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2012 Następne

Data publikacji: 30.11.2012

Licencja: Żadna


Redakcja tomu Barbara Marczuk, Monika Świda

Recenzenci tomu Jan Miernowski, Ewa Łukaszyk dr hab. Paul Martin Langer, prof. UP; dr Paweł Moskała; dr hab. prof. nadzw. UŁ Tatiana Stepnowska; prof. Piotr Fast; prof. zw. dr hab. Izabella Malej; dr hab. Elżbieta Katarzyna Dzikowska, prof. nadzw. UŁ; dr hab. prof. UW Ew

Sekretarz redakcji Monika Świda-Bieda

Redaktor naczelny Regina Bochenek-Franczakowa

Zawartość numeru

Urszula Trojanowska

Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2012, s. 145-152


The categories of life and death in the unbinary model of the world. Selected stories by Jelena Dolgopiat
The analysis of selected works by Jelena Dolgopiat leads to the conclusion that the world presented in her short stories cannot be characterized by binary oppositions. In the chaotic contemporary world they lose their sense, because unambiguous separation of fiction from reality is impossible, or maybe the opposition of death and physical life is impossible. Memory grows into the rank of highest value deciding about the life and the loss of it equals death. This presentation of the life and death problem seems to depict in continuation of the idea of Nikolay Fiodorov, that had been taken up before by the Russian writers such as e.g. Andrey Platonov or Vladimir Nabokov. Perceiving and presenting the world as heterogeneous rhizome allows however to discern in Jelena Dolgopiat’s output the postmodernist understanding of existence.

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Monika Świda

Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2012, s. 153-167


The subject of this article is the comparative analysis of the role of historical figures and related national myths in the process of reconstituting the national imagery. The establishment of the Republic in Portugal led to a reformulation of the social imagery, which became apparent through “re-enchantment” (G. Durand), an outbreak of cultural activity informed by national mythology. The shift in the attitude towards myths during that period is vivid in literary texts dedicated to the main political figures, such as Sidónio Pais. In À memória do Presidente-Rei Sidónio Pais (In memory of President-King Sidónio Pais) from 1920, Fernando Pessoa applies the sebastianist myth so as to achieve the messianization of a historical figure. The use of Sebastianism with the objective of a renovation of national imagery culminates in Mensagem (The Message, 1934), the climax of a process of mythification of the Portuguese reality. In Poland, a similar crucial historical moment is the restoration of the national and democratic state in 1918, associated with the figure of Józef Piłsudski. General Piłsudski is a symbolic figure of independence and a protagonist of the poetic volumes Karmazynowy poemat (Carmin Poem) by Jan Lechoń, from 1920, and Wolność tragiczna (Tragic Liberty) by Kazimierz Wierzyński, from 1936. These works struggle to break free from the literary myths of the Polish Romantic era. The poems, highly intertextual and dialogical, are an attempt to demythify reality, which makes the role of national myths in Poland different than in Portugal. In the Portuguese context, the myths, though applied emblematically and incorporated in the Sorelian strategy, serve a purpose of national renovation, while in Poland, they are considered the main obstacle to the rebirth of national culture.

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