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2016 Następne

Data publikacji: 01.01.1970

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Beata Kożuch

Zastępca redaktora naczelnego Łukasz Sułkowski

Zawartość numeru

Aleksandra Januszkiewicz

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(3), 2016, s. 7-30


Background.This paper discusses a process of development of evaluation practice at the local level of self-government in Poland. The author raises the question whether the current practice of evaluation of the projects co-financed by the European Union contributes to building of the evaluation capacity and development of sustainable evaluation culture in Polish local administration.

Research aims. The aim of this study was to analyze the conditions of application of evaluation of the EU projects in communes and counties in Poland, i.e. to examine the scale of evaluation practice, methods of its application, evaluation functions, and factors favouring or limiting development of this practice at the local level.

Methodology.The study was based on a review of literature on evaluation and evaluation capacity building. In the conducted field research complementary quantitative and qualitative methods and techniques were used: computer assisted telephone interviews with representatives of 25 counties and 125 communes in four Polish provinces, in-depth interviews with representatives of 13 local governments, and an analysis of relevant documents.

Key findings.The current process of implementation of the EU funds in Poland has contributed to the development of an evaluation practice at the local level of self-government only to a limited extent. Evaluation is regarded primarily as a formal requirement associated with implementation of EU grants (as accountability instruments), which does not promote evaluation capacity building in the local administration in Poland. The main barrier to the practice of evaluation at the local level is a lack of knowledge about evaluation and a low level of internal motivation for its use. Financial constrains are also important obstacles.

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Izabela Marzec, Aldona Frączkiewicz-Wronka

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(3), 2016, s. 31-46


Background. The issue of organisational culture and its impact on employees’ attitudes and behaviours have aroused the interest of practitioners and theorists of management for a long time. The study of the subject literature also points to the significance of organisational culture for the enhancement of employees’ commitment in public organisations.

Research Aim. The paper tries to answer the following question: what orientation of organisational culture positively affects organisational commitment of labour office employees and what orientation of this culture negatively influences commitment of labour office employees?

Method. The survey research was carried out from the end of 2013 to the beginning of 2014. The sample consisted of 140 employees of 14 labour offices operating in the south of Poland. Descriptive statistics, t-test for equality of means, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis were applied.

Key Findings. The obtained results showed that there is a relationship between the orientation of organisational culture and employees’ organisational commitment in labour offices. The comparison of the level of employees’ commitment in the organisations with the clan culture and with the hierarchy culture showed that employees rated higher their commitment in the clan culture than in the hierarchy culture. Moreover, the hierarchical regression analyses showed that adhocracy orientation positively influences employees’ commitment and hierarchical orientation negatively affects employees’ organisational commitment.

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Andrzej P. Wiatrak

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(3), 2016, s. 47-62


Research background:Innovation partnerships need to be established between public, private and social organisations, hence their nature, scope, and operating conditions should be understood. In discussing this, the following issues were outlined: essence and scope of innovation partnerships in the activities of public organisations; innovation policies and programmes as the determinants of innovation partnerships; and implementation tools for innovation partnerships.

Aim of the study:To demonstrate that nowadays cooperation for innovation is needed among various organisations, yet the fundamental role in this respect is played by public organisations.

Methods:The study was prepared based on the relevant literature, documents on the European Union and Polish (including Mazovian) development programmes and the author’s own reflections. The foundation for drawing it up were data processing methods, i.e. analysis and synthesis, and logical inference methods, in particular induction.

Key findings:The analysis shows that the basis of innovative activities in Poland are guidelines and programmes prepared in the European Union and support (also financial support) for their implementation. Innovative activities are undertaken in all areas and regard not only technological, but also social and environmental issues. An extensive and varied range of innovative activities requires innovative activities to be conducted jointly by various types of organisations but when publicly supported, innovation partnerships should be coordinated by public organisations.

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Maria Jabłońska-Wołoszyn

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(3), 2016, s. 63-78


Background.The article delineates competency requirements which have to be faced by contemporary managers in business and their application in a public organisation through the example of the Customs Service.

Research aims. The presentation of the process of changes’ implementation in the scope of management within the Customs Service based on the change of criteria used for the assessment of managerial staff competencies.

Methodology. Field work and participant observation of the assessment process of the core managerial staff of the Customs Service by Assessment Centre method.

Key findings.Public organisations can apply criteria and methods of assessment normally used in business to administer the managerial staff.

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Paweł Romaniuk

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(3), 2016, s. 79-94


BackgroundIn the current economic circumstances, a significant process that affects the efficiency and functionality of the operations of every organisation, including public administration, is the communication process. The correct information flow, as well as mechanisms for sharing knowledge, have become key areas in the life of every organisation.  In that respect, the information and communication technologies, which are currently a key factor supporting social integration and increasing possibilities for the cooperation of public administration bodies with other entities and citizens, are becoming more and more helpful in the communication process. The application of e-administration when fulfilling the needs of citizens has become a real challenge for modern administration.

Research aims The objective of the research of the analysed area is to indicate the main principles concerning efficient communication with the environment and within public administration units, using skilful e-communication management.

Methodology The author presents the main assumptions of communication process management, including e-communication in public administration.The search for some aspects related to the application of e-administration, using certain techniques of communication process management, was based on a review of the scientific literature, with the indication of practical examples and results of previous empirical research in that respect. The author also applied the method of legal dogmatic, which focused particularly on the analysis of the material standard to determine what law applies in a given time on a given territory.

Key findings Among the many aspects and techniques of communication process management in public administration, IT and the Internet are more and more often used for the purposes of realising public services. The possibility of completing administrative procedures electronically allows the modernisation of every organisation, including public administration units, and the building of trust for such institutions. Citizens more and more often use the possibility of contacting various offices online thanks to modern IT technologies.

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Jolanta Słoniec

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(3), 2016, s. 95-121


Background: Studies of foreign literature on IT outsourcing indicate the variety of topics covered in the research. The comparison of these studies with the research published in Poland indicates a disproportion of the number and quality of research, and points to a gap in knowledge about IT outsourcing in Poland.

Research aim: The aim of the research would be to know the state of research on IT outsourcing in Poland.

Method: The method of literature study in relation to the results of studies on IT outsourcing in Polish enterprises was used, as well as with regard to some of the results in other countries and the methods of analysis and synthesis in relation to the comparison of Polish research in other countries. The reviews of published literature (Lacity, Gonzalez) were presented.

Results: The contents of dozens of publications on Polish and foreign IT outsourcing were analysed, and compared. The result of the paper is a recommendation to do research comparable to US and Spanish studies. So in the consequence of the future research it would be possible to make recommendations for users and providers of this rapidly growing service.

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Barbara Kożuch, Katarzyna Sienkiewicz-Małyjurek

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(3), 2016, s. 123-144


Theoretical background: Inter-organisational collaboration is contemporarily the basis for functioning of a public sector organisation. However, it is not a simple process and it does not always help to achieve the assumed goals. Its course is determined by factors related to various aspects of an organisation’s activity, among which many have key significance.

Research aim: The main objective of this paper is to identify and rate the key factors contributing to effective inter-organisational collaboration in the public sector.

Methodology: The research is based on desk research methodology and the hermeneutic process within a focus group.

Key findings: As a result of the conducted research we identified the key factors of Inter-organisational collaboration in the public sector. We also evaluated the power of  influence and the power of relations of these factors, which enabled ascertaining which of them determine the success of collaboration between organisations.

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