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Data publikacji: 25.03.2018

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Redaktor naczelny Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska

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Iwona Chomiak-Orsa, Michał Flieger

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 7 - 20

Background. Organisational excellence is a process that becomes more and more difficult in nowadays’ organisations. One of the areas in which this organisational state is built is organisational management nature. When it comes to competitive organisations process management and process organisations are very often introduced. What is very often forgotten is a kind of consistency that must follow process structure implementation and ongoing operations. The problem of consistency is almost not present in this meaning in literature of the subject, so it is a very new approach. To manage in a consistent way organisations need to analyse companies from a static and dynamic perspective. The management of contemporary organisations requires from the managers not only well-established knowledge and wide experience. The problems faced by organisations go beyond the management framework defined in the literature. The organisations are evolving in order to achieve organisational excellence. A key determinant of the improvement of the organisation is to create a coherent management system, which will include all the layers and the perspective of the organisation. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to obtain in practice. The identification of these difficulties was the main impetus for the considerations presented in this article.
Research aims. The aim of the article is to make a synthesis of the literature devoted to the topic of the consistency of the management structure levels. Unfortunately, the literature in this area is not too abundant, yet. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to identify the main trends of literature in this area and to present an original, synthetic concept to create organisational cohesion. 
Methodology. In view of the theoretical nature of the article research methodology consisted on the views of the authors as a result of a literature review. Then the authors were also tempted by several design proposals that are conceptual. The desk research was carried out by studying the literature considering consistency in management and confronting it with the authors’ own concepts. Most of the article was developed by using the authors own ideas and in this way it is a new input into management theory.
Key findings. As the main source of the problem that is described in the article, the authors pointed out the lack of consistency between the planes of management. The pursuit of organisational excellence is a continuous process, which forces the evolutionary nature of the organisation. Thus, the flexible principles of the organisation’s functioning in the direction of self-improvement, designing or creating an event organisation may constitute, according to the authors, one of the directions of organisational consistency.
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Marek Ćwiklicki, Anna Urbaniak

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 21 - 38

Background. The lack of extensive research with regard to personnel management of local government units (LGUs) prompted the authors to undertake analyses, the purpose of which was to give the voice to the respondents, according to the assumptions of the constructivist paradigm.
Research aims. The purpose of the study was to identify the main management problems from the perspective of LGU employees.
Methodology. The basis of the conducted analyses were the essays of LGU employees concerning the management problems they noticed at their workplaces. The qualitative methodology has been used (the content analysis combined with the elements of grounded theory). 
Key findings. The motivation system model applied in LGUs was reconstructed, from the perspective of the respondents, and factors were distinguished, which – in the opinion of the employees – cause the functioning system as not motivating in the intended scope. On the basis of a comparison of the existing legal regulations and the respondents’ narratives, a list of recommendations was prepared, with regard to design and functioning of the employee motivation systems at LGUs.
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Boleslaw Goranczewski

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 39 - 61

Background. The article focuses on two intrapersonal factors having a significant impact on the idea of the internal customer and the existence or absence of organisational citizenship behaviour. These factors are altruistic and egoistic attitudes. 
Research aims. The main objective of the analysis presented in the article is to describe manifestations of organisational citizenship behaviour from the perspective of the internal customer. 
Methodology. The article is based on the study of the literature on this subject. It also has the character of a conceptual review. The reflections included in the article result from the author’s many years of practical managerial experience in the use of such techniques as participant observations, interviews, analyses of intraorganisational source documentation and others. Thus the article contains the attributes of research based on the ethnographic method. 
Key findings. The author characterises five personality types of the internal customer in the context of organisational citizenship behaviour. The first type is the “altruist”. The second type is the “neutral”. It represents the internal customer who is half an altruist and half an egoist. The “egoist” is the third type of the internal customer who functions in two dimensions. The egoist adopts positive behaviour only in return for an award. This type of an internal customer represents also behaviour which is apparently positive (counterproductive). The fourth fifth type is the internal customer who, restricted internally or externally, does not adopt citizenship behaviour. The conclusions of the article present possible problems and questions which could constitute a starting point for further research on organisational citizenship behaviour from the perspective of the internal customer. 
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Stephan Höfer, Jörg Naeve

