Forsowanie Sanu pod Rzuchowem przez c.k. XIV Korpus (14–16 X 1914 r.)

Publication date: 12.2023

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 2023, 1 (29) 2023, pp. 69 - 86



Sławomir Kułacz
The WSB Merito University in Gdańsk
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9088-0889 Orcid
All publications →


Forsowanie Sanu pod Rzuchowem przez c.k. XIV Korpus (14–16 X 1914 r.)


The article is an attempt to reconstruct and evaluate an armed clash which took place in Central Galicia in the Autumn of 1914. The Austro-Hungarian XIV Corps lead by General Josef Roth was able to cross the River San and gained a bridgehead at Rzuchów in the face of heavy Russian resistance, but was forced to retreat after two days. Inadequate artillery support on the Austro-Hungarian side, unfavourable weather conditions and, above all, a poor choice of landing area, all lead to a defeat and the loss of over a thousand men. Russian losses amounted to a similar figure.


Źródła archiwalne:

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Information: Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 2023, 1 (29) 2023, pp. 69 - 86

Article type: Original article



Forsowanie Sanu pod Rzuchowem przez c.k. XIV Korpus (14–16 X 1914 r.)


Crossing the River San at Rzuchów by the Imperial-Royal XIV Corps (14–16 Oct 1914)



Sławomir Kułacz
The WSB Merito University in Gdańsk
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9088-0889 Orcid
All publications →

The WSB Merito University in Gdańsk

Published at: 12.2023

Article status: Open

Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Sławomir Kułacz (Author) - 100%

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