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2014 Następne

Data publikacji: 2014

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Beata Kożuch

Zawartość numeru

Ehtasham Ghauri, Philip A. Neck

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 13(2), 2014, s. 8 - 22

Background. This research provides empirical evidence relating to sales employee percep- tions and performance appraisal (PA) procedures in the pharmaceutical industry. Previous studies suggest that organisational processes underpin perceptions among employees, and are trigger factors for employee satisfaction and retention as well as higher employee attrition that can influence customer satisfaction and organisational performance.
Research aims. The study identifies critical factors related to performance appraisal. Methodology. In order to achieve the aim the multiple qualitative in-depth case studies have been employed.
Rey findings. In particular, seven factors were found to account for the majority of negative perceptions among sales employees about the PA process and the organisation. Furthermore, the study suggests the need for clear organisational performance definitions and strategic objectives, and to take into account such factors as, the objectives of a PA exercise, proper feedback mechanisms related to the process and their alignment to a clear reward system to enable organisations in the industry to obtain procedural and organisational benefits. Support for conducting field work in Pakistan is provided.

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Yasemin Bal, Serdar Bozkurt, Esin Ertemsir

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 13(2), 2014, s. 23 - 36

Background. Human resource management practices and functions have gained a more strategic role in today's competitive organizations. Traditional personnel management and human resources management activities are not enough to compete in the challenging envi- ronments. HR departments should become strategic partners of organizations' top manage- ment level teams and be a part of the strategic planning process. All HRM functions should be designed consistent with the strategies and goals of organizations. There should be verti- cal and horizontal consistency among all HR functions and firm's strategies. In order to de- velop the skills of employees and support their innovativeness, HRM functions and practices should be implemented according to the needs of employees. Organizations can gain com- petitive advantage by designing their HRM functions systematically and supporting their employees in being innovative.
Research aims. In this paper, firstly the evolution and importance of strategic HRM are  investigated.  Method. The impact of strategic HRM on innovativeness in organizations is analysed by  a research which was conducted on 48 organizations in various sectors.  Reg findings. A positive relationship between strategic HRM practices and creating innova- tion is found in the analysis and the results are discussed in the conclusion section.

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Tarek A. El Badawy, Manal Bassiouny

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 13(2), 2014, s. 37 - 50

Background. Realizing the strategic value of human capital and the costs associated with losing valued employees, organizations must place greater emphasis on staff turnover issues. The severe economic downturn faced by Egyptian organizations especially after the 25th of January revolution impelled organizations to strive for sustaining their talents and minimizing their costs.
Research aim. This paper examines the positive impacts of the transformational leadership style on employee engagement and their ultimate impact on an employee's intention to quit an organization. Method. Data was mainly collected from 500 employees in Vodafone Egypt. A non- experimental quantitative research design was mainly used for the purpose of this study. The approach is concerned with testing objective theories deductively by examining the relation- ship among different variables (transformational leadership, employee engagement and inten- tion to quit) without any kind of manipulation or control of any of the variables. Various standard statistical tools were used to interpret the data.
Reg findings. The results have shown statistically significant relationships between the
3 constructs of transformational leadership, employee engagement and intention to quit. A significantly positive relationship was found between transformational leadership and employee engagement. A significantly negative relationship was found between transforma- tional leadership and intention to quit. There was also a significantly negative relationship found between employee engagement and intention to quit. The validation of the mediating effect of employee engagement in the relationship between transformational leadership and intention to quit denotes the importance of interventions aimed at engaging employees.

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Svetlana Ratner

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 13(2), 2014, s. 51 - 71

Background. The paper gives a critical overview of macro-level management efforts to increase energy efficiency in Russia in 1995-2013 with special focus on the shift in goals, methods and approaches. We compare the pace and the trend of evolution of Russian ener- gy efficiency policy with world trends and discuss the effects of policy diffusion on interna- tional and regional levels.
Research aim. Using the conceptual framework of an extended energy-efficiency gap, this
study investigates the existing barriers to energy efficiency and suggests the possible solu- tions for improvement of energy policy on regional level.
Method. We gathered the information for evaluation of effectiveness of current energy  policy by empirical research in the form of a mix of medium-scale face-to-face inquiries and  semi-structured interviews.
Reg findings. The findings reveal that the most common barrier is the lack of expertise and competences to identify the inefficiencies, and opportunities to implement energy efficiency measures needs to be overcome first for further improvement of energy efficiency. The convergence of expertise can happen through horizontal interactions on regional level as well as specially organized training programs at the federal level with the participation of international experts.

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Liliana Hawrysz, Katarzyna Hys

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 13(2), 2014, s. 72 - 85

Background. Discussion about instruments appropriate for administrative activities in Po- land started in 1990, after the transition. The reform of public administration in 1998 initiated substantial debate in this domain, and since then, the sector has been undergoing numerous transformations, but some of them are chaotic and not well thought-out. It impacts the posi- tion of public managers.
Research aim. The purpose of this article is to show differences in the communication  channel of managers and employees in public sector organisations.
Method. 1466 employees of 102 public sector organisations participated in the research. Re- search was conducted from November 2012 to May 2013. The survey questionnaire constituted the basis of collecting information in the framework of the conducted research. The research was complemented by interviews with managers of the entities examined.
Reg findings. The research presented differences in the communication channel among  managers and employees who are not managers in public sector organisations; in addition,  the dominating communication channel was diagnosed in these organisations.

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Petra Gyurácz-Nemeth, Nora Friedrich, Alan Clarke

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 13(2), 2014, s. 86 - 96

Background. The hotel industry is considered to be the most significant type of accommo- dation because of its ability to provide revenue and satisfy the guests needs. There is huge competition in the hotel industry so in order to be able to maintain or improve their market positions and reputations; they need to develop innovations. Because it is not difficult to copy the innovation ideas from each other, they have to think about building very distinctive hotels for distinctive target groups.
Research aims. The aim of the study is to explore the innovation of a distinctive hotel in Hungary with the help of definitions of service and tourism innovation.
Method. For the research one innovative Hungarian hotel was chosen as a case study and the innovation processes of this hotel were classified into groups determined by the other authors mentioned in the literature review. The innovations of the hotel were grouped ac- cording to the innovation activity and the source of innovation.
Reg findings. The research showed that the innovation of the selected hotel is service development and style changes, the innovation activity emphasizes organizational factors, and the sources of the innovations appear to be non-management sources.

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Agnieszka Czerw

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 13(2), 2014, s. 97 - 110

Background. World literature in the area of management, which takes into account the psychological aspects of human functioning in the work situation, more and more deals with the phenomenon of well-being. Many authors emphasize for example the economic benefits to the organization resulting from the concern for the well-being of their employees. Research aims. This article aims to summarize and organize current knowledge of the phenomenon of well-being at work.
Method. Due to the complexity of this concept it was necessary to clarify it for organization-al implementation. For this purpose the analysis of many reports from empirical and theoreti- cal studies in recent years was done.
Reg findings. The model of well-being experienced by employees which includes its causes  and consequences is the result of the presented analysis of various theories and available  research results in the literature.

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