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 63 - 80

Background. The application of lean management is standard in many companies all over the world. It is used to continuously optimise existing production processes and to reduce the complexity of administrative processes. Unfortunately, in higher education, the awareness of lean management as a highly effective methodology is quite low. 
Research aims. The research aim is to show how the lean strategy can be applied in university environments. Finally, this paper address the question why it is so difficult to implement lean in a university environment and how an institution of higher education can move forward towards becoming a lean university.
Methodology. Based on a literature review, five key lean principles are presented and examples of their implementation are discussed using short case studies from our own institution. We also compare our findings with those in the literature. 
Key findings. Lean offers the chance to improve the management of higher education institutions. This requires a commitment on the part of the university top management aiming at convincing all stakeholders that a culture of lean helps the institution to be able to adapt to the rapidly changing environment of higher education.
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Jan Franciszek Jacko

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 81 - 98

Background. The text presents two paradigms defining the mission of higher (academic) education and universities: the classic paradigm (developed by Plato and Aristotle) ​​and the sophistic paradigm (offered by the sophists). The study shows that they are still present in the current discussion about the mission.
Research aims. The study’s objective is to formulate the problem of the social utility of universities and identify their functional mission (regarding social needs). 
Methodology. Three methods support each other to achieve this aim: The method of ideal types identifies the historical phenomenon of the university and its “ideal type”. The phenomenological analyses and the method of idealised design specify the mission of the university.
Key findings. The study shows that some social needs do not change in time and specify the mission of the universities in their “ideal type”. The methods present the reasons for its following directions: (1) The research and didactic missions are inseparable from each other in the universities. (2) They should offer interdisciplinary and versatile education (3), which is on the highest possible quality level. These postulates are not new. The key findings of the study are in its methodology, which shows the way of justifying the above postulates with the above methods.
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Izabela Koładkiewicz, Małgorzata Kuczara, Michał Zdziarski

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 99 - 118

Background. This article presents the very first research on strategy committees in the context of Polish supervisory boards. Consequently, it is also the first study on strategy committees of supervisory boards conducted in the European, two-tier system of corporate governance.
Research aims. The article aims to explore practices of strategy committees in supervisory boards, including factors conditioning the formation of a committee, criteria for membership selection, as well as functions, tasks, and operations that are undertaken by the committees. 
Methodology. The research presented in this paper was conducted via the method of interviews with 10 board members selected according to the stratified sampling, having both vast experience in the function of a board member at several companies, and experience of participation in a strategy committee.
Key findings. Their narration suggests that a strategy committee serves as a structural solution supporting the engagement of the board in the company’s strategy process. A strategy committee plays an advisory role for the board, which decides on the final strategy. An opportunity to focus attention on key factors influencing strategy formulation is perceived as a key dimension of a committee’s works. A committee may be permanent or formed ad hoc if a strategic renewal is needed. Critical factors that seem to increase the likelihood of committee formation are the size and complexity of a company.
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Sabina Nowak, Magdalena Mosionek-Schweda, Urszula Mrzygłód, Jakub M. Kwiatkowski

