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2013 Następne

Data publikacji: 01.01.1970

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Beata Kożuch

Zawartość numeru

Edward Stawasz

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(4), 2013, s. 8-19

Background. Innovation and innovativeness play an important role in the development of economic entities under the conditions of increasing competition and the transition to the knowledge-based economy. Determinants of SME innovativeness are the object of growing interest of government policy supporting this sector.
Research aims. The presented paper is an attempt to determine the impact of state aid for innovation on innovativeness of enterprises in the SME sector. It also discusses the role of innovation capacity in the development of innovativeness of enterprises.
Method. The research consisted of the survey among 95 enterprises, which made use of state aid for innovative activity in the years of 2008-2010. The average age of the enterprises was 19 years in 2010, while the average number of employees amounted to 60 people.
Key findings. The analysis of research results does not confirm the hypothesis on the state aid impact on innovativeness among Polish SMEs. However, important dependences where observed between innovativeness and innovative capacity as well as between innovative capacity and state aid.

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Tomasz Ingram

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(4), 2013, s. 20-31

Background. Both talent management and innovativeness have received significant research attention recently. However, these two, were usually separately treated research fields. Thus, there is a need to explore conceptual links between them.
Research aims. The main aim of the paper is to present implications for talent management theory and practice on the basis of empirical, quantitative research results on relationships between organizational support and the level of innovativeness.
Method. The research is based on the survey among the owners or managers of higher organizational level. The research sample is composed of 250 Polish organizations that operated in Silesia.
Key findings. The number of innovations depends on the number of employees responsible for this type of activity. To some extent innovativeness depends on the formal plan or program directed towards innovations fostering, the percentage of yearly income or motivational activities targeted towards innovative and creative employees.

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Krystyna Golonka, Justyna Mojsa-Kaja

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(4), 2013, s. 32-44

Background. Analysis of the factors determining the teamwork effectiveness is an important area in the science of management.
Research aims. The aim of the article is to describe the relationship between the concept of team roles and psychosocial factors, such as the ability to recognize and regulate emotions, which constitute important aspects of emotional intelligence.
Method. The paper presents the results of a pilot study (N = 42). Two research instruments were used: team roles scale - Self-Perception Inventory (SPI), and emotional intelligence scale - The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MCSEIT).
Key findings. The results of the analysis indicate a significant positive correlation (p <0.05) between the ability to perceive emotions and managing emotions, and roles associated with the maintenance of the group. Analyses of theoretical concepts and research findings refine the relationship between emotional intelligence and team roles with team effectiveness, taking into account the nature of the tasks and the stage of group development. The article introduces the results of Polish version of MSCEIT (N=118), suggesting acceptable internal consistency of this measure.

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Letycja Sołoducho-Pelc

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(4), 2013, s. 45-60

Background. The manner of strategy formulation, such as direct employee participation in strategy formulation process, is of great importance for the success of the strategy, but equally important is the ability to implement strategic plans, as determined by (among other things) strategy communication and its effectiveness. Informing employees on matters of strategy is of key significance for strategy success, since it enables them to understand their role in this process and the significance of the tasks delegated to them.
Research aims. The purpose of this paper is to determine the methods most commonly used for communicating the strategy and to learn about the degree of knowledge of the strategy among employees.
Method. The studies were conducted on a sample of 150 Polish companies. The legal form of these companies was a joint-stock company. The selection of the research sample was based on the stratified random sampling method and was prepared on the basis of data from the Central Statistical Office. In order to ensure the highest possible level of representativeness, the stratified random sampling method was originally used to select the sample. The study used the research technique called Paper and Pencil Interview, while the interviews with the managing staff were conducted by a research agency.
Key findings. To ensure good understanding or even approval of strategy among employees, communication of company strategy should fulfil a few requirements. The adopted concept of strategy should be suitable for the organization. It seems important that information on company strategy reach the largest possible number of employees. Strategy should be communicated to employees in a continuous manner, and in a form that warrants proper understanding. Strategy must be understood and accepted by all employees. Employees should be aware of their individual contribution in realization of company strategy, as part of their job description.

