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2015 Następne

Data publikacji: 24.11.2015

Licencja: Żadna


Redakcja zeszytu Barbara Kożuch, Katarzyna Sienkiewicz-Małyjurek

Redaktor naczelny Beata Kożuch

Zawartość numeru

Urszula Kobylińska

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 7-22

Background. In many economies, both developed and developing rapidly, we can observe the potential of administration as organizations which under appropriate conditions may show high levels of innovation. The administration on one hand may be an active participant and on the other hand act as a creator of conditions conducive to innovative activities. Both of these roles are important and complementary to each other because the administration can create a legislative base as well as adequate infrastructure and space for innovation, and then actively participate in the process of their diffusion. In recent years, the European Union has shown increasing interest in the actions for measuring innovativeness of the European administration and stimulating its growth.
Research aims. The aim of the study is to compare the degree of innovativeness of Polish and Spanish administration and the activities undertaken to stimulate it. In research on the innovativeness of the EU economies (Innovation Union Scoreboard, 2014) both countries were in the group of "moderate innovators", although there are noticeable differences in the approach to the implementation of innovations and cultural conditions of their diffusion.
Methods. The adopted research method was analysis of the reports on public sector innovativeness in the EU and foreign and national literature studies.
Key findings. The analyzed research results clearly show a higher degree of innovativeness of Spanish administration in comparison to Polish administration. Spanish administration has more experience in implementing innovations in the field of management systems, communication, involvement of entities outside the sector to work on innovation and shaping the organizational culture conducive

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Foteini Asderaki, Joanna Samul

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 23-32

Background. The importance of learning in and by organizations has since long been
recognized by academic and practitioner scientists for both business and public sector
organizations. In particular in the last decades interest in organizational learning has
been growing. There are important reasons for considering the acquisition of knowledge
in public service organizations.
Research aims. The paper reviews the state of research evidence in the field. The main question of this study is how important it is for employees in public sector to acquire the knowledge and use their full potential in the workplace and whether these organizations
Methods. The main source of empirical data is carried out by the authors of the study in
public sector organizations.
Key findings. The study was conducted using a questionnaire survey. The research shows high expectations related to knowledge acquisition opportunities in the workplace and partial fulfilment of these expectations by the subject organizations.

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Jakub Brdulak, Przemysław Banasik

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 33-50

Background. Courts are by definition bureaucratic, hierarchical organisations, epitomised by low levels of networking potential, which basically lack mechanisms of information exchange, or those of sharing information both at the level of the organisation of the justice system (the macro scale) and within a given court (the micro scale).
Research aims. The aims of this article was implementing modern management methods of common courts, based on the examples of the Gdańsk area courts, and attempts to provide an answer to the question of whether courts, viewed as bureaucratic bodies, are ready to launch organisational change aiming at the creation of organisations based on knowledge.
Method. Based on the case study approach, this paper outlines the results of an innovative pilot study. Throughout the pilot study, sixty selected district, regional and appellate courts, with the help of external experts, were subjected to the implementation of “good practices” –managerial improvements. Also, the paper illustrates the findings of re examples of three district courts and one regional court, participating in the pilot study.
Key Findings. Amidst the basic research methods employed in the paper are: literature-based studies, empirical analysis with the use of available secondary studies, as well as individually-conducted empirical studies conducted for the purposes of this paper, which has initiated the discussion on the notion of organisational culture in courts, and has raised the questions of whether a) the courts are ready to accept the changes aimed at altering their management; b) the organisational culture in the courts covered by the study determined the selection of practices to be implemented; c) organisational culture in courts lies at the foundation of building a knowledge-based organisation; and d) there exists a potential for sharing knowledge among the courts covered by the study in question. The results of the study in question prove that organisational culture of courts determined the possibility of implementing managerial practices aimed at shaping a knowledge-based organisation.

