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2018 Następne

Data publikacji: 18.03.2019

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Redaktor naczelny Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska

Zawartość numeru

Grzegorz Baran

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 7-26


Background. The literature on entrepreneurship indicates the lack of a strong theoretical basis to fully describe and explain this extremely dynamic and future-oriented area. The classic approaches to the organization and management are not always sufficient to solve some wicked problems in the area, which require the interdisciplinary synthesis of various sciences combined with the experience of practice, and often quite new conceptual frameworks.

Research aims. The purpose of this paper is to describe and present the result of the analysis of the relatively new approach to entrepreneurship, which derives from design sciences.

Methodology. The discussion undertaken in the paper is theoretical and methodological, and primarily based on the method of deduction, which referred to the critical literature study has allowed to achieve the research goals.

Key findings. The paper presents the relatively new approach to entrepreneurship, which derives from design sciences and designers’ practice. However, it is being successfully adopted within organization and management sciences to solve open, complex and unambiguous management problems, especially where entrepreneurship and innovation are required. As the result of the reasoning process, the basic rules of design-led approach to entrepreneurship have been identified. They constitute the basis for a conceptual framework of the presented approach.

JEL Codes: O3, M1, L2

Czytaj więcej Następne

Krzysztof Celuch, Aldona Glińska-Neweś, Mathilda van Niekerk

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 27-43


Background. Convention and Visitors Bureaus (CVB) and Destination Marketing Organisations (DMOs) play a crucial role in marketing and promoting a city, region, or country through creating an image of the destination as an attractive target and meeting area. The effectiveness of the overall process is influenced, among others, by the efficiency of the CVBs’ communication with its key stakeholders.

Research aims. The aim of the paper is to discuss the differences in CVBs’ communication styles, particularly regarding the extent to which the communication is diversified and personalised depending on different regions of the world.

Methodology. The comparative analysis is based on a survey conducted among 89 CVB representing Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and South America. While in most of the studied organisations communication with their members should be effective, the importance of this effectiveness among organisational goals varies. It is among strategic goals for European, Asian and Australian DMOs. Asian organisations personalise their communication styles regarding specific members, so the content of the communication is tailored. Interestingly, for the Asian units it is usually irrelevant for the communication efficiency how many members they have. In contrast, for European and North American organisations the number of members should be lower.

Key findings. The picture presented on a basis of our study results is interesting and complex. While in most of the studied organisations communication with their members should be effective, the importance of this effectiveness among organisational goals vary. It is among strategic goals for European, Asian, and Australian DMOs. Asian organisations personalise their communication styles regarding specific members, so the content of the communication is tailored. Interestingly, for the Asian units it is usually irrelevant for the communication efficiency how many members they have. In contrary, for European and North American organisations the number of members should be lower.

JEL Codes: C1, M14, O15

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Gyöngyi Csongrádi, Regina Reicher, István Takács

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 45-64


Background. Technological innovations are boosting in the field of finance, and this tendency is similar at fundraising as well. By introducing new ways of payment and digital currencies, all organisations have to follow the trends to be able to accept payments for their goods and services. The third sector must also follow the newest trends that could make donations easier for philanthropic people, but they should be aware of the necessary devices and the costs of the different methods of payment.

Research aims. This article is comparing the different possibilities to achieve money, and with the results of a survey, it reveals the rentable possibilities by identifying the most popular communication platforms.

Methodology. Comparative and descriptive statistical methods are used to analyse data gained from an online survey to reveal the viability of new technologies at the field of philanthropy.

Key findings. The characteristics of donors are analysed, and the most preferred forms of giving are also highlighted to help the actors of the civil sector to establish a competitive fundraising strategy by the help of new technologies.

JEL Codes: D64, L31, O33

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Wioleta Dryl

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 65-91


Background. One of the areas of business activity that has become not only a matter of voluntary choice in recent times, but more and more often a necessity is CSR. This area is very little recognised and explored in the context of luxury goods. It is obvious that the prosperity of this market gives its participants great opportunities for actions in the area of CSR. However, it is important to consider and examine whether this behaviour is desirable from the perspective of both consumers and other stakeholders of the brand.

