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2019 Następne

Data publikacji: 06.2019


Digitalizacja czasopisma naukowego „Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis” w celu zapewnienia i utrzymania otwartego dostępu do niego przez sieć internet – zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy 688/P-DUN/2018 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

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Sekretarz redakcji Dominika Kaniecka

Redaktor naczelny Celina Juda

Zawartość numeru

Katarzyna Biela

Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019, s. 65-77


The paper presents The Rings of Saturn as an example of liberature – a literary genre defined by Zenon Fajfer and Katarzyna Bazarnik that encompasses literary works in which authors purposefully fuse the content with the form and make use of the book as both a medium and an aesthetic object itself. The goal is to examine the relationship between words and images in the book to identify liberatic characteristics of Sebald’s work. The analysis concentrates around descriptions of landscape, focusing on the narrator noticing particular objects against the plain coast as well as uniting nature and humankind in numerous digressions. A close reading of a few passages with reference to studies by i.a. Long, Jacobs and Cooke makes it possible to examine the narrator’s relationship with nature and the historical concerns stemming from his complex national identity. Both are subsequently set against the whole narrative and the form of the book. The second part of the paper is devoted to a close analysis of a few photographs from The Rings of Saturn along with their impact on Sebald’s overall message. A reference to Stockwell’s studies on figures and backgrounds as represented in literature offers a cognitive perspective on the work’s multimodal content.   

Research financed from the budget for science and arts 2018–2022 as a research project being a part of the “Diamond Grant” programme / Praca naukowa finansowana ze środków budżetowych na  naukę w latach 2018–2022, jako projekt badawczy w ramach programu „Diamentowy Grant”.

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Katarzyna Dybeł

Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019, s. 79-88


Dic mihi si in Jerusalem eras : the figure of Mater Dolorosa in Istoire de la Passion douloureuse by Olivier Maillard (15th c.) 

The article analyses the functioning of the figure of Mater Dolorosa in Istoire de la Passion douloureuse, the work belonging to the literary genre of passions en prose, written by Olivier Maillard (ca. 1430–1502), a French Observant and reformer of the Franciscan order.

The figure of Mater Dolorosa, present across the entire space of the work as a defining fac- tor of theMarian motif inscribed into the action, becomes a means of conveying the specific poetic of sufferingand death which operates by referring to the triple category of word, silence and look. By presenting theVirgin Mary as a co-sufferer in Jesus’ Passion and a participant in Christ’s Redemptive Mission, itfurthermore defines the theological perspective of Maillard’s work. Thanks to the inclusion of the figure ofMater Dolorosa Istoire de la Passion douloureuse not onl gets enriched with numerous lyrical elements,but it also appears as a very good example of locus theologicus – the meeting place of literature and theology.

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Jadwiga Kryg

Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019, s. 89-99


Between Tenderness and Cruelty. The Character of Jack the Ripper in the Early Work of Ingmar Bergman


A short tale about one of Jack the Ripper’s earliest childhood memories is the literary debut of Ingmar Bergman from 1944. The character of Jack is often considered as an early alter ego of the Swedish director that represents an extraordinary combination of tenderness and cruelty. As the narrator of the story, Jack reports on the event that took place in his childhood. The story of murder, which will repeat itself in his adult life, can be interpreted as a projection of the author’s fears and anxieties, which were related, among other things, to the birth of his younger sister. Jack’s character will reappear repeatedly in Bergman’s subsequent works, especially in his early films from the 1940s, such as Crisis, and his presence will often be associated with the motifs of macabre, sadism but also love. 

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Sabina Sosin

Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019, s. 101-110


Menippean satire is an ancient form of prose whose inclusiveness still prevents scholars from reaching an agreement on its one generic definition. While in its classical understanding the genre is regarded as long-extinct, some argue that its elements were carried on to the works of postmodern authors unafraid to experiment with new means of literary expression – B.S. Johnson being their prime example. At first, the author’s outward hostility towards well-established conventions makes it highly unlikely for him to draw inspiration from ancient genres such as the Menippean satire. Is it then possible that while still being an uncompromised experimenter, he was also a worthy successor of classical parodists?

