkowice (with Kolonia), a part of Orły, Orzechowce, Batycze and Hnatkowice. It was only the demographic and political changes in the 20th c. that accelerated the process of new parishes emerging in order to meet the social expectations and pastoral needs.
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Arkadiusz Stanisław Więch

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (30) 2024, 2024, pp. 381 - 396

The 1880s and 1890s saw a heightened interest in archival issues. In Galicia, special attention was paid to inventorying preserved archive material. The focus of interest was particularly on town archives, which were not managed properly. Only Cracow, Lviv and Przemyśl had well-organized archives. The other towns and cities fell far behind, which resulted in Galician authorities issuing appropriate archive regulations. Also, Cracow archivists, like Stanisław Krzyżanowski and Stanisław Estreicher, took measures to secure and inventory the archive material in Galician provinces. They went on trips to inspect local archives and libraries. Then, they prepared accurate reports describing the conditions of preserving and storing the material. An example of such a report is a note made in 1896 by Stanisław Estreicher of his visit to Lisko (now Lesko).
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Słowa kluczowe: adultery, incest, village, court, 18th century, crime, sexuality, Ruthenian voivodeship, Josephine cadastre, land cadaster, cultivation, taxes, Dukla, Galicia, Reformed Franciscans (Reformati), Bernardines (Franciscan Observants), monastic province, Przemyśl Eparchy, Przemyśl deanery, Galicia, parsonage buildings, Bishop’s visitation, Greek-Catholic clergy, Galicia, 19th and 20th centuries, district courts of law, history of institutions, Gräber, Luzzatto, Haskalah, Jarosław, Przemyśl, Galicia, Austro-Hungarian Army, languages, officers, qualification lists, Rzeszów, Galicia, Kazimierz Osiński, education, Poly technic School in Lviv, Francis the I University in Lviv, Lviv, Stanisław Szołajski, gimnazjum (secondary school) in Jarosław, alcohol abuse, depression, disciplining, manliness models, Great War, Józef Jarolim, Przemyśl, 19th century, „Gwiazda” Association, Przemyśl Credit Union, „Gazeta Przemyska”, Przemyśl Fire Department, Przemyśl City Council, architecture in Przemyśl, „Harmonia” musical society, Aleksander Fredro Polish Drama Society in Przemyśl, Przemyśl Bourgeois Casino, „Sokół” Polish Gymnastic Society, urban planning, tenement houses, Przemyśl, Art Nouveau, historicism, correspondence courses, interwar period, „Bluszcz” Publishing House, woman, household, family, child, management of servants, kitchen, clothing, diet, home furnishings, Passion and Marian sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, communism, prayer letters, history of solitude, Catholic Church, Żurawica, parish, boundaries, Latin diocese in Przemyśl, archives, Galicia, Lesko, Estreicher, archival inventories, town, Limanowa