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2016 Następne

Data publikacji: 07.07.2016

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Beata Kożuch

Zastępca redaktora naczelnego Łukasz Sułkowski

Zawartość numeru

Agnieszka Pawłowska, Anna Kołomycew

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(2), 2016, s. 7 - 28


Background. Subsequent research of polycentric systems was associated with the processes of metropolisation and seeking solutions to efficiently manage complex territorial structures. This approach, however, was superseded by the approach of multi-level governance. The authors propose a return to the polycentric theory, accepting it as the theoretical framework for research on functional urban areas, which are in Poland the new paradigm of co-operation of territorial units.

Research aims. The article is to draw attention to the polycentric approach as a useful framework of research in the area of public management and to verify how the organisation of functional urban areas corresponds to polycentric systems, matching relations between the participating actors and the system of distribution of power and influence.

Methodology. The article has been based on the discourse analysis as well as the analysis of the content of reports and other documents.

Key findings. Functional urban areas bear the hallmarks of polycentric systems, therefore, it seems advisable to apply the polycentric approach to their research. Moreover, the polycentrism is free from the deficiencies of MLG. In addition, the polycentric approach gives greater opportunity for interpretation and classification of inter-institutional relations.

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Regina Lenart-Gansiniec

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(2), 2016, s. 29 - 57


Background. The problems of open innovation and crowdsourcing are more and more often present in literature on management sciences. It is emphasized that during creation of innovation a given organisation should make use of the knowledge existing outside of it. Moreover, it is suggested that the process of creating and developing products or services should be open. By the same, organisations should make use of the knowledge that is being possessed by a generally understood public or crowd (Wexler, 2011). The crowd has gained a new meaning: from unorganised, chaotic and often aggressive people it has become organised and oriented towards problem solving, and in particular creating the so-called open innovations. However, despite the increase of researchers’ interest in the subject of open innovation or crowdsourcing and awareness o“crowd wisdom”, it is difficult to find in the literature unambiguous answers to the question on what is crowd capital. Many authors assume that crowd capital is the core of both open innovation and crowdsourcing.

Research aims. The aim of the article is integration and synthesis of the existing scientific output related to crowd capital and presenting an original conceptualisation of this notion.

Methodology. In order to identify the main research perspectives and develop a proposal of the conceptualisation, the method of systematic literature review was used, including an analysis of the number of citations. This enabled revealing the existing research axes and the cognitive structure emerging from works published so far. Publications entered in full text databases were analysed. The research covered a period of 9 years: from 2007 to 2016.

Key findings. The review and analysis of the contents of publications listed within the systematic literature review enabled identifying of the directions of further scientific research. The systematic foreign and domestic literature review published until 2016 indicated that many levels and areas of the occurrence of the subject phenomenon have still not been examined, which shows free space for new research in this scope. The article presents a proposal of an original conceptualisation of the notion of crowd capital.

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Dorota Kanafa-Chmielewska

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(2), 2016, s. 59 - 83


Background. Different types of organisational behaviours have become a very popular research topic, particularly the search for behavioural pattern of effectiveness: the degree to which objectives are achieved.

Research aims. The study explores gender differences in expression of organisational citizenship behaviours and counterproductive work behaviours, investigating chosen antecedents of the issues.

Methodology. Structural equation modelling was used to examine data based on 327 responses from 165 female and 162 male employees.

Key findings. It emerges that while citizenship is the “core” organisational behaviour for women, counterproductivity is for men, and there are different antecedents for both types of behaviour, depending on the gender. Women’s OCBs could be increased by elevation of their job satisfaction and remuneration. Men’s OCBs depends on job satisfaction that does not rely on salary. Men’s CWBs depend on citizenship performance, but women’s CWBs are not related to any factors included in our models. Considering citizenship and counterproductivity, both women and men differ rather in specific behaviours than in the dimensions of OCBs and CWBs. The results could be useful in building employees’ motivational programs.

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Dorota Kuchta, Ewa Ptaszyńska

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(2), 2016, s. 85 - 103


Background. In projects of electrical switchboard delivery we can identify many risks which are usually quite severe in their consequences, because these projects are high-budget projects. Our studies indicate that there are no formalised risk management procedures in many Polish companies that realise such projects.

Research aims. Therefore we propose using a traditional risk management procedure adapted for projects of electrical switchboard delivery what was verified on the example of a selected company.

Methodology. We use the following research methods: analysis of the documentation relating to completed projects of electrical switchboard delivery, interviews with project managers, and literature studies.