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 119 - 143

Background. This study examines the dividend patterns among companies listed on the stock exchanges in selected countries from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), namely the Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Qatar, the Russian Federation, South Africa, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. 
Research aims. Although the dividend policy has been examined in numerous empirical studies, this paper aims to address the differences in the dividend payout ratios between the companies with- and without state ownership with respect to agency theory and the shareholders’ structure. Moreover, the smoothing pattern of dividends is investigated from the perspective of the government presence in the ownership structure. 
Methodology. The research procedure comprises the ordinary least squares estimation of two separate dividend smoothing equations and the use of adequate parametric or non-parametric statistical tests. 
Key findings. The obtained results indicate that the presence of the state in the shareholders’ structure coexists with the high levels of dividend payout ratios. The analysis of dividend smoothing behaviour gives mixed results. Although many companies smooth dividends in the research sample, the mean levels of the dividend speed of adjustment (SOA coefficients) are rather high among the stock markets in the selected EMEA countries. However, the country smoothing levels differ depending on the version of the applied equation. Moreover, no significant differences are found in the SOA levels between the companies with- and without state ownership. 
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Tadeusz Oleksyn

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 145 - 163


 The following subject matter of social elites has been undertaken here: what they were in the past and what they are today, how they are formed and what their key competences are. There shall also be a concise description of the chosen theories of the elite: Vifredo Pareto, Max Weber, Robert Michels, Gaetano Mosci, James Burnham, Peter F. Drucker, Wright Milles, Roberta D. Putnam, and Zygmunt Bauman. The subject matter of these brief deliberations shall be elitarian and egalitarian policies, while also the negative consequences of excessive elitarian and egalitarian policies. The key competences of the social elites shall be reviewed as exemplified by several chosen functions and positions.

Let us consider the issue of the crisis of the elite – the scale, the causes, and counteractions. The accusations that the elite is failing us are not new. Every once in a while this happens in different locations and on varying scales. The role and possibilities of the elite are often over-estimated; the replacement of the imperfect elite with something much worse also happens. It is an open issue as to whether all the intricate and difficult problems (of a specific organisation, country, or the world) are solvable; a positive response to such questions would seem to be more than optimistic. Perhaps the expectations with regard to the elite, as well as towards management are excessive and unrealistic. Such a view is opined by Charles Handy and Henry Minzberg, albeit politicians, particularly authoritarians and populists, would never be brave enough to openly admit that they are not almighty and their electorate would never accept such information. 
In a democratic system, a legal state, an entrepreneurial society and in conditions of the prevailing natural/spontaneous order over artificial and contrived order, the elite encompasses significantly more valuable and active people than in authoritarian, centralised, and hierarchical systems. The elites of a democratic and civic society are also usually safer for people and more efficient in terms of action than the elites in authoritarian states or hybrid democracies. There are a multitude of examples of this both in historical and contemporary times. 
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Jerzy Rosiński

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 165 - 184

management science. It seems that the timeliness of the organizational leadership topic comes not only from the importance of managing teams of workers, but also from the changes that are taking place in: attitudes employees, the expectations of the organization and in the organizational environment. It causes the need for continuous reflection, because solutions adequate a couple of years ago, may not be conformed to contemporary situation. Organizational leadership is an interesting theme of reflection, because is an area of knowledge between management science and psychology. It is possible to venture the statement, that the reflection from one of these areas is enriched by the second one.
Research aims. An average level of managerial skills can be considered as “good enough”. However, does this mean that it is the same as “correct”? The article indicates that nowadays “average” is “too little”.
Methodology. On the basis of a few selected case studies of Polish organisations, the author presents the disadvantages of an average level of managerial skills. The analysis of the case studies and the particular types of organisational disorders will be based on the Situational Leadership Model developed by Ken Blanchard. The author analyses two situations in organisations: the leader using mainly styles S2 and S3 and the leader using mainly styles S1 and S4.
Key findings. The author shows the consequences of average level of managerial skills for: a single employee, the team, the effects for another organisational processes (recruitment, employee turnover). The article also describes the psychological mechanism (social game or the archetype) that is often the background of that kind of behaviour (S2–S3; S1–S4) in the organisation.
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Małgorzata Rozkwitalska, Jan Slavik

