1 (27) 2022

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Publication date: 12.2021

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Tomasz Dariusz Mames

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 3 - 36


Although the beginnings of the Mariavite Church have been quite extensively discussed in contemporary Polish historiography, the canonical and legal issues concerning the development of the structures of that denomination seem to be an insufficiently researched area. Indeed, almost all publications on the history of that movement mention particular levels of the Mariavite church and monastic administration, however they do not answer the basic question about the reasons why the Mariavite Church did not accept the episcopate or synodical system but the monastic one and adapted to congregationalism imposed by the authorities. The article, using methodology typical of historical and theological sciences, organizes the previous knowledge on the organization and system of Mariavite congregations within the Catholic Church (1887-1906), as well as at the time when the independent of Rome Mariavite Church developed (1906-1914). The author also answers the questions about possible reasons for adopting the monastic system, unique in the family of Old Catholic Churches.

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Kazimiera Ewa Korzeniewska

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 37 - 53


The Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Dominic was founded in Wielowieś, Galicia, in 1861. Simultaneously with the foundation of the Congregation, the sisters started their apostolic service of teaching in the school in the village of Wielowieś. At first it was a parochial school, then it became a private elementary school by the monastery. In 1889 it was turned into a public elementary school. The article shows the changes in the school curriculums, which were caused by the transformations of school status (from private to public, and then from two-class to three-class school) and by the revision of the educational law in Galicia. The paper also attempts to depict the methods adopted by the sisters to teach different subjects, including enumeration of the textbooks used in the process of teaching.

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Tomasz Pomykacz

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 55 - 88


The article reviews and discusses wide range of memories and reports relating to the fights for the Przemyśl Fortress published before 1945 in the Hungarian language. These sources so far have been neglected in the historiography of Przemyśl’s Fortress – despite the importance of Hungarian formations to the defence of the fortress. Simultaneously, the article tries to discuss them from your point of view their strong emotional, often chauvinistic and political (most obviously anti-Trianon) dimensions, which was part of the nationalist and revisionist projects characteristic for Hungary’s politics in the interwar period.

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Natalia Stojak-Pomykacz

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 89 - 125


For Przemyśl, the second half of the 19th century was a time of dynamic economic and territorial development. It was then that the majority of historic urban fabric was established, both in terms of area and numbers. Unfortunately, the 19th-century tenement houses in Przemyśl have not been widely discussed so far. The few publications there are concern converted houses, untypical of that period. The literature on urbanization of the suburbs (which today constitute the historic town centre) in that period is also scanty. In order to discover the nature of changes in the town at that time, the author has chosen to discuss tenement houses in Franciszka Smolki Street. Those houses are a typical example of multi-family houses in the period under discussion. They were built in a previously undeveloped area, and soon that street became one of the more elegant ones in Przemyśl. Although it was subjected to urbanization relatively promptly, its houses are not homogeneous in nature and they are evidence of aesthetic changes and changes connected with the residents’ standard of living. Functional and spatial solutions used in particular groups of houses constitute the history of urbanization of that fragment of the town.

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Łukasz Podolak

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 127 - 152


This paper is an attempt to present the beginnings of civil service and units of local government in the Lubaczów district as well as organizing, supplementing and verifying the previous findings, particularly because the formation and functioning of local authority here differed from other areas. That was a result of a series of factors, among which the major one seems to be the fact that the authorities and the apparatus of security and public order were controlled by members of the Polish underground state. Indeed, there used to be districts in which members of the underground were part of local government and district authorities, however nowhere did they prevail to such an extent and for so long. In addition, we should notice the vague state affiliation and the Polish-Ukrainian war going on since the spring of 1944. The above mentioned factors and the lack of any structures of the Polish Workers’ Party (PPR) here were the reasons for that exceptional political situation in the Lubaczów district.

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Marcin Koperski

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 153 - 172


This paper is the second part of the article Letters of Bishop Michał Kuziemski. The sources to discover the history of the Greek Catholic diocese of Chełm previously published in “Rocznik Przemyski. Historia”. It consists of letters translated from Latin and Italian (nos. 16 to 24) published in the book by Fr. Luigi Glinka titled Diocesi ucraino-cattolica di Cholm (Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Chełm) published in Rome in 1975. It is for the first time that the content of those letters is introduced in Polish historiography.

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Adam Szczupak

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 173 - 190


The article includes the edition of three sources to the history of Przemyśl during the First World War by Greek Catholic clergy from Przemyśl: an account of Bishop Konstantyn Czechowicz and Rev. Aleksander Zubrycki and the first part of a memoir by Rev. Miron Podoliński. The texts of those documents have been deciphered from manuscripts kept at the State Archives in Przemyśl, translated from Ukrainian and annotated.

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Bartosz Kaczmarek

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 191 - 214


The article presents the translation and edition of a source: two letters written in December 1914 by a British officer Edward Hulse; it is his account of the events of the Christman truce. The aim of the paper is also to present and discuss the problem of mythologizing that event and changing its perception in historiography.

