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2015 Następne

Data publikacji: 30.11.2015

Licencja: Żadna


Redakcja zeszytu Barbara Kożuch

Redaktor naczelny Beata Kożuch

Zawartość numeru

Marek Magdoń, Seweryn Tchórzewski

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(3), 2015, s. 7-22

Background. A risk is inseparably related to the planning and execution of each project. A project risk is an event that may have impact on the achievement of project goals and objectives. Therefore, it is extremely important to minimize the likelihood of the occurrence and impact of potential negative events, and at the same time to take full advantage of opportunities for improvement. In other words, there is a need for project risk management.
Research aims. Point out the aspects and risk management processes which are perceived to have the biggest impact on the success of a project. Indicate the risk management techniques most often used.
Methodology. The search for project aspects and risk management techniques was based on scientific literature review. Exploration of actual application of risk management in private sector projects was based on surveying experts. The participants were entrepreneurs from across Poland who belonged to the Association of Project Management Poland and postgraduate.
Key findings. Among the many aspects and techniques of the risk management suggestions for those which may increase the chances of achieving project success.
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Krystyna Araszkiewicz

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(3), 2015, s. 23-40

Background. Building Information Modelling (BIM) has been recently one of the most common issues discussed in publications related to innovative changes in the management of construction projects. The concept of BIM integrates all the activities related to the design, construction and operation into the ICT model developed and implemented within a communication platform. From the point of view of the project management theory and construction practice, the area of interest is integrated risk and change management based on BIM. Negative consequences such as delays and financial losses that are detrimental especially to public projects conducted by investors raise a question of whether and how implementation of principles of BIM in project management can improve management activities associated with risk in construction projects. 
Research aims. This paper aims to gain insight into the current state of knowledge about risk and change management in construction projects in terms of BIM implementation, and to set the direction for further research as well as to determine further research objectives related to this issue.
Methodology. The arguments presented in this paper are based on the analysis of reference literature. 
Key findings: Risk is an issue in the concept of BIM that still needs to be systematized. It is necessary to develop an optimal way to integrate procedures, methods and techniques of risk management with other management actions within BIM. Change is perceived as one of the major risk factors and therefore the inclusion of change management processes into this system also requires the establishment of standards and methodical approach within BIM. Further research in this area should include past experience in the implementation of BIM in construction projects, the presence of risk-related procedures in this process and conditions of effective integration of management actions. From a practical point of view, it is also necessary to explore the willingness of entrepreneurs and investors to implement BIM, understood as a platform for communication, risk and change management as well as an optimal method for a systematized implementation of this process.
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Iwona Rybka, Elżbieta Bondar-Nowakowska, Mieczysław Połoński

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(3), 2015, s. 41-57

Background. The implementation of alterations to project documentation is the modification of certain solutions, assumptions or requirements. It mostly involves the verification or the specification of project documentation with regard to the actual conditions of execution or the investor’s expectations. The management of alterations in a construction project is aimed at predicting any negative consequences caused by changes in the investment process and their prevention or mitigation. Previous experience indicates that alterations to project documentation introduced during the execution of the work are widespread. They contribute to loss of time and increase in the cost of the project. For this reason, it is necessary to develop and implement an effective model for the management of such alterations.
Research aims. The project manager, before construction, should be aware of any alterations to the project documentation that may have occurred during its execution, and their possible consequences. The aim of the study is to identify the causes, the structure and the consequences of alterations to project documentation with regard to water supply and sewerage construction.
Methodology. The basis of the research and analyses constitute a detailed review of documentation compiled from eight projects in water supply and sewerage. Among the documents concerned, the “Records of Necessity” and “Records of Negotiations” were especially valuable for conducting the analysis.
Key findings. The research conducted indicated the crucial role of the investor in the process of managing alterations to project documentation. The research revealed that proper preparation of the investment process, i.e. recruiting the best designers to prepare the project documentation, tracking changes in the nearer and farther surroundings, may significantly contribute to reducing or even eliminating many alterations to project documentation during the execution of the work.
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Marzena Kramarz, Włodzimierz Kramarz