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 185 - 206

Background. Management theories are products of their environment. Thus, the social, political, economic and technological forces present in a given time and locale create demand for a given theory and shape it. 
Research aims. In this perspective paper the authors present how learning has evolved in management theories over the years and how challenges imposed by Industry 4.0 may impact the concepts of learning. 
Methodology. The paper is based on an overview of literature and experts’ work. First, the authors refer to learning in management theories from the birth of the field until the present day. Second, they portray Industry 4.0 and the current stage of implementation of its ideas. Then, they indicate the macro-environmental and workforce challenges produced by Industry 4.0. Finally, they attempt to look at the role of learning in Industry 4.0 and whether there is a need for a new theory concerning learning for the fourth industrial revolution.
Key findings. The discourse of the paper suggests that new challenges require at least a modification of the existing theories concerned with learning of individuals and organisations as well as their further improvements.
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Anna Sławik

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 207 - 235

Background. Taking the nature and dynamics of the environment of modern organisations into account, it is necessary and crucial to manage stakeholders, which is effective when such groups are identified that actually determine the organisation’s ability to achieve its goals. The need to identify stakeholders is also justified by the overriding management goal of maximising the value of an organisation, as stakeholders can be regarded as the areas of value growth in the environment or those who have value-creation factors. Both the results of a literature review and the author’s experience in management practice imply the need to develop tools accessible for decision-makers to support the identification of stakeholders and to analyse and evaluate their influence on the organisation’s functioning.
Research aims. The purpose of the paper is to present in detail an original methodology for identifying the organisation’s strategic stakeholders, which will address the research problem by assessing the influence stakeholders have on the achieving the organisation’s strategic objectives and, consequently, identifying the stakeholders of strategic importance.
Methodology. The MISS is a methodology with a set of tools supporting managers in analysing and evaluating the internal and external environment of their organisation, which is comprised of various stakeholder groups. An analysis and evaluation are conducted in a multi-stage manner and lead to the prioritisation of stakeholders and the emergence of those of strategic importance to the functioning of the organisation studied. Data collection methods for the MISS are focus group interviews and individual structured interviews.
Key findings. The MISS supports decision-making in organisations by enabling decision-makers to systematically assess the direct and indirect impact potential of stakeholders on the strategic goals of the organisation. The results of the analyses indicate the elements of the system (the organisation’s environment) of the highest value, thus determining the allocation of resources. The conclusions also show the application potential of the MISS in the broader context of organisation management, the model’s limitations, as well as future research directions.
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Letycja Sołoducho-Pelc

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 237 - 261

https://doi.org/10.4467/24498939IJCM.17.046.8269 ww
Background. Although trust is a prerequisite for building business relationships, the scientific output of the theoretical and empirical research in this field in management sciences is rather meagre. It concerns mainly the trust in the context
of building relationships with external partners. However, from the perspective of management it is important to focus on the issue of trust primarily in relation to employees. 
Research aims. The aim of the article is to present the achievements of theoretical and empirical research on the issues of trust in the strategic management process. 
Methodology. The studies concerned selected problems associated with the trust of the management staff in relation to employees and the implementation of the strategic management procedure. 
The main questions concerned: 1. Considering employee ideas when making key decisions in the company. 2. Engagement of employees in the strategy development. 3. Responsibility of all employees for the implementation of the strategy. 4. Discretionary powers of the employees as to the manner of implementing the strategy. The test sample included 150 Polish companies (50 small businesses, 50 medium-sized companies, and 50 large companies). The research tool was a survey questionnaire. In the survey, a research technique applied in quantitative studies – Paper and Pencil Interview (PAPI) was used. The five-point Likert scale was used in the survey questionnaire.
Key findings. The surveys allowed confirming the existence of a relationship between trust and the implementation of the strategic management procedure. 
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Łukasz Sułkowski, Tomasz Bilczewski, Paweł Morawski

