Accounting and Enterprise Risk Management
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEAccounting and Enterprise Risk Management
Data publikacji: 18.03.2019
International Journal of Contemporary Management, 2018, Numer 17(4), s. 235-254
Accounting and Enterprise Risk Management
Background. Regardless of their size, enterprises to achieve their goals should implement risk management in their management processes. One of the tools that can help to control this management is the accounting system. Entrepreneurs in the SME sector are reluctant to run full records of their business activities. Is that right?
Research aims. The purpose of the article is to identify the areas of activity of an enterprise in which accounting will fulfill its role as a risk minimization tool or as a risk signalling device. For the purposes of this study, it was hypothesized that an appropriately structured accounting system supported by additional information would allow for the minimization of the risks (adverse effects) of many economic activities.
Methodology. A pilot study examining whether there is a need for deeper research into broader accounting involvement in the risk management process in SMEs. In order to realize the research problem that was established, the analysis of literature, the author’s experience and the research in a group of small enterprises have been used.
Key findings. Small enterprises do not attach importance to keeping full records (accounting), they do not perceive it as a source of risk information, as they do not notice nor manage the risk. They treat it as something superfluous, costly, but not very useful, apart from the records for tax settlement purposes. It would be necessary to educate entrepreneurs and the people running their books on the use of accounting in risk management. Organizations like PARP (the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development) can do this. With the EU funding, they should organize free of charge risk management training opportunities for SME entrepreneurs.
JEL Codes: G32
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Informacje: International Journal of Contemporary Management, 2018, Numer 17(4), s. 235-254
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Accounting and Enterprise Risk Management
Accounting and Enterprise Risk Management
Faculty of Management and Safety Sciences, University of Social Sciences in Lodz, 90-113 Łódź, Sienkiewicza 9, Poland
Publikacja: 18.03.2019
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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