Echoing James E. Irby’s (Borges’s editor’s) claim that that “all writers are more or less faithful amanuenses of the spirit, translators and annotators of pre-existing archetypes,” this paper aims to analyze affinities between Johnson’s penultimate novel, Christie Malry’s Own Double-Entry (1973), and the features of the Menippean satire as specified by, among others, Mikhail Bakhtin in Problems of Dostoyevsky’s Poetics (1984) and H. Rikonnen in Menippean Satire as a Literary Genre (1987). While in its classical understanding this ancient form of prose is regarded long-extinct, these scholars argue that its elements can be found in the works of the more inventive modern authors. In fact, as Brian McHale suggests: “Postmodernist fiction is the heir of Menippean satire and its most recent historical avatar” (Postmodernist Fiction, 1987, p. 172).

 The paper is an attempt at presenting Johnson more in line with classical tradition, suggesting that it is possible to analyze his works in a broader critical spectrum and thus move them from the peripheral to the mainstream literary discourse. It also raises the question of the (im)possibility of an artistic creation in total isolation from any formerly known conventions. 

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Agnieszka Ścibior

Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019, s. 111-121


“I Have a Couple of Words I Need to Tell You.” Of Yiddishisms in Isaac Babel’s The Odessa Stories and Polish Translation


The purpose of the article was to analyze Yiddishisms in the cycle of The Odessa Stories (The King, How things were done in Odessa, The father, Lyubka the Cossack) by Isaac Babel andb to investigate the adequacy of their Polish translation by Jerzy Pomianowski in relation to the culture of their admission. Upon the material of selected fragments of stories in the original language, the deviations from the norm in the field of syntax and inflection in relation to the literary Russian language appear in the language of their Jewish characters. These fragments were listed in sequence with the proposed variant in Yiddish, which allowed to show that the deviations from the linguistic norm in the Russian variant are the result of Yiddish interference. It was also shown that the Polish variant is adequate to the host culture in terms of language errors, but these errors, unlike the original, do not evoke a connotation with the Jewish cultural circle. These connotations occur in the Polish translation mainly through the preservation of words that call Jewish designations related to Judaism (e.g. Torah, synagogue). 

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Bohdan Tsymbal

Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019, s. 123-137


Marko Vovchok’s Correspondence: Unsolved Issues of Attribution, Dating and Commenting

The article deals with the publication of a part of the collection of Marko Vovchok’s letters dating back to early years of the 20th century. In particular, it studies Vasyl Domanytsky’s letters to Marko Vovchok and her letters in reply to him. The story of publishing of the writer’s letters started in 1920s. The fourth volume of Marko Vovchok’s Stories (1928) edited by Oleksandr Doroshkevych contained, among others, 98 letters written by the author to various people and 120 letters addressed to her. Insufficient studying of Marko Vovchok’s collection of letters caused a number of mistakes concerning their attribution in the edition, in particular, her letters to Vasyl Domanytsky were mistakenly attributed as letters to Fedir Matushevsky. The editors corrected this mistake in later editions, but they made some other mistakes during the preparation of the edition. The six letters from Vasyl Domanytsky that are analyzed here, were first published in Letters to Marko Vovchok (1979). Currently, 694 Marko Vovchok’s letters and 527 letters addressed to her are published and available to scholars. The detailed analysis of this collection of letters rises a number of questions that need to be answered. Upon reading carefully correspondence between Marko Vovchok and Vasyl Domanytsky and notes to them as well as comparing their letters to their biographies, the author of the article suggests re-attributing some of the writer’s letters addressed to Vasyl Domanytsky, Volodymyr Naumenko, and Fedir Matushevsky. The article also highlights incorrect commenting of some realia that are mentioned in the letters, which is often caused by incorrect dating. The offered version corresponds fully to well-known facts from the writer’s biography and eliminates inconsistencies that were caused by incorrect attribution.

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