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Volumwe 18, Issue 2

2013 Next

Publication date: 29.06.2013

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor of the issue Dorota Kubicka

Issue content

Piotr Olesiński

Developmental Psychology, Volumwe 18, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 9 - 18


Developmental approach to the Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love – trilayers love
The article presents the developmental approach to the Sternberg’s theory which introduces love as the trilayers phenomenon. This approach enables the adoption of a developmental perspective to understand the experience of love. Assuming that individuals develop from biological to social being, the article describes biological, psychological and sociocultural factors that influence three aspects of love. The article also describes interactions between this aspects. This layered approach allows understanding of the infl uence of conation, emotional and cognitive processes on three love layers: intimacy, passion, and commitment. The metaphor of layers helps to understand the diffi culties in forming intimate relationships.

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Lucyna Bakiera

Developmental Psychology, Volumwe 18, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 21 - 33


Involved parenting in the context of marital and job satisfaction
The issues broached by the article concern the interdependence of social roles assumed by adults. From the point of view of optimal conditions for offspring development, the level of adults’ involvement in parenting tasks and the degree to which the involvement depends on their professional and marital satisfaction is signifi cant. It is assumed, that involvement in the role of a mother or father has an effect on the functioning of both adults and their children,  nalogous to professional involvement, which yields individual (shaping abilities and self esteem) and supra- individual (affecting an organisation’s efficiency) consequences. The article presents an attempt at an operationalization of involvement in parenting and the results of the relationships of the aforementioned adult activity areas. The research indicates that the exposed dependency is based on a correlation between both the overall marital satisfaction as well as its individual aspects. Whereas linear regression analysis indicates that the relationship between self-fulfi lment in a marriage, spouse intimacy and involvement in parenting is not statistically signifi cant. Also the level of marital disillusionment does not allow us to forecast adult involvement in parental tasks. The variable pertaining to marital satisfaction signifi cant for parental involvement is spousal similarity. Individuals who see similarities between themselves and their spouse exhibit higher levels of involvement. On the other hand, generalised professional satisfaction is not signifi cant when it comes to parental involvement. Only colleague satisfaction constitutes a significant, albeit weak predictor for parental involvement.

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Agnieszka Zając

Developmental Psychology, Volumwe 18, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 35 - 47


World-view, the hope for a success, and social competencies in adolescents training the sport dance
The aim of this study was to compare selected aspects of psychosocial functioning of young people training dancing and high school students that do not practice any sport, especially value system, social competences and sense of effi cacy. Questionnaire methods were used to analyzed the psychosocial profi les of young dancers. The obtained outcome indicate signifi cant differences between young people that train dancing and the ones who do not practice any sport. These differences are related to different hierarchy of values in both groups, higher results achieved by the dancers in the sense of efficacy and social competence.

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Sybilla Schiep, Katarzyna Cieślik, Karolina Fila, Barbara Bętkowska-Korpała

Developmental Psychology, Volumwe 18, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 49 - 64


Self-regulation, anxiety, depressiveness, personalisty styles, and work preoccupation in young adults
The aim of the study was the analysis of the relationships between self-regulation, action/state orientation, personality styles and the levels of anxiety and depression in people who are preoccupied with work, in their early adulthood. The theoretical background for our study was the Action Control and the Personality System Interaction theory by Julius Kuhl. In order to measure preoccupation with work we used The Preoccupation with Work Scale, the anxiety and depression levels were explored using the The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and The Beck Depression Inventory, respectively. Self – regulation was assessed by using the Volitional Component Questionnaire and action vs. state orientation by using the Action Control Scale. The Personality Styles and Disorders Inventory, was employed to measure the different personality styles. 80 company employees (36 women and 44 men) from corporate enterprises in Wroclaw and Krakow participated in the research. We confi rmed that the levels of anxiety and depression can be viewed as predictors for preoccupation with work in early adulthood. The study also showed the protective effect of action orientation on the development of these psychological symptoms in people who are preoccupied with work. Those individuals most commonly displayed the obsessive – compulsive, narcissistic, and optimistic personality style.

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Marta Łockiewicz, Karol Karasiewicz, Marta Bogdanowicz, Katarzyna Maria Bogdanowicz

Developmental Psychology, Volumwe 18, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 65 - 78


Self-regulation, anxiety, depressiveness, personalisty styles, and work preoccupation in young adults
The aim of the study was the analysis of the relationships between self-regulation, action/state orientation, personality styles and the levels of anxiety and depression in people who are preoccupied with work, in their early adulthood. The theoretical background for our study was the Action Control and the Personality System Interaction theory by Julius Kuhl. In order to measure preoccupation with work we used The Preoccupation with Work Scale, the anxiety and depression levels were explored using the The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and The Beck Depression Inventory, respectively. Self – regulation was assessed by using the Volitional Component Questionnaire and action vs. state orientation by using the Action Control Scale. The Personality Styles and Disorders Inventory, was employed to measure the different personality styles. 80 company employees (36 women and 44 men) from corporate enterprises in Wroclaw and Krakow participated in the research. We confi rmed that the levels of anxiety and depression can be viewed as predictors for preoccupation with work in early adulthood. The study also showed the protective effect of action orientation on the development of these psychological symptoms in people who are preoccupied with work. Those individuals most commonly displayed the obsessive – compulsive, narcissistic, and optimistic personality style.

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Alicja Malina, Dorota Katarzyna Suwalska-Barancewicz

Developmental Psychology, Volumwe 18, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 79 - 90


Stress and parental attitudes among mothers and fathers of adults with intellectual disabilities
The aim of the research was to verify whether there exists a relationship between the increase of perceived stress in its various aspects and the parental attitudes of parents of adults with intellectual disabilities as well as a comparison if the relationship also exists among parents of intellectually healthy people. The research used the The Perception of Stress Questionaire by Mieczysław Plopa and Ryszard Makarowski and the Parental Attitudes Scale by Mieczysław Plopa. The research embraced 39 parents of intellectually disabled people and 85 parents of healthy people. The analyses have proven that the parents of the disabled people and of the people without intellectual disabilities with regards to the displayed parental attitudes and the level of the perceived stress. The former are characterized by an intensifi cation of a demanding attitude and a higher level of perceiving the intrapsychic stress which was not observable among the latter. Moreover, differences with regards to the perceived stress have been noticed between the mothers and the fathers of healthy people – the mothers reveal a stronger feeling of emotional tension than the fathers. Similar it proved among the mothers and fathers of intellectually disabled people where it is also mothers who experience stronger emotional tension, intrapsychic and external stress. In the light of the conducted studies a general conclusion may be drawn that the level of the stress perceived by the parents of the people with disabilities is signifi cantly connected with their displayed parental attitudes, namely: protectiveness, inconsequence. In case of the parents of the healthy people such a relationship concerned only the protective attitude.

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Reviews and reports

Katarzyna Stawiarska

Developmental Psychology, Volumwe 18, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 93 - 100


Ida Kurcz, Hanna Okuniewska (red.) (2011), Język jako przedmiot badań psychologicznych. Psycholingwistyka ogólna i neurolingwistyka, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo SWPS Academica

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Magdalena Kosno

Developmental Psychology, Volumwe 18, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 101 - 106


Lucy Henry, 2012, The Development of Working Memory in Children. London: SAGE

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