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The Role of Securitization of National and Ethnic Minorities in the Management of Ethno-Politics in Eastern European Countries

Data publikacji: 30.10.2020

International Journal of Contemporary Management, 2020, Numer 19 (2), s. 71-95



Magdalena Karolak-Michalska
Department of Management and Security Sciences, University of Social Sciences, Łucka 11, 05-077 Warsaw
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3282-654X Orcid
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The Role of Securitization of National and Ethnic Minorities in the Management of Ethno-Politics in Eastern European Countries


Background. The increase in the complexity of the social and political situation of Eastern European countries raises questions about securitization of national and ethnic minorities and its impact on the management of ethno-politics in the coun­tries of the subregion. Ethnopolitical management corresponds to the security of the subregion. Research interest in securitization of minority affairs is current, especially after the annexation of Crimea in 2014.

Research aims. The purpose is to define the role of securitization of national and ethnic minorities issues in the management of ethno-politics in Eastern Europe­an countries. The research area encompasses: Belarus, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The author asks the following research questions: 1) What are the areas of securitization of the issues of national and ethic minorities concerned? 2) How does the securitization of the issues of national and ethnic minorities take place? 3) How does the securitization affect the process of ethnopolitical management in the studied countries?

Methodology. An interdisciplinary research approach was applied, integrat­ing methods from political science, international relations and management. The conclusions from author’s own research carried out during foreign study trips in the years 2014–2017 were used. The literature has an interdisciplinary aspect. The realization of the goal is based on the application of a catalogue of research methods, including in detail, the following methods are mainly used in the re­search: system analysis; comparative method; behavioral method; a qualitative approach was also used in the realized research. The article uses the method of critical analysis of literature, where the concept of securitization is referred to.

Key findings. The role of securitization of national and ethnic minorities in the management of ethnopolitics in the countries of Eastern Europe is diversi­fied (it concerns different minorities and different areas). Uncontrolled may lead to deepening of the subregion’s security crisis (inter alia, to ethnopolitical con­flicts), hindering the process of ethnopolitical management.

JEL Code: F52, F53, J71.


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Informacje: International Journal of Contemporary Management, 2020, Numer 19 (2), s. 71-95

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



The Role of Securitization of National and Ethnic Minorities in the Management of Ethno-Politics in Eastern European Countries


The Role of Securitization of National and Ethnic Minorities in the Management of Ethno-Politics in Eastern European Countries



Magdalena Karolak-Michalska
Department of Management and Security Sciences, University of Social Sciences, Łucka 11, 05-077 Warsaw
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3282-654X Orcid
Wszystkie publikacje autora →

Department of Management and Security Sciences, University of Social Sciences, Łucka 11, 05-077 Warsaw

Publikacja: 30.10.2020

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji

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Magdalena Karolak-Michalska (Autor) - 100%

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