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2019 Następne

Data publikacji: 2019


The publication of this volume was financed by the Jagiellonian University in Kraków – Faculty of Management and Social Communication

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktor naczelny Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska

Zawartość numeru

Grzegorz Baran

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 18 (3), 2019, s. 7-25


Background. Given the specificity and importance of social innovation as the processes of converting novel ideas and solutions of crucial social problems into value for society, they cannot be research and designed if taken out from real‑life environment. A living lab approach has become a promising methodology for social innovation research and design, wich offer means of developing and testing innovations in co‑creation with users and other stakeholders in real‑life settings.

Research aims. Given that a living lab is above all a research and design methodology, this research study is aimed at developing the inquiry processes on which the functioning of a social innovation living laboratory is based and which are the basis of conceptual design research framework.

Methodology. This research study was realized with conceptual research, wherein the existing knowledge was used as a source of reasoning leading to solve the scientific problem. The observing and analyzing existing information on cognitive processes occurring within living laboratories and their interpretation in the light of knowledge about the processes of creating social innovations led to solve the scientific problem.

Key findings. The original conceptual design research framework for a social innovation living lab understood as a research and design methodology. Proposed research framework enables to combine existing knowledge with the experiences from its application for theory testing and further development.

JEL Codes: O3, M1, L2

Czytaj więcej Następne

Aleksandra Berkowicz

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 18 (3), 2019, s. 27-51


Background. The article draws thereaders’attention to changes –trends in particular from the environment of further school organizations, and having a significant impact on the way they function.

Research aims. Review and attempt at the theoretical analysis of macro trends: economic, (post) humanities and technology, which governs or will govern education throughout the world. Attention was also paid to challenges posed by individual management perspectives.

Methodology. My research is based on a literature review giving insight into the basic understanding of changes in education and on existing approaches.

Key findings. The article shows that school organizations are subject to various changes initiated by various entities, including political and economic ones and this requires parallel attention to the development of humanities that will allow individuals to become “fully”human, so that entry into the world of nature, economy, technology, society, and culture can be accomplished through awareness and implementation of humanistic ideas.

JEL Codes: I21, I28

Czytaj więcej Następne

Marek Bugdol, Magdalena Pokrzywa

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 18 (3), 2019, s. 53-80


Background. Gender is an important element regarding women’s (and men’s) situation in organizations. Numerous research studies indicate that women have the required competences and yet they hold positions, in particular top managerial positions, definitely less frequently than men. These differences can be explained by the still existing phenomenon of the glass ceiling and discrimination against women. In addition, knowledge about effective methods of preventing discrimination against women and their importance for the functioning of the organization is little.

Research aims. The objective of this paper was to identify the dominant trends in research on women in organizational management. On the basis of the grouped results of the conducted literature review, the authors outlined new research directions which had previously been absent from, or attracted little attention in, the existing discourse.

Methodology. The main method applied by the authors was systematic literature review and the principles of research conducted in the fields of management and business (Creswell, 2013; Easterby‑Smith, Thorne & Jackson, 2015).

Key findings. The authors indicated various possibilities of conducting research on women in management. For example, studies on the glass ceiling effect do not explain differences between the conduct of organizations with a long‑term orientation and those pursuing short‑term objectives. As far as financial benefits are concerned, it is not clear what causes organizations whose management boards include women to achieve better financial results and how such results are influenced by the external context. With respect to preventing discrimination, an important task is to grasp the differences between the strength of prosocial behaviours and training/procedures. There are also many research directions that should be further developed, e.g. differences between women and men in the manifestation of counterproductive and citizenship behaviours.

JEL Codes: D21, M14

Czytaj więcej Następne

Arkadiusz J. Derkacz

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 18 (3), 2019, s. 81-104


Background. The general concept of a neo‑institutional causal sphere was developed in response to the question about what company management, understood as practice, is from the perspective of dynamic changes taking place in a broadly defined coherent causal sphere. A critical analysis of the literature on new institutional economics, psychology, and sociology, observation of the socio‑economic reality, and the author’s long experience in managing companies became the prime movers behind the formulation of the concept presented in this paper.

Research aims. As a result of the search for answers to the key question, two hypotheses emerged. The first one concerns understanding a company as a collection of activities in the form of socio‑economic phenomena, whereas the other is related to human activity within a company, which shapes the neo‑institutional manufacturing system. It is a process of the direct achievement of the organization’s objectives using appropriate tools. However, the most important subject here is the contracting man. In this context, the author of the article proposes a thesis according to which company management practice, as defined by the neo‑institutional perspective, should be oriented towards broad‑aspect determinism of a coherent causal sphere.

Methodology. In order to support his thesis, the author first presents issues concerning a company from the neo‑institutional perspective, providing a background for the concept of a coherent causal sphere. The second part of the paper discusses a coherent causal sphere identified with the dynamic environment of a company. And finally, the author defines functions of company management in the context of a coherent causal sphere, which have a chance of forming a new direction in modern company management.

Key findings. The main conclusions include three elements. The first concerns the concept of the company in a neo‑institutional approach. The second conclusion speaks of the existence of a coherent causal sphere, which is a reflection of the holistic environment of enterprises, in a neo‑institutional approach. The most important conclusion comes down to the statement. The practice of managing a company in the neo‑institutional sense should be oriented towards the broad‑aspect determinism of the coherent causal sphere.

JEL Codes: M200, L220, D230

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