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Andrzej Pawluczuk, Urszula Ryciuk

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 51-62

Background. Culture as the sole of each organization is examined itself or in different management concepts. Many studies identify culture as a main dimension in the organizational learning process or in learning organizations, both in the private and public sector. However there is a lack of research focusing on municipalities, especially in transformed countries. Ongoing changes in the task of imposed by the government as well as those resulting from the European grants cause needs for appropriate culture which is one learning organization dimensions in the light of theory.
Research aims. This paper explores which variables shaping organizational culture are important for the local municipalities in relation to their scope and to propose their consistent typology for the state of art in research in the example of a transformed country.
Methods. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 670 municipalities, with response rate of 26,7% of total population. The questionnaire was filled in by one official from each municipality, who takes one of the following position: mayor, deputy mayor or municipality secretary.
Key findings. The analysed research results clearly demonstrate that the level of culture in the rural municipalities is higher than in the urban rural municipalities and urban municipalities. It could be observed, inter alia, that high-rang officials (head of division or mayor) tend to be afraid to talk about their mistakes and there is hardly any atmosphere for constructive remarks.

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Adam Sulich

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 63-76

Background. The Careers Office is a part of Wroclaw University of Technology (Poland). It is responsible for job activation of students and graduates. Challenges and changes coming from dynamic job market relations encourage team members of the Careers Office to take a new approach in management and self-development.
Research aims. This paper presents some innovative actions undertaken by the office such as: researches of student’s expectations or organization change elements (i.e. involving students as volunteers). The aim of this article is to prove that Careers Office can be recognized as a learning organization. Second goal is assessment try of effectiveness rate of the Office in selected aspects of their activity backed by interviews and survey among students.
Methodology. The search for an appropriate framework of learning organization definition was based on scientific literature review. Exploration of actual action undertaken by the office was based on a survey among the students and partially standardized interview with employees of the office.
Key findings. The Careers Office can be recognized as a learning organization based on its multiple definitions elements. The majority of students assessed their Career Office as good in the survey, although their expectations towards organization and the university are very high.

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Agnieszka Sitko-Lutek, Marta Cholewa-Wiktor

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 77-88

Background. Benchmarking is a conceptual framework of effective management policy that allows for organisational improvements. It has been successfully implemented in enterprises and is more and more often applied at public institutions, including health care institutions.
Research aims. The aim of this article is to present to what extent benchmarking may be applied at public hospitals.
Methodology. The survey method and the research instrument in the form of an individually prepared and customized questionnaire was used. The research was carried out among the management boards of 35 public hospitals in the Lubelskie voivodeship, which constitutes 90% of the statistical population. The financial standing of the entity in the studied group served the purpose of an additional characteristic piece of information.
Key findings. The research findings have allowed to determine how many hospitals in the studied voivodeship use benchmarking, what is the dominant type, in what areas it is implemented and how frequently the healthcare facilities use benchmarking to improve activities of a given organization. The most frequently used types of benchmarking in public hospitals have been distinguished as: internal and competitive benchmarking. The main motivations to implement this conceptual framework in healthcare facilities are connected with both qualitative and economic aspects.

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Katarzyna A. Kuźmicz

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(2), 2015, s. 89-101

Background. Universities possess an inherent imperative of self-improvement derived from their mission and they act as a source, transformer and propagator of learning and knowledge. Therefore incorporating a learning organisation concept in higher education institutions (HEIs) seems natural.
Research aims. A lack of clear and explicit practical hints on how to incorporate the concept into a university was identified as a cognitive gap in the literature. The key research aim of the paper was to analyse the concept of a learning organisation in the context of HEIs, present conditions facilitating implementation of the concept in HEIs and indicate how systematic usage of benchmarking can help HEIs to become learning organisations.
Method. In the paper an in-depth study and critical analysis of literature on learning organisation in the context of HEIs was performed. The author points to benchmarking as a tool enhancing the impact of the learning organisation concept. In the study a set of recommendations for HEIs aiming at becoming a learning organisation was developed.
Key Findings. In the paper the thesis that systematic usage of benchmarking helps a university  to become a learning organisation was stated and supported. Benchmarking comprises interorganisational learning. It involves descriptive learning about competition and  the environment of the organisation. Universities willing to become learning organisations should develop a climate of creativity and lateral thinking which enhances learning in the process of benchmarking.

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