Data publikacji: 10.2013
Studies in Polish Linguistics (SPL) focuses on linguistic theory as well as theory-informed descriptive work, especially empirically oriented studies of Polish and Slavic languages. Appearing since 2004, it is now published by the Faculty of arts of the Jagiellonian University and the Jagiellonian University Press.
The main aim of the journal is to provide a discussion forum for linguists from Poland and abroad whose research interests include multifarious phenomena of the Polish language. The journal also aims at making accessible to a wider linguistic research community the theoretical and empirical work conducted by Polish linguists. SPL is open for presentation of research results achieved within different theoretical frameworks, with no bias towards any particular linguistic paradigm
Licencja: Żadna
Redaktor naczelny Ewa Willim
Studies in Polish Linguistics, Vol. 8, Issue 1, Volume 8 (2013), s. 1-13 in Polish Linguistics, Vol. 8, Issue 1, Volume 8 (2013), s. 15-43 in Polish Linguistics, Vol. 8, Issue 1, Volume 8 (2013), s. 45-56łowa kluczowe: zdrobnienie, polisemia, znaczenie konotacyjne, znaczenie denotacyjne, metaforyzacja, przeniesienie metonimiczne, morfemy neoklasyczne, moda językowa, analiza ilościowa, analiza jakościowa, produktywność, korpus, historia leksykografii, słowniki, język polski, język osmańsko-turecki, teksty transkrybowane