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2019 Następne

Data publikacji: 2019


The publication of this volume was financed by the Jagiellonian University in Kraków – Faculty of Management and Social Communication

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktor naczelny Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska

Zawartość numeru

Magdalena Majowska, Agata Austen

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 18 (4), 2019, s. 7-31


Background. Although it was proved that there is a positive relationship between effectiveness of HRM and performance of the organization, little is known why this relationship exists. It is due to the focus on the organizational level, instead of examining behavioral aspects of individuals in the organizations.

Research aims. The aim of presented article is to fill the gap in HRM effectiveness research by applying multilevel approach. A literature review was conducted to examine how HRM effectiveness was linked to other variables in previous research according to the multilevel logic.

Methodology. The article uses systematic literature review of the empirical research on HRM effectiveness focusing on its antecedents and outcomes.

Key findings. The review revealed scarcity of multilevel approach towards HRM effectiveness yet suggests there is a gap in examining antecedents and outcomes on individual or unit/ group level of analysis.

JEL Codes: M12, C18, L29

* This article is a result of a research project financed by National Science Centre (grant number: 2015/19/D/HS4/00805)
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Kamilla Noworól

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 18 (4), 2019, s. 33-52


Background. The range of operation of e‑participation is constantly widening. The commonness of using e‑participation in public management makes one think about its effectiveness in implementing complex processes, particularly those occurring in cities, as the urban revitalization. This process traditionally benefits from wide stakeholder participation based on face‑to‑face relations.

Research aims. The aim of the article is to present – in the context of literature – the experiences of the Cracow City Hall in the range of using e‑participation of the residents in the process of planning and implementing revitalization. The basic question is whether it is possible to use e‑participation instead or to a limited extent of traditional instruments based on face‑to‑face contacts.

Methodology. The article is based on the results of a desk research (documents of the city of Cracow, the results of research and analyses in the field of interest), website analysis and social media profiles as well as focus group interview conducted by the author in June 2019 with the employees of the Revitalization Office at the Cracow City Hall.

Key findings. By the example of Cracow, on the basis of literature research as well as own research and experience gained by designing several revitalization programmes, the author has claimed that face‑to‑face contact is inestimable. However, city government and its officials cannot avoid the necessity of conducting part of the communication process in social media. The example of Cracow has indicated some weaknesses and dangers which a city may face while using these tools the author has shown..

JEL Codes: O20, R58, H70

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Grażyna Prawelska-Skrzypek, Justyna Maciąg, Tammi Sinha, Christina Welch, Nigel Ward

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 18 (4), 2019, s. 53-72


Background. Contemporary challenges motivate academics to look for forms of activities stimulating creative processes, releasing creativity, and supporting cooperation between universities and their socio‑economic environments, including the expansion of knowledge with the active participation of these environments. Such effects are brought about by cooperation within the framework of a community of practice – a traditional form of academics’ organizing themselves that is currently being rediscovered.

Research aims. A presentation and analysis of examples of informal academic cooperation in Poland and the United Kingdom.

Methodology. A case study has been conducted on the basis of statements made by British and Polish researchers and practitioners involved in communities of practice.

Findings. The result of the conducted research is the identification of a theoretical basis necessary for understanding various types of voluntary cooperation within an academic community. The research results show that communities of practice are an effective way of working thanks to the stimulation of creative processes, academics’ individual development, and advantages gained by institutions. Their key strengths are the absence of formalization and the joy of creation. They constitute a renaissance of the traditional forms of work compatible with academics’ styles of living.

JEL Codes: I23

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Andrzej Szopa

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 18 (4), 2019, s. 73-82


This study attempts to determine how external factors affect economic growth. It is a methodological solution unique in the literature enabling the study of basic contemporary phenomena associated with globalisation. The advantage of the proposed solutions is their transparency and simplicity. The introduction of two types of membranes is of key importance. The presented model creates great opportunities for its development and verification of the adopted solutions in the long run. 

JEL Codes: E27

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