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 263 - 284

Background. The dynamics of changes at the beginning of the 21st century create a new dimension of the economy based on information and knowledge. The Internet of Things, hyper-connectivity, large data sets, cloud solutions, automation, and robotisation permeate more and more areas of economic existence. The boundaries between what is physical and what is digital are blurring, making the existing ways of managing business processes likely to be insufficient, of which not all entrepreneurs are aware.
Research aims. The aim of this article is to identify the markers of business transformation processes and to demonstrate the necessity of adaptation activities of enterprises to the challenges posed by the future. We will hypothesise that the process digitisation identification set in the form of a model can become an instrument supporting business management in a strategic perspective.
Methodology. In the research process, an idiographic approach was applied with the use of understandable methods that were intended to provide an opportunity to gain insight into the “essence of things”. In the process of material acquisition, the analysis of available documents and literature was used, and due to the specificity of the topic, an overview of existing digital sources was made. The technique used was semantic analysis, the co-occurrence of terms and materials usefulness for this publication.
Key findings. The collected and analysed material allowed to make a general conclusion indicating the necessity of implementation of innovative technologies into the business management processes conditioning the development and functioning in the future. The requirement of adaptation to the digitisation era may result in many socio-economic benefits. A simplified model form of identifying the factors of digitisation, tools for process reorganisation and transformation areas in enterprises can be a helpful instrument of business management.
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Fadeyi Olatunji, Chijioke Nwachukwu, Rowland Worlu, Oluseye Ogunnaike, Adegbuyi Abimbola

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 285 - 304

Background. Participatory decision-making maintains a leading theme across business, policy, and practice research. The success of any organisation depends on involving the workforce’s entire capacity to produce new ideas and ways of working to outsmart the competitors and have a competitive edge in the industry they are operating in.
Research aims. The focus of this study was to examine participatory decision-making and firm performance in the Nigerian banking industry. The study precisely sought: to determine the effect of employee participation in work decision on service quality of the firm, to ascertain the relationship between consultative participation and firm profitability, and to investigate how representative participation can affect the timely delivery of firm service as well as to determine the impact of short-term participation on the productivity of the firm. 
Methodology. In the course of this study, several relevant literary works were reviewed. The survey method was used to collect data of which 300 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and 288 were retrieved. Regression analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to test hypotheses.
Key findings. The results show that a significant and positive relationship exists between service quality and employees’ participation in work decision. Similarly, a weak significant positive relationship exists between consultative participation and firm profitability. Furthermore, there exists a positive relationship between timely delivery of firm service and representative participation. On the other hand, there is no positive relationship between productivity of the firm and short-term participation. When employees are allowed to participate in decision-making, it gives them a sense of responsibility for their actions as they see themselves as an important member of the organisation. The study, however, recommends that for the promotion of creativity as well as innovation in the organisation, employees should be allowed to participate in decision-making. 
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Ojo Oyetunde, Samson Oyedele Kayode

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(4), 2017, s. 305 - 325

Research aims. This study focuses on the relationship between revenue generation and service delivery in Ibarapa Central Local Government, Igboora, Oyo State, Nigeria (2010–2015) . It identifies the various sources of revenue generation of the local government and analyses the effect of each one on service delivery. It also examines the factors militating against the effectiveness of the various sources and recommend how they can be improved upon.
Methodology. The methodology of the study is secondary relying on the local government internally generated revenue documents, departmental expenditure account documents, statutory allocation records, ledgers, cash books and annual budget estimates between 2010–2014. Descriptive Statistical tools of percentages, frequency and table distribution as well as inferential statistical tools of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to interpret the data. The result of tested hyphotesis (F = 2.154 at 0.05 level of significance) indicates that there is relationship between Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) and Service Delivery in Ibarapa Central Local Government, Igboora. However, the relationship does not have the desired effect in the local government because of the paltry sum of the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR).
Key findings. The heuristic values of the study are thrice fold. First, it will deepen knowledge on the role and importance of local government generally as an agency of public finance. Also, it will provide an insight on how strategies can be devised on the improvement of their internally generated revenue. Third, it will provide input on how local governments generally can be more judiciously, effectively and efficiently managed.
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