Key findings. We obtained the following results: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), list of identified project risks, list of risk responses, computer tool for managing identified risks in projects of electrical switchboard delivery. Based on the completed studies we can state that risk management is an important element of electrical switchboard delivery and should not be ignored in companies that realise such projects.

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Dariusz Grzesica, Waldemar Parkitny

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(2), 2016, s. 105 - 122


Background. Knowledge about the changing market trends and the ways to identify them is the key to effective business management. The basis of mistaken decisions is a wrong interpretation of information coming from the company. With regard to logistic processes, information on the amount of incurred expenses exhibits some dependencies between them. Therefore, one way of making the right decisions is the use of forecasting models based on time series, which can be used to determine future values of a studied phenomenon. Verification of the obtained results through the determination of average forecast errors can be implemented.

Research aims. The research was conducted to determine the degree of relationship of macroeconomic indicators with the economic parameters emerging in the enterprise. The use of information obtained in this way can be applied to reduce the risk associated with entrepreneurial activity. The utilitarian purpose of this research is defining the correlation coefficient used to determine the extent to which the investigated factors are interdependent and making predictions about the future value of inventory costs.

Methodology. To implement its objectives, critical analysis of literature was applied, analysis of statistical data, a method of determining dependencies between those variables based on the correlation coefficient and the ARIMA method of forecasting based on time series, using advanced autoregression and moving average models. On the basis of the average of relative forecast errors the accuracy of the forecast for future periods can be determined.

Key findings. The main result of the analysis is to obtain information about the influence of macroeconomic factors on changes of the value of the field of logistic enterprises as well as the use of autoregression and moving average models to determine the future size of the variables in the time series. Using the ARIMA model, made on the basis of real plant data forecasts relating to the cost of inventory, showed the suitability of the method for pre-planning of the future logistics trends.

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Konrad Raczkowski, Łukasz Sułkowski, Justyna Fijałkowska

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(2), 2016, s. 123 - 150


Background. Today’s turbulent economic reality characterised by market distortions, financial and economy crises and increasingly frequent business scandals question the validity of current business models, including also those concerning the notion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Research aims. The aim of this article is the comparative critical review of the most common CSR business models and criticism of the current CSR rhetoric. We hypothesise that the CSR business model should have grounded institutional foundations that the majority of them lack.

Methodology. As a methodology in our research we use a critical management studies. We base our analysis on the profound literature review. Following the ethical-normative theory of Hopwood (Hopwood & Miller, 1994) and acknowledging stakeholders approach, legitimacy theory, and social contract theory as foundations of our motivation we critically compare 7 conceptual CSR business models. These business models are described based on the positive theory.

Key findings. The general conclusion indicates that the reviewed CSR business models do not consider institutional factors and pragmatic realism of business activities. Moreover, those models are embedded in unrealistic economic conditions. They have many shortcomings and weaknesses that as for now remain a challenge both for the academic research and practice.

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Anna Tarabasz

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(2), 2016, s. 151 - 170


Background. Entrepreneurial networks are established in order to achieve a competitive advantage and superior performance, due to collaboration within different levels and types of organisations. Their existence, based on alliances, cooperatives, capital relationships, etc. requires long lasting bonds and thus may not be easily adjustable. Turbulent condtitions, extended response time to occuring changes, and processes’ adaptation may be an obstacle to their appropriate functioning. As a proposal a new approach emerges, which is associated with the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), favouring redefinition of the market, buyers, users, and product range.

Research aims. The main aim of this article is to present an innovative attitude to network management, based on communication and platforms’ integration, due to the IoT approach. In this regard the paper will show functioning regularities of contemporary networks in a turbulent environment, followed by an analysis of examples used as an illustrative material of smart objects and solutions underlying creation of intelligent shopping, processes’ integration, automation, and personalised packaging, that allow for more flexible and unconventional network management.

Methodology. The paper presents a literature review and an analysis of secondary data resources and it also bases on available case studies of the IoT implementations.

Key findings. Nowadays, available literature as well as business consider network management as a constant and formalised relationships’ dependency and they are more eager to follow trodden schemes. In the proposed new management approach, the network shall be rather perceived as a dynamic solution, created ad hoc by customers using companies’ products and available applications. Therefore, to overcome the above mentioned schortcomings, organisations should go beyond standard solutions, introducing unconventional ideas and thinking. Such attitute may not only constitute a competitive advantage of flexible management, a more versatile approach, but it will also open a new business window to a lucrative market, with an estimated potential economic impact growth annual ratio to be between $2.7 to $6.2 trillion per year by 2025.

JEL Classification: L86, D85, O33, M31

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