Data publikacji: 24.11.2015
Licencja: Żadna
Redaktor naczelny Beata Kożuch
Redakcja zeszytu Barbara Kożuch, Katarzyna Sienkiewicz-Małyjurek
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 7 - 22
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 23 - 32
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 33 - 50
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 51 - 62
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 63 - 76
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 77 - 88
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 89 - 101
Słowa kluczowe: Public administration, Innovativeness, Innovations in the public sector, Poland, Spain, Learning organization, Knowledge, Individual learning, Training, Public sector, Benchmarking, Knowledge management, Management in courts, Organisational culture, Change, Culture, Learning organization, Organizational learning, Local government, Municipality, Public service, Learning organization, Volunteer students, Benchmarking, Hospital, Hospital management, Benchmarking in hospitals, Benchmarking barriers, Benchmarking results, benchmarking, learning organisation, university management, creativity