The journal “Paragraph on the Road. Legal and forensic road traffic topics” (original title: "Paragraf na Drodze. Prawne i kryminalistyczne problemy ruchu drogowego" have been published since 1999. The addressees of the published content are primarily court experts and appraisers in the field of road accidents, but also lawyers related to road traffic issues, police officers, people involved in training and examining candidates for drivers, as well as employees of road administration and road authorities. “Paragraph on the Road” is a quarterly journal.
ISSN: 1505-3520
eISSN: 2956-3631
MNiSW points: 20
UIC ID: 201077
DOI: 10.4467/15053520PnD
Editorial team
Piotr Ciępka
Deputy Editor-in-Chief:
Adam Reza
Editorial Secretary:
Katarzyna Jekiel
Substantive Editors:
Szymon Tarapata,
Sławomir Tarkowski
Statistical Editor:
Grzegorz Zadora
Language Editor:
Justyna Romanowska
Professor Jan Sehn Institute of Forensic Research in Kraków