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Publication date: 2022

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Editorial team

Secretary Orcid Katarzyna Jekiel

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Orcid Adam Reza

Editor-in-Chief Orcid Piotr Ciępka

Issue content

Dariusz Bułka

Paragraph on the Road, 2/2022, 2022, pp. 11-29


Various potential applications of the solutions developed over the years by the CYBID company, along with the characteristics of their limitations and possibilities in the documentation and analysis of road incidents involving pedestrians are presented. The discussion covers, inter alia:

  • time-distance analysis of an incident involving a pedestrian,
  • documentation of the road accident scene,
  • modeling of hitting a pedestrian as a kinematic object,
  • application of the Slibar method in the analysis of pedestrian hits,
  • 3D measurements of traces of a road accident involving pedestrians,
  • 3D modeling in the analysis of vehicle running over a human body,
  • visualization of the anatomical shape and position of a human body,
  • visualization of the natural movement of the human body,
  • a multibody model of the human body in the