Research aims. The purpose of this paper is (1) to identify the areas in which socially responsible actions can have a positive impact on the perception of brand value, as well as those that do not apply, and indeed are contrary to these values, and (2) to assess whether and to what extent CSR activities are desirable in the luxury market, both from the consumers and other stakeholders’ perspective.

Methodology. For the full explanation and understanding of this issue, the identification of luxury brand values has been conducted. On this basis, the author of the paper has identified the areas in which the socially responsible actions can have a positive impact on the perception of brand value, as well as those that do not apply, and are contrary to these values. The paper reviews the literature, analyses the scope of research conducted in this area and presents examples of socially responsible luxury brands.

Key findings. The results of the analysis conducted in the paper, indicate that although there are more important values of luxury brand than its social responsibility, there are areas of CSR that are compatible with values of luxury brand and there are stakeholder groups that demand socially responsible behaviour from luxury brands. CSR is considered as both the opportunity and the responsibility of luxury sector. Some trends in ethical/social responsible consumption that already exist in the mass market can and should be transposed into the luxury dimension.

JEL Codes: A13, M31, M21

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Michał Flieger

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 93-110


Background. New circumstances in which organizations operate give a new meaning to harmonization imperative which is still present in management theory as one of the most important issues. Today’s harmonization is a base for consistency concept, the concept which requires searching for consistency platforms in organizations. One of harmonization aspects is matching cooperation mechanisms to corporate culture specific in various world regions. Because of borders opening and considerate potential of new regions more and more interest is placed in Siberian organizations which often have much to offer for their international partners. When Siberian organizations are defined to have Critical Success Factors they may be invited to take part in modern virtual structures and then they are responsible for operations taking place in one of the process nests. In such a case the Integrator of virtual organization as well as inside deliverers and inside clients need to focus on consistency mechanism during cooperation process. Knowing corporate culture of Siberian partners is necessary to be able to harmonize cooperation for better effectiveness of the venture.

Research aims. Considering above the main research aim is to provide typical characteristics of Siberian organizations’ corporate culture. In the research such aspects as corporate culture artefacts are identified: language, behavior and material. Moreover, typical norms and values are pointed out and finally cultural traits which form the basis for the previously mentioned corporate culture aspects. The support research aim of the paper is to identify the directions which are expected by Siberian workers as for their corporate culture to be changed. This way the research also provides practical knowledge which may be of use for managers wanting to work out harmonization mechanism when cooperating with Siberian partners.

Methodology. To achieve above research aims the research was conducted in 2018, within the period of three weeks in 40 Siberian organizations of different sizes and branches. All of them were business organizations. In the research such research methods were used as: questionnaires (156 questionnaires filled), interviews (30 interviews made) and direct observation (16 observations). Moreover, for identifying research background and for results discussion international literature studies have been made.

Key findings. The research results have shown that Siberian corporate culture is a specific mixture of Asian and European influences. It can be clearly seen in official and strict regulatory aspects of these organizations functioning on the one hand and in the importance of personal relations and informal aspects on the other hand. This specific dualism may be noticed in all of the culture levels which were researched. Moreover, Siberian corporate culture is specific because there are still strong communistic regime influences which mix with aggressive capitalism of the new era. That is why we can see community mechanism and friendly relations along with individualism and short time orientation for profits and career. As for findings considering expected directions of change, Siberian workers prefer friendly relations and the feel of community over strict orders and financial aspects of their work. These findings should be a starting point for scholars and managers to work out harmonization mechanisms between Siberian organizations and their native companies. As theoretical research have shown, there have not been any previous studies in management theory on Siberian corporate culture so far, so the research results presented in this paper are pioneer.

