Rozejm bożonarodzeniowy 1914 r. w listach kapitana Edwarda Hulse’a

Publication date: 12.2022

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 2022, 1 (27) 2022, pp. 191 - 214



Bartosz Kaczmarek
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5221-9317 Orcid
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Rozejm bożonarodzeniowy 1914 r. w listach kapitana Edwarda Hulse’a


The article presents the translation and edition of a source: two letters written in December 1914 by a British officer Edward Hulse; it is his account of the events of the Christman truce. The aim of the paper is also to present and discuss the problem of mythologizing that event and changing its perception in historiography.


Źródła drukowane:

E. Hulse, Letters Written from the English Front in France. Between September1914 and March 1915, San Francisco 2013.


T. Ashworth, Trench Warfare 1914-1918. The Live and Let Live System, London 2000.

M. Bächler, The Christmas Truce of 1914 Remembered in 2005. The Staging of European Similarities in the Movie Merry Christmas” – “Joyeux Noël, w: Remembrance and Solidarity Studies in 20th Century European History, Warszawa 2014.

T. Blom Crocker, The Christmas Truce. Myth, Memory, And the First World War, Lexington 2015.

D. Boyle, Peace on Earth. The Christmas Truce of 1914, Scotts Valley 2018.

M. Brown, S. Seaton, Christmas Truce. The Western Front December 1914, London 2011.

Ch. Bunnenberg, Dezember 1914. Stille Nacht im Schützengraben. Die Erinnerung an die Weihnachtsfrieden in Flandern, w: Die Urkatastropheals Erinnerung Geschichtskultur des Ersten Weltkriegs, Hg. T. Arand, Münster 2006.

A. Chwalba, Samobójstwo Europy. Wielka Wojna 19141918, Kraków 2014.

M. Ferro i in., Meetings in No Mans Land. Christmas 1914 and Fraternisation in the Great War, London 2013.

M. Gilbert, The First World War. A Complete History, New York 2014.

P. Ham, 1914. The Year the World Ended, London 2014.

P. Hart, The Great War. 19141918, London 2013.

M. Hill, Christmas Truce By the Men Who Took Part. Letters from the 1914 Ceasefire on the Western Front, Stroud 2021.

M. Jürgs, Der kleine Frieden im Großen Krieg. Westfront 1914. Als Deutsche, Franzosen und Briten gemeinsam Weihnachten feierten, München 2005.

A. Lucas, J. Schmieschek, For King and Kaiser. Scenes from Saxonys War in Flanders 19141918, Barnsley 2020.

J. Pajewski, Pierwsza wojna światowa 19141918, Warszawa 2014.

A. Richards, The True Story of The Christmas Truce. British and German Eyewitness Accounts from World War I, Havertown 2021.

R. Scully, British Images of Germany. Admiration, Antagonism and Ambivalence, 18601914, Basingstoke 2012.

M.C. Snow, Oh Holy Night. The Peace of 1914, Nappanee 2009.

J. Veranneman, Belgium in the Great War, Yorkshire 2018.

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Information: Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 2022, 1 (27) 2022, pp. 191 - 214

Article type: Original article



Rozejm bożonarodzeniowy 1914 r. w listach kapitana Edwarda Hulse’a


The Christmas truce of 1914 in the letters of Captain Edward Hulse

Published at: 12.2022

Article status: Open

Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Bartosz Kaczmarek (Author) - 100%

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