Logotyp Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2013 Następne

Data publikacji: 26.06.2014

Licencja: Żadna


Sekretarz redakcji Anna Car

Redaktor naczelny Celina Juda

Zawartość numeru

Damian Kubik

Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2013, s. 53-69


South Slavic Idea of National Language. Standardization of Serbian and Croatian Literary
Language in the Context of Slavic Studies in the Mid-Nineteenth Century

The paper discusses selected problems of the complicated process of Serbian and Croatian
language standardization during “national revival” in contrast to Slavists’ ideas. The newly
founded discipline, Slavic philology, launched research into “language” understood as an indicator
of national differentiation which influences other cultural and national factors. This paper
supports a thesis that language was one of the most significant factors of national identification
for the Croats and Serbs, and it analyses the most important moments in this process.
In the description of South Slavic languages, Slavists were aware of a huge and essential
linguistic diversity, but Slavistic classifications included mainly Serbian language.
Another point presented in this paper is the description of Serbian and Croatian activity
aimed at researching their national language and popularizing it, therefore the paper focuses
mainly on the specific features of Lj. Gaj’s and Vuk Karadžić’s ideas concerning language.
The paper concludes with an observation that linguistic criterion, originally constituting
a factor of nation differentiation, for the Croats and Serbs gradually became− under mistaken
belief that linguistic similarity is reflected in the similarity of culture − the main component of
community projects that appeared in the nineteenth century among the South Slavs.

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Marianna Chłopek-Labo

Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2013, s. 71-83


(Un) translatability and Cultural Assimilation Criteria

This article investigates a problem of untranslability as one of the major issues Translation Studies. The presented studies focus on the cultural assimilation understood as a common ground for understanding and receiving messages. The author bases his analysis on untranslability thesis as well as on the types of cultural incompatibility and he creates the criteria of cultural assimilation, which help to determine a degree to which a translated text has been received.

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Anna Ledwina

Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2013, s. 85-97


Searching for the Smells of the Past – Affective Memory in Novels by Marcel Proust

Marcel Proust’s epic work In Search of Lost Time (Remembrance of Thing Past) shows an innovative way of practicing literature as the artist’s struggle with time. This series of works, earning the author a place in the literary pantheon, depicts the writer’s desire to rediscover intensity with which he used to experience sensory stimuli and his wish to return to the happy times of his childhood and youth. This explains the special role of emotional memory that characterises Proust’s monumental work. The complex perceptual and cognitive mechanism of the narrator becomes the keynote of the work, which is saturated with smells of the past, with a clear dominance of subjective perception and description of the remembered events.

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