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Józef Wołczański

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 215 - 402


The second part of the correspondence between Rev. Dr Jan Kwolek (Przemyśl) and Rev. Prof. Jan Fijałek (Kraków) presented here covers eight years: 1928-1936. As for the former priest it was the prime of his spiritual, intellectual and organizational development, whereas the latter was approaching the end of his life, enjoying deserved renown in the field of historical research; he died in 1936.

No wonder then that the subject matter of the letters – in vast majority authored by the Przemyśl priest – was largely an account of his successive achievements, in particular in the field of modern organization of the Diocesan Archive which he headed, requests for academic consultations about the formation of a reference library, and discussions on current academic work. Rev. Jan Kwolek would regularly write to his correspondent about concentrating the records from the parish churches of the whole Przemyśl diocese, systematically deposited in Przemyśl. He also used to tell him about the positive reception of his work all over Poland, he shared his joy about significant interest among local theology students in archive work, he did not hide his concern for the fate of the Diocesan Archive due to lack of a successor; finally, he would inform Rev. Fijałek about current events in the local church: changes in managerial positions, deficiencies of the personal policy and his own successive promotions. On the other hand, Rev. Fijałek would spontaneously respond to his younger colleague’s requests, not so much instructing him on the matters of organizing the archive, as that was something Rev. Kwolek managed perfectly well, as indicating the titles of academic books indispensable in an archive library. He did not spare words of praise, which must have been an incentive for the younger priest to keep up the good work.

The correspondence makes the reader admire the enormous achievements of one person in the field of establishing in the interwar Przemyśl a second modern research and academic institution (after the Archdiocesan Archive) accessible to historians dealing with matters of the church. The letters published here enhance the reader’s knowledge and awareness by so far unknown facts from the history of research under the aegis of Roman Catholic Church in the Second Republic of Poland.

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Tomasz Pudłocki , Wiktor Węglewicz

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 403 - 449


The authors present a source rarely used in historical research: a commendation of a person delivered on the occasion of their jubilee. By courtesy of the family, an unknown historical source has been edited, concerned with Bohdan Zahaykevycz, one of the major figures in interwar Przemyśl: secondary school teacher, museologist, organizer of cultural activities, brother of Volodymyr Zahaykevych (Deputy Speaker of the Sejm of the Second Republic of Poland and lawyer). After emigrating from Przemyśl, Zahaykevycz was one of the key figures in the life of the Ukrainian diaspora in the USA. This text is supposed to honor his services as a sort of liaison between the past world for American Ukrainians and their postwar reality overseas. It says a lot about what and how was remembered and maintained in the collective memory of the generations living in new reality after 1945, focusing above all on Ukrainian life in Przemyśl in the first half of the 20th century.

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Gellért Ernő Marton

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 451 - 460


The aim of this paper is to present a report about the status of the author’s ongoing doctoral dissertation. Since the author’s first publication had been published in Rocznik Przemyski. Historia in 2019, further archival research was made as well as other publications were finished concerning the Habsburg–Ottoman territorial negotiations in Szécsény and Buda in 1628–1629. In the following, one can find information regarding publications related to the topic of the dissertation, and information regarding the first partial results.

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Adam Perłakowski

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (27) 2022, 2022, pp. 479 - 482


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Słowa kluczowe: Mariavite movement, religious law, canon law, Congress Kingdom of Poland, Dominican Order education, Galicia, Order of Preachers, Dominican Sisters, Wielowieś, school curriculum, Przemyśl Fortress, First World War, Hungarian memories, Hungarian internal politics, interwar period, Przemyśl, Franciszka Smolki Street, urban development, tenement houses, Lubaczów, the Lubaczów district, 1944-1945, Poles, Ukrainians, Michał Kuziemski, Mariano Falcinelli Antoniacci, Pope Pius IX, Greek Catholic diocese of Chełm, Rev. Marceli Popiel, Rev. Sylwester Sembratowicz, Fortress of Przemyśl, First World War, Greek Catholic Church, Przemyśl diocese, source editing, the Great War, 1914, Eastern Front, British Expedition Corps, Christmas truce, Edward Hulse, Rev. Prof. Jan Fijałek, Rev. Dr Jan Kwolek, Archbishop Adam Stefan Sapieha, Bishop Józef Sebastian Pelczar, Bishop Anatol Nowak, Bishop Franciszek Barda, Bishop Karol Józef Fischer, Rev. Stefan Momidłowski, Rev. Kazimierz Wais, Prof. Stanisław Kot, Prof. Władysław Abraham, Prof. Władysław Semkowicz, Prof. Stanisław Zakrzewski, Dr Kazimierz Kaczmarczyk, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Diocesan Archive, commendation, biography, Bohdan Zahaykevych, Ukrainians in Przemyśl, historical memory, emigration, Péter Koháry, Peace Treaty of Szőny (1627), territorial negotiations at Szécsény and Buda (1628–1629), Habsburg–Ottoman diplomatic affairs, quantitative and qualitative analysis of a collection of correspondence