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2020 Następne

Data publikacji: 09.2020


The publication of this volume was financed by the Jagiellonian University in Kraków – Faculty of Management and Social Communication

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktor naczelny Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska

Zawartość numeru

Anna Bąkiewicz

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 19 (1), 2020, s. 7-27


Background. The succession of family business has become the topic most often investigated within the family business (FB) research. As we would like to under‑ stand the phenomena we need to recognize its specificity, mechanism of operation, determinants and consequences. In this case, a range of determinants of the pro‑ cess has been investigated so far. But, the flood of publications seems to focus on specific issues, leaving aside some important aspects of the problem.

Research aims. The purpose of the research is to summarize up to date knowledge on the determinants of the succession, and identify possible gaps in research, and thus potential areas for future inquiry. We concentrate on the culture pre‑ vailing in the community the firms operate in as a potentially significant factor determining the behavior of players involved in succession.

Methodology. The discussion undertaken in the paper is theoretical, based on deduction. The determinants of the process of succession are synthetized on the base of literature review. As there is no succession without successor, we concentrate on the younger generation perspective and try to cover the complexity of the issues involved.

Findings. We show important gaps in the research on family business succession, and point at culture embeddedness of the businesses, and the large promising area of intercultural comparative studies for our understanding of succession. We also indicate the legitimacy of a broader view on management issues by setting the problems in a specific cultural environment. The synthesis suggests the necessity of research on cultural determinants of succession, based on comparative analysis of cases from different cultural background. Moreover, it rises doubts if regularities of an organization operations observed in one cultural background would have universal value.

JEL Codes: L26

Czytaj więcej Następne

Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej, Rafał Mroziewski

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 19 (1), 2020, s. 29-60


Background. Although one can find in the subject literature how to implement management by values (MBV), this concept is still relatively new and not devel‑ oped enough. Over the years, it has been proven that there is a direct relationship between management by values and the economic performance of an organization.

Research aims. The aim of the paper is to answer the following research ques‑ tions: “What are the origin and assumptions of the concept of management by values?” and “How should an organization implement and maintain MBV?”.

Methodology. The authors used literature studies and the longitudinal case study method. Within the case study the authors applied participant observations (conducted in 8 years), analysis of documentation and other information about the enterprise under study such as internal reports or website. They interviewed 3 management board members and 8 employees, as well. Then they confronted empirical findings with the “Road Map” concept which is presented in the literature.

Key findings. The research revealed some differences between practice and the “Road Map”. The study delivers guidelines for managers (e.g., on how to oper‑ ationalize the company’s values, how to build a reward system, or how to measure the success of MBV implementation). The paper also presents the directions for further research.

JEL Codes: M12, M14

Czytaj więcej Następne

Magdalena Popowska

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 19 (1), 2020, s. 61-87


Background. Nowadays, corporate entrepreneurship (CE) is perceived as an essential approach to boost the innovation and creativity within existing organizations for achieving higher opportunities in the market. This paper examines this concept, which has been largely discussed in the Anglo-Saxon world over the last thirty years. Like for many other phenomena, also in case of CE, this discussion has provided numerous conceptualizations, and consequently, there is not one unique definition of CE. In this respect, the search for an appropriate basis for understanding and describing the phenomenon of CE engenders a challenging issue for entrepreneurship researchers.

Research aims. This paper aims at creating a large platform for understanding the concept of CE by means of a clarification effort through the review of the most important papers in this field and identification of the existing research gaps.

Methodology. Systematic literature survey is the applied methodology. EBSCO and Taylor & Francis database were used as a source for the sampling process.

Key findings. The analysis does acknowledge the need for more qualitative and rigorous research in this field and brings several recommendations for the future studies. The main conclusions also do urge for a more diversified research in terms of the sectors discussed, as the biggest gap identified is in the services sector. There is also a need for a more structured classification of the measures, depending on the real research focus: CE antecedents or outcomes.

JEL Codes: o31, o32

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