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Alicja E. Gudanowska

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(4), 2013, s. 61-72

Background. The knowledge of technologies is one of the elements shaping economic growth. At the same time, current technologies are characterised by a growing complexity, and their application life cycle is getting shorter. Observation and analysis of their development stage has become a protection of investments linked with them. It seems to be a logical need for both proper technology management and methodology development in that area to be constituted.
Research aims. The aim of the article is to present the problem of technology mapping in the scope of foresight studies as a tool of technology management. The main emphasis has been put on the identification, the subsequent analysis and the evaluation of the activities undertaken in the phase aiming at diagnosis of the current state of technology in the context of foresight studies.
Method. Identification of foresight initiatives which undertake operations within the scope of diagnosis of current state of technology has been conducted through observation, document analysis, literature analysis and review. Selection of the best practices among the identified ones has been made through the assessment of the degree to which criteria defined by the author were fulfilled.
Key findings. The fundamental result of the analysis conducted in the article is the identification of elements of diagnosis of current state of technology, which can be held as recommendations in the scope of using the methodology of technology mapping. They comprise, among others, preparing technology cards, localising resources linked with the technology, and visualisation of possible relations among technologies.

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Andrzej P. Wiatrak

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(4), 2013, s. 73-84

Background. The complexity of a contemporary organizations’ operational environment requires searching for the best ways for them to function in the existing conditions. The search is reflected in organization architecture, ie. in the prepared plans for building and development of the organization, the nature and range of changes, and also in the methods of management.
Research aims. This article attempts to determine the nature and types of organization architecture and its impact on the activity’s efficiency.
Method. The present dissertation was elaborated on the basis of the subject literature and the author’s own considerations. Fundamental methods used in the paper are analysis and synthesis as well as induction, deduction and abduction.
Key findings. The conducted considerations resulted, inter alia, in a conclusion that the organization architecture should be based on a system approach taking into account each area of an organization’s activity, from the business type and scale (e.g., production volume), through its financing and sales, to operational effectiveness.

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Piotr Jedynak

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(4), 2013, s. 85-96

Background. Business Continuity Management (BCM) is a response of management practitioners to the risk appearing in turbulent environment. Recent publications consider BCM in pragmatic categories often deprived of its embedding in the management science.
Research aims. The paper enters discussion of the essence and status of Business Continuity Management (BCM) in management sciences. It includes considerations of the following constituent subjects: the notion of BCM, Evolution of BCM, formal status of BCM in perspective of management science, directions of current BCM research.
Method. The argumentation presented in this paper is based on the critical analysis of the literature and synthesis.
Key findings. It is recommended to base the attempt of defining BCM on element indicating identity of the management domain. Currently, BCM orientation is holistic and its meaning is global and its formal status in management sciences can be specified from the point of view of the content and from the point of view of relations. Due to its crossfunctional character BCM maintains relations with a several domains of management.

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Aleksandra Rudawska

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(4), 2013, s. 97-109

Background. There is a terminological disorder regarding the concepts of organizational learning, learning organization and knowledge management. Two of these concepts are regarded as ambiguous.
Research aims. The article presents differences, resemblances and connections among organizational learning, learning organization and knowledge management. The main aim is to propose a framework of interrelationships among those three concepts.
Method. The research is based on the literature review and synthesis. It covers analysis and comparison of the essence of organizational learning, learning organization and knowledge management.
Key findings. The comparison indicates that the concepts are related and the learning organization idea can be understood with the application of organizational learning, knowledge management and organizational knowledge concepts.

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Olaf Flak

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(4), 2013, s. 110-123

Background. Nowadays many research results in management are not able to be compared to one another. Scientists seem to build isolated ontologies, use incompatible research methods and draw conclusions which are at least neutral to each other. Thus, a new methodological approach could allow us to overcome these obstacles.
Research aims. The goal of this paper is to make a contribution to a methodology of research in management science in the field of theoretical research and drawing theoretical conclusions, by presenting a new approach to the analysis of managers’ behaviour.
Method. Presented approach to the analysis of managers’ behaviour is based on facts theory and the system of organizational terms. Such a basis lets us use graph theory to recognize patterns in managers’ behaviour.
Key findings. The graph-based pattern matching is useful to analyse managerial behaviour when the managers take part in management processes. Indispensable theoretical concept for this is the system on organizational terms based on the facts theory.

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Anna Tarabasz

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(4), 2013, s. 124-134

Background. Nowadays cooperation, interaction and dialogue with the target group seem to be more important than simple customer orientation. Such amendments reflect marketing management and require the reevaluation of communication role.
Research aims. Article is an attempt to systematize marketing concept focal points and milestones: from the product-centric, through customer-oriented, till value-driven one. It also raises the issue of determining the possible direction of the marketing 4.0.
Method. Presented argumentation is based on literature review, analysis of internet sources and synthesis.
Key findings. The most important in marketing 4.0 seem the collective of fully conscious buyers, co-creating products as well as many-to-many dialogue and cooperation

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