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(3), 2015, s. 59-76

Background. Supply chains are becoming more and more complex systems. This results mainly from the development of network relations at individual stages of value adding. The development of relations in supply chains by network relations created at individual stages of the supply chain is an essential dimension of the configuration of the supply chain. Network relations can be both on the level of distribution and production or supply. 
Research aims. The aim of the paper is to propose a methodology for appointing the climate of cooperation and connecting the climate of cooperation with the configuration of a supply chain. The detailed aim resulting from the purposeful selection of the supply chain is to indicate key determinants of the configuration of the supply chain of metallurgical products. 
Methodology. Authors identified determinants of the configuration of the supply chain. Authors defined the climate of cooperation and showed the methodology of appointing him. In supply chains of metallurgical products, a questionnaire with the questionnaire survey method was used to explore the determinants of formation of network relations. 
Key findings. Determinants rated as stimulators and destimulators appoint the climate of cooperation in a network. Authors indicates variants of configuration of a network supply chain of metallurgical products underlining the key determinants.
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Aleksandra Grobelna

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(3), 2015, s. 77-98

Background. Delivering exceptional service experience and creating customer satisfaction and loyalty seems to be crucial for survival of a hotel organization and success in today’s highly competitive market. Gaining competitive advantage requires extreme responsiveness and sensitivity from hotel employees towards guests and treating them in a very individual manner. This may make rigid service scripts prevent maintaining this flexibility, which often leads to serious problems connected with role ambiguity experienced by employees. 
Research aims. This study attempts to seek an answer to the question: how to minimize the role ambiguity experienced by hotel staff. Therefore, the relationship between hotel employees’ creativity and role ambiguity is analyzed. Additionally, selected conditions that promote employee’s creative performance are also investigated.
Methodology. In order to achieve the study aim, the literature review, including empirical findings of previous studies, and empirical research based on a survey method were employed. The study was conducted among all hotel employees having direct face-to-face and voice-to-voice interactions with hotel guests, working in two hotels located in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, precisely in Tricity, as the tourist destination of Northern Poland.
Key findings. The results showed a negative and significant correlation between employee creativity and role ambiguity. It may confirm that in the face of dynamically changing customer needs and preferences, employees’ creativity when serving customers may lead to reducing employees’ uncertainty how to perform effectively to provide outstanding service. The findings also revealed that both employees’ intellect/imagination (as a personality variable) and skill variety (as a job characteristic) should be taken into account to increase creativity in the workplace, as both of them positively related to hotel employees’ creativity in this study. Despite the fact that the study findings should not be generalized, the results provide some important information for substantive discussion and a context for a wider range of further studies. Discussion and managerial implications were also provided and directions for future research were formulated.
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Aleksandra Radziejowska, Krzysztof Zima

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(3), 2015, s. 99-113

Background. Reasoning based on cases is one of the heuristic techniques which is used in making right decisions in complex situations. Inference systems typically use previously acquired knowledge which is the basis for creating tools to represent and process information. So far, there has been a wide variety of solutions developed to make inference in conditions of incomplete knowledge, but this process appears in very few studies related to civil engineering.
Research aims. This article will provide a concept of the model of knowledge base and a method of describing sports facilities. The cost estimation model will be based on the prices of the integrated works which, being based on the indicated system, will allow to create the module supporting cost and tender calculations. 
Methodology. The authors present the main assumptions of the concept of estimating the costs of sports facilities with the use of the system of inference on the basis of cases (CBR – Case-Based Reasoning).
Key findings. The indicated method is designed to improve the accuracy of estimating the costs of planned sports investments and improve the decision-making process at the planning stage.
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Barbara Mazur

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 14(3), 2015, s. 115-132

Background. The framework of this study is guided by “organizational culture”, which directs the way people behave in an organization. Culture, together with religion is considered to be an influential source of basic cultural assumptions, cultural values and artifacts reflected in organizational culture. 
Research aims. This paper explores the relationship between culture, religion and the culture of an organization at the level of basic assumptions. The research hypothesis is that religion, which is considered a factor of culture and is operationalized by cultural dimensions such as: individualism/collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity/femininity affects the level of basic assumptions of organizational culture. The main objective of the paper is to build the model of organizational culture on the level of basic assumptions and test this model by two-fold verification in companies operating in different religious environments. 
Methodology. The scope of the research is the organizational culture of two companies performing in Podlasie region. The method used in the research is comparative case study built on quantitative research techniques. Those techniques embrace two kinds of questionnaires addressed to the employees of both studied organizations. 
Key findings. The study shows that cultural dimensions could be used to explore religion’s influence (Catholic and Orthodox) on an organizational culture. 
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