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2020 Następne

Data publikacji: 2020

The publication of this volume was financed by the Jagiellonian University in Kraków – Faculty of Management and Social Communication

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Redaktor naczelny Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska

Zawartość numeru

Magdalena Kachniewska

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 19 (2), 2020, s. 7-35


Background. The explosion of big data (BD), automation, and machine learning have allowed contemporary businesses to better understand and predict human behavior. In scientific research big data have been widely used to study consum­er journey and opinions. One of the tools enabling forecasting of sales volume is the Bass diffusion model, which universal nature has been proven in many appli­cations in forecasting the sale of products belonging to various market segments. This article considers the use of BD as exogenous variables in the Bass model to predict the sales of tourist packages.

Research aims. The purpose of the research is to assess the impact of using big data on improving the accuracy of forecasts for the sale of tourist packages. The Generalized Bass Model (GBM) has been thus expanded to include big data, which means that exogenous variables include: (1) marketer-generated content (MGC) and (2) user-generated content (UGC), including volume of web search and blog posts.

Methodology. This article analyzes online news, blog posts and web search traf­fic volume related to tourist packages, and then integrates the information into the Bass model, treating it as part of the exogenous variables representing the mar­keting efforts of tour operators. It has been assumed that the volume of tour opera­tors’ web news is a proxy for content generated by marketers (MGC), while the vol­ume of blog posts and web search traffic constitute user-generated content (UGC).

Key findings. The empirical analysis found that by incorporating big data into the Bass model provides more accurate prediction of tourist packages’ sales vol­ume. In addition, UGC (as an exogenous variable) is better at predicting sales volume than MGC. UGC is a fairly good tool explaining the level of interest and involvement of potential tourists. However, it has been shown that forecasting efficiency is different for blog posts and web search traffic volumes.

JEL Codes: M31, M37, C55

Czytaj więcej Następne

Arkadiusz J. Derkacz

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 19 (2), 2020, s. 37-70


Background. The issue of economic growth is still an important area of economic research. This topic is crucial for the economic sciences as well as for economic policy practice. Let this statement be the most important assumption in this arti­cle. Everything that happens in the economy concerns socio-economic phenomena. The main scientific problem comes down to the question of what is the role of in­stitutional factors in the socio-economic development of Poland?

Research aims. The author set himself two main aims. The first aim is an at­tempt to present institutional determinants that affect the socio-economic devel­opment of the Polish economy. The second is an attempt to present the devel­opment of the Polish economy by setting it against the background of selected European countries.

Methodology. This work uses a modified taxonomic development measure meth­od based on the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The research was embedded in the current of new institutional eco­nomics. The concept of the institutional matrix was also used.

Key findings. Analyses conducted have facilitated the creation of an overview of the socio-economic development of the Polish economy. This was illustrated by the average socio-economic development index (ASEDI). Taxonomic measures of development were also calculated for all 10 of the economies analyzed. The main research time horizon is 2008–2018. Part of the collected data enabled anal­ysis of the period 1995–2018. The results of research and analyses have shown that selected institutional factors significantly affect the final level and quality of socio-economic development of Poland in comparison with selected European countries.

JEL Codes: B520, E020, O110.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Magdalena Karolak-Michalska

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 19 (2), 2020, s. 71-95


Background. The increase in the complexity of the social and political situation of Eastern European countries raises questions about securitization of national and ethnic minorities and its impact on the management of ethno-politics in the coun­tries of the subregion. Ethnopolitical management corresponds to the security of the subregion. Research interest in securitization of minority affairs is current, especially after the annexation of Crimea in 2014.

Research aims. The purpose is to define the role of securitization of national and ethnic minorities issues in the management of ethno-politics in Eastern Europe­an countries. The research area encompasses: Belarus, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The author asks the following research questions: 1) What are the areas of securitization of the issues of national and ethic minorities concerned? 2) How does the securitization of the issues of national and ethnic minorities take place? 3) How does the securitization affect the process of ethnopolitical management in the studied countries?

Methodology. An interdisciplinary research approach was applied, integrat­ing methods from political science, international relations and management. The conclusions from author’s own research carried out during foreign study trips in the years 2014–2017 were used. The literature has an interdisciplinary aspect. The realization of the goal is based on the application of a catalogue of research methods, including in detail, the following methods are mainly used in the re­search: system analysis; comparative method; behavioral method; a qualitative approach was also used in the realized research. The article uses the method of critical analysis of literature, where the concept of securitization is referred to.

Key findings. The role of securitization of national and ethnic minorities in the management of ethnopolitics in the countries of Eastern Europe is diversi­fied (it concerns different minorities and different areas). Uncontrolled may lead to deepening of the subregion’s security crisis (inter alia, to ethnopolitical con­flicts), hindering the process of ethnopolitical management.

JEL Code: F52, F53, J71.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Barbara A. Manko, Jerzy Rosiński, Tony R. Johns

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 19 (2), 2020, s. 97-124


Recruiting agencies in Central Europe partner with various companies in the Unit­ed States to place young women and men (ages 18–26) from their countries into the homes of U.S. families as au pairs, i.e., live-in child care providers. Ideally, the arrangement combines cultural exchange with useful services, to the benefit of all. However, many “matches” do not go well. In over one-fourth of the cases surveyed for this paper, the au pair did not complete the agreed-upon stay with the U.S. host family, often leaving at the family’s insistence. These failures are harmful to the persons involved as well as to the Central European recruiting agencies and the U.S. companies they work with. This paper examines how suc­cess rates could be improved through better practices by all concerned. Success factors include: setting realistic expectations for au pair candidates and host families, coaching them for online interviews (including optimum use of the tech­nology), and providing strong follow-up support. Research for the paper included a survey of U.S. host families and comparative studies of sources such as news reports, academic publications, public websites used in the au pair industry, and other materials.

Background. Recruiting agencies in Central Europe partner with various com­panies in the United States to place young women and men (ages 18−26) from their countries into the homes of U.S. families as au pairs, i.e., live-in child care providers. Ideally, the arrangement combines cultural exchange with useful ser­vices, to the benefit of all. However, in over one-fourth of the cases surveyed for this paper, the au pair did not complete the agreed-upon stay with the U.S. host family, often leaving at the family’s insistence.

Research aims. This paper examines how success rates could be improved through better practices. Success factors include: setting realistic expectations for au pair candidates and host families, coaching them for online interviews and providing strong follow-up support.

Methodology. A survey of U.S. host families and comparative studies of multiple sources, e.g., news reports, academic publications, public websites from au pair industry.

Key findings. A successful placement gives the au pair valuable career experience, enhances the home country’s human capital and its image abroad, helps Central European agents recruit further good candidates. Failures impose financial losses, burdens on all parties. It can damage the au pair’s morale and create obstacles in one’s path to a productive career.

JEL Codes: M11, M15.

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