JEL Codes: M16

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Justyna Fijałkowska, Dominika Hadro

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 111-134


Background. Universities worldwide have been called to (re)consider their role in society; to evaluate their mission and their interrelations with various stakeholders. At the same time they are going through transformation aiming to make them more autonomous, economically efficient and competitive. Both this reasons lead to the pressure on universities to prove their efficient resource management that may be realized via intellectual capital disclosure.

Research aims. The objectives of this paper is to present the ‘third mission’ approach adoption of universities imposing on them the need for greater accountability, transparency and more effective communication that may be realized via IC reporting, the second is to review and discuss the qualitative and quantitative empirical research in IC reporting of universities worldwide.

Methodology. The research method consisted in a critical literature and inductive reasoning. The resources theory, stakeholders’ theory, legitimacy theory, and signaling theory as well as the New Public Management (NPM) and post-NPM concepts gave the foundation of this research.

Key findings. The conclusions of the research confirm that the implementation of IC reporting in universities is still a challenge for practice. IC disclosure lags behind the needs of stakeholders and should be improved. Greater awareness and effective implementation of IC reporting in universities could improve their future potential, quality and competitiveness.

JEL Codes: I20, I29, E22, M49

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Grzegorz Gołembski, Justyna Majewska

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 135-154


Background. Development of the tourism sector depends on the infrastructure and an efficient transportation system. A better transport infrastructure results in lower transportation costs and thus lower variable costs of trading, and shortens the distance between origin and destination countries, which can stimulate international tourism flows. Significant improvements in the accessibility of general transport infrastructure (road and air) in Poland within other factors have potentially their effect on foreign inbound tourism.

Research aims. The aim of this article is to determine the importance of transport infrastructure among other classical factors of a gravity model influencing foreign inbound tourism to Poland (such as geographic and economic distance from tourism origin countries, or perceived risk factors in the origin countries, like terrorism and economic crises).

Methodology. The study is based on panel data of bilateral tourism flows in the period 2008–2016 from 33 countries trading with Poland. We applied a gravity model for international tourism flows considering four different sub-panels (disaggregated by countries and time) in order to control the role of infrastructure in various data sets.

Key findings. The results show that the level of transport infrastructure development – measured both directly and indirectly – has a significant impact on foreign inbound tourism to Poland.

JEL Codes: F14, F13, L83, R15, R41

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Przemysław G. Hensel

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 155-178


Background. Eastern European authors in general, and Polish authors in particular hardly ever publish their work in the top management journals. For instance, out of the 3710 Administrative Science Quarterly papers available in the Web of Science, only 6 (0.16%) were authored or co-authored by scholars residing in the Eastern Europe, including none residing in Poland. The situation is not much better when we take a look at European management journals: Organization Studies features only 24 papers (0.87% of all OS papers available in WoS) authored by scholars residing in Eastern Europe, while Journal of Management Studies so far published one such paper (0.03% of all).

Research aims. The study aims at answering the question by analyzing institutionalized publishing practices manifested in the submission guidelines of Polish and global management journals.

Methodology. Content analysis of submission guidelines in two samples of journals: global and Polish.

Key findings. The study identified significant differences between Polish and global institutionalized publishing practices, regarding the requirements toward the contribution, the role of reviewers, and the technical features of papers. The obtained results shed light on difficulties associated with publishing papers by Polish scholars in the global top management journals. Findings also suggest that adopting different institutionalized practices necessary for successful submissions to global journals may be associated with identity work and depends on author’s willingness and ability to engage in such work. Finally, the results of this study contribute to research on the Americanization of management education and on the persistence of institutionalized practices despite prolonged exposure to global literature on management.

