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Consistency Concept in Virtual Structures – In Search for Harmonization as a Condition of Effective Exploitation of Syberian Critical Success Factors

Data publikacji: 18.03.2019

International Journal of Contemporary Management, 2018, Numer 17(4), s. 93-110



Michał Flieger
Law and Administration Department, Adam Mickiewicz University, św. Marcina 90, Poznań 61-817, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8430-8883 Orcid
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Consistency Concept in Virtual Structures – In Search for Harmonization as a Condition of Effective Exploitation of Syberian Critical Success Factors


Background. New circumstances in which organizations operate give a new meaning to harmonization imperative which is still present in management theory as one of the most important issues. Today’s harmonization is a base for consistency concept, the concept which requires searching for consistency platforms in organizations. One of harmonization aspects is matching cooperation mechanisms to corporate culture specific in various world regions. Because of borders opening and considerate potential of new regions more and more interest is placed in Siberian organizations which often have much to offer for their international partners. When Siberian organizations are defined to have Critical Success Factors they may be invited to take part in modern virtual structures and then they are responsible for operations taking place in one of the process nests. In such a case the Integrator of virtual organization as well as inside deliverers and inside clients need to focus on consistency mechanism during cooperation process. Knowing corporate culture of Siberian partners is necessary to be able to harmonize cooperation for better effectiveness of the venture.

Research aims. Considering above the main research aim is to provide typical characteristics of Siberian organizations’ corporate culture. In the research such aspects as corporate culture artefacts are identified: language, behavior and material. Moreover, typical norms and values are pointed out and finally cultural traits which form the basis for the previously mentioned corporate culture aspects. The support research aim of the paper is to identify the directions which are expected by Siberian workers as for their corporate culture to be changed. This way the research also provides practical knowledge which may be of use for managers wanting to work out harmonization mechanism when cooperating with Siberian partners.

Methodology. To achieve above research aims the research was conducted in 2018, within the period of three weeks in 40 Siberian organizations of different sizes and branches. All of them were business organizations. In the research such research methods were used as: questionnaires (156 questionnaires filled), interviews (30 interviews made) and direct observation (16 observations). Moreover, for identifying research background and for results discussion international literature studies have been made.

Key findings. The research results have shown that Siberian corporate culture is a specific mixture of Asian and European influences. It can be clearly seen in official and strict regulatory aspects of these organizations functioning on the one hand and in the importance of personal relations and informal aspects on the other hand. This specific dualism may be noticed in all of the culture levels which were researched. Moreover, Siberian corporate culture is specific because there are still strong communistic regime influences which mix with aggressive capitalism of the new era. That is why we can see community mechanism and friendly relations along with individualism and short time orientation for profits and career. As for findings considering expected directions of change, Siberian workers prefer friendly relations and the feel of community over strict orders and financial aspects of their work. These findings should be a starting point for scholars and managers to work out harmonization mechanisms between Siberian organizations and their native companies. As theoretical research have shown, there have not been any previous studies in management theory on Siberian corporate culture so far, so the research results presented in this paper are pioneer.

JEL Codes: M16


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Informacje: International Journal of Contemporary Management, 2018, Numer 17(4), s. 93-110

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



Consistency Concept in Virtual Structures – In Search for Harmonization as a Condition of Effective Exploitation of Syberian Critical Success Factors


Consistency Concept in Virtual Structures – In Search for Harmonization as a Condition of Effective Exploitation of Syberian Critical Success Factors



Michał Flieger
Law and Administration Department, Adam Mickiewicz University, św. Marcina 90, Poznań 61-817, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8430-8883 Orcid
Wszystkie publikacje autora →

Law and Administration Department, Adam Mickiewicz University, św. Marcina 90, Poznań 61-817, Poland

Publikacja: 18.03.2019

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji

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Michał Flieger (Autor) - 100%

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