JEL Codes: M10, M14

Czytaj więcej Następne

Danuta Janczewska

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 179-204


Background. In the last years micro-enterprises from the SME sector have been the subject of interest and discussion due to their significant share in the total number of enterprises and a significant contribution to the production of national income. This is a phenomenon that occurs both in Poland and in the European Union. There is, however, no research in both the micro enterprise sector and phenomena occurring in individual enterprises over the issues of the possibility of raising competitiveness. regarding the possibility of their development and achieving competitive advantages. Few theoretical studies also touch the issues of knowledge management methods in micro-enterprises, the conditions for the implementation of knowledge and the expected economic effects. Due to the increased complexity and dynamism of the organization’s environment, better use of human capital and improvement of knowledge management methods is becoming more and more important. The development of human capital can be implemented through specific activities, which include extending the tasks of the employee, enriching work and introducing modern technologies, training and broadly understood education. In order for these activities to be effective, the enterprise should define specific conditions related to the implementation of basic development goals, including the role of human capital. Logistic processes of the enterprise and their improvement in terms of human resources can become such an imperative.

Research aims. The aims of the article are (1) to present research on knowledge management and the role of human capital in a micro-enterprise based on the methodological concept of process management knowledge and (2) to present a case study and the results of non-participant observation using online management tools as research tools in the presented area.

Methodology. In the process of constructing the methodological concept, that is the studied group of enterprises, extensive literature of the subject in the field of management sciences was used. Non participant observation was carried out with the participation of 40 master degree students in management, whose task was to prepare a given individual research project. In this way, we obtained data verifying the suitability of the presented research method.

Key findings. The presented research method allows to some extent to identify problems occurring in micro-enterprises in the field of studying the share of human capital in the logistic knowledge management model and is a step towards further research.

JEL Codes: M12

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Magdalena Karolak-Michalska

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 205-233


Background. The increase in the complexity of the socio-political situation of Eastern European countries forces questions about the activity of ethnopolitics entities – national minority organizations. Difficult access to data makes it impossible to obtain precise answers to questions about the role of national minority organizations and the impact of their activities on the security of the region. Research interest in these organizations is timely, especially after the Crimean annexation in 2014.

Research aims. The aim is to define the role of national minority organizations in Eastern European countries in shaping the security of the subregion. The research area is: Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. The author puts forward the following research questions: 1) what are the main factors determining the political and social activity of national minority organizations in the region? 2) is it possible to distinguish the strategies of the studied organizations? 3) what is the essence of political activity of national minority organizations?

Methodology. An interdisciplinary research approach was applied, integrating methods from political science, international relations and management. The conclusions from author’s own research carried out during foreign study trips in 2014–2017 were used. The literature has an interdisciplinary dimension.

Key findings. The role of national minority organizations in shaping the security of Eastern European states is diverse. Their activity will depend on the policy of the country of residence. Uncontrolled, they may lead to deepening of the security crisis in the region.

JEL Codes: F52, F53, J71

Czytaj więcej Następne

Elżbieta Klamut

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 235-254


Background. Regardless of their size, enterprises to achieve their goals should implement risk management in their management processes. One of the tools that can help to control this management is the accounting system. Entrepreneurs in the SME sector are reluctant to run full records of their business activities. Is that right?

Research aims. The purpose of the article is to identify the areas of activity of an enterprise in which accounting will fulfill its role as a risk minimization tool or as a risk signalling device. For the purposes of this study, it was hypothesized that an appropriately structured accounting system supported by additional information would allow for the minimization of the risks (adverse effects) of many economic activities.

Methodology. A pilot study examining whether there is a need for deeper research into broader accounting involvement in the risk management process in SMEs. In order to realize the research problem that was established, the analysis of literature, the author’s experience and the research in a group of small enterprises have been used.

Key findings. Small enterprises do not attach importance to keeping full records (accounting), they do not perceive it as a source of risk information, as they do not notice nor manage the risk. They treat it as something superfluous, costly, but not very useful, apart from the records for tax settlement purposes. It would be necessary to educate entrepreneurs and the people running their books on the use of accounting in risk management. Organizations like PARP (the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development) can do this. With the EU funding, they should organize free of charge risk management training opportunities for SME entrepreneurs.

JEL Codes: G32

Czytaj więcej Następne

Dominika Korzeniowska

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 237-281


Background. Functional fixation has been originally discovered by psychologists and it consists in the difficulty of noticing the possibility of using an object with a known, specific function in a new, unconventional way. It has been studied by behavioural accounting researchers since 1960s who, with time, adopted the idea into accounting and developed a phenomenon called accounting fixation or data fixation. Despite various experiments conducted in the field, the theoretical framework constituting a basis for such research has not yet been summarized in the literature.

Research aims. The paper aims to present theories, models, hypothesis etc. harnessed by researchers to investigate functional fixation phenomenon in accounting.

Methodology. The method of literature analysis available in the Internet was used. The scientific publications’ databases were searched by means of the combinations of relevant keywords. Finally, 39 articles and 6 monograph published in the years 1966–2018 were included in the analysis.

Key findings. Studies on functional fixation based on three groups of psychological theories: behavioural decision theory, learning theory and motivation theory. The first two were intended mainly to explain the genesis of this mechanism whereas the last was exploited in research on how to reduce the occurrence of functional fixation in accounting. However motivation theory has not been treated so far as a main theory for the accounting fixation research, but its potential for further studies of this type seems quite promising.

JEL Codes: D91, M41

Czytaj więcej Następne

Antoni Kolek

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 255-266


Background. Preparation of the financial perspective 2021–2027 is to implement the principle of programming the spending of public funds by the EU institutions. Striving to ensure sound management of EU finances by strengthening the rule of law mechanism has become the core value of the new EU budget. The discussion on the EU budget focuses on public policy issues, in particular on aspects such as migration policy and border protection, defense cooperation, climate policy, as well as research and entrepreneurship. In spite of absence from the main stream of the debate, an important part of the EU budget in perspective 2021–2027 will continue to be the common agricultural policy.

Research aims. The goal of this article is to analyze the agenda of EU budget assumptions and challenges of EU public policy in political discourse.

Methodology. The comparative method used in the study is the analysis of the differences in the scope of inflows and expenditures of the EU budget. In turn, phenomena and events that affect the wording of the EU budget to a lesser or greater degree have occurred at different times and have had a different impact on the budget adoption process. The timeframe for the analysis presented, including the main factors forming the “two streams”, took place in 2015–2018.

Key findings. In the first part of the article, the assumptions of the EU budget for perspective 2021–2027 presented by the Commission were included. The second part of the study is an analysis of the main determinants affecting the revenue and expenditure part of the EU budget. The third part presents the analysis of two streams present in the public discourse: stream of problems, stream of challenges and streams of interests of member states.

JEL Codes: H61

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Aleksandra Łapko, Martina Müller

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 283-301


Background. Destination branding is a complicated, long-lasting and challenging process because destination is the most complex tourist product which involves various other tourism products and various entities what requires a special approach.

Research aims. The basic aim of the article is to show using the example of the South Coast Baltic brand, how the process of a cross border umbrella tourist destination proceeds.

Methodology. Apart from the case study, the authors used such methods as: literature and documentation analysis and participant observation. Both authors are directly involved in marketing and pro-quality activities aimed at building the described brand. Therefore, the study is also based on practical knowledge about the subject discussed.

Key findings. The basic problem in the building a cross-border tourist destination brand such as South Coast Baltic is to take into account the differences between the countries and regions that make up the described brand. The brand creation process requires regular monitoring of the needs and preferences of the sailors in order to make the product identified best suited to their expectations.

JEL Codes: M31, L83, L0

Czytaj więcej Następne

Edyta Rudawska, Sudath Weerasiri, Małgorzata Wiścicka-Fernando

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 303-324


Background. Corporate sustainability has captured the attention of much of the world over the last few years. The idea of sustainability refers to all spheres of the company’ activity, including marketing strategy. Before the company starts addressing sustainable marketing activities to external stakeholders effectively it needs to address them to its employees first. The reasons for that are two-fold. First, employees play a key role in the process of implementation of sustainable marketing strategies and programmes to external stakeholders, and thus they determine their effectiveness. Second, their sustainable behaviours performed in every-day work show that the company truly cares about sustainable development, and sustainable activities are not perceived as just cheap promotional, short-term actions. In this paper we assume that culture may differentiate employees’ attitude towards sustainable marketing activities addressed to them and thus may differentiate sustainable marketing activities undertaken by company managers.

Research aims. To explore sustainable marketing activities used by companies towards employees in Europe and Asia, as well as to identify the differences in the assessment of the scope of implementation of these activities by enterprises operating in the European and Asian markets.

Methodology. The empirical part of the paper is based on research results run among 262 MSMEs (micro, small, and medium enterprises) operating in Poland (a representative of the European market) and Sri Lanka (a representative of the Asian market). The respondents of the research comprised CEOs or CMOs. The research was run in 2016 and 2017. The non-parametric U Mann-Whitney test was used to examine the significance of the differences between the two countries. Factor analysis was also used to identify the way MSMEs in these two countries define sustainable marketing activities aimed at employees.

Key findings. The study revealed that differences between the two countries in relation to the assessment of sustainable marketing activities aimed at employees are statistically significant. Asian respondents assess them higher then Polish ones. To the best of the authors’ knowledge this is the first in-depth study regarding the assessment of sustainable marketing activities aimed at employees. The study is a comparative analysis of the phenomenon between markets with different cultures – Poland (as an example of the European market) and Sri Lanka (as an example of the Asian market), which has not been previously researched.

JEL Codes: M31, M38

Czytaj więcej Następne

Jan Krzysztof Solarz

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 325-338


Background. Reputational risk cross building competitive position or mark management. Shareholders of reputational risk management are more heterogenic. Therefore, it is not surprising that managing reputational risk has now become a major preoccupation for business in the private, public and not-for profits sectors.

Research aims. The reputational risk is placed at the top of the risk hierarchy as the risk of others risks. As such, it need in new cognitive framework. In this case we study how manage complexity item.

Methodology. Comparative analysis of models of reputation risk management devoted the cognitive framework located in time and institutional space.

Key findings. Reputational risk management is reduction of internal cost of particular activity, cover transactional cost of monitoring such type of risk and calculate external cost of reputation lost. One of this external cost is crush of reputation on public trust institutions. The current paper demonstrates and reviews different theoretical perspectives that conceptualize reputational risk management. The first part presents cognitive perspective on reputation. The second part covers behavioral approach to risk management. Finally, the paper provides practitioners with a systematic review of different approaches adopted to study reputational risk management.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Robert Seliga, Andrzej Woźniak

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 339-353


Background. Consolidation processes in the higher education sector, both public and private, are not very intensive. However, there is a large dispersion in the university sector. It can be argued that the number and intensity of consolidations will increase in the coming years. The reasons for the increase in the importance of consolidation can be seen in: progressive deprivatization of higher education in Poland, excessive institutional dispersion of the higher education system, demographic ‘tsunami’ and public policy, increasingly based on accountability. In the private sector, the merger reasons include in particular the increase in competitive pressure and demographic decline.

Research aims. The aim of the article is to analyze the processes of mergers of Polish universities and to identify possible forms of mergers for various types of universities.

Methodology. The methodology in the article below was based on qualitative research, analysis of the literature on the subject, internal materials of the studied entities.

Key findings. In the public sector, the wave of mergers is in the initial phase, as manifested by the last two acquisitions of the State Higher Vocational Schools (in Sandomierz and Sulechów) by regional universities. Large and often networked universities can take over selected smaller private entities and sometimes also a selected part of their resources.

JEL Codes: M00

Czytaj więcej Następne

Władysław Szymański

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 355-369


Background. The article analyses the possibility of creating additional economic benefits as a result of enterprises effective adaptations to the changes of transaction costs.

Research aims. The article answers the question: whether it is useful and justified to separate and transfer certain activities abroad, and what form could be appropriate to this.

Methodology. The author presents the main assumptions and benefits of the network approach to companies’ cooperation, as well as a concept of business network and strategic network of companies.

Findings. The Author presents the possibility of creating enterprises’ flexible adaptation to the transaction cost changes. In the article he suggests creating incubators of the intelligent firms.

JEL Codes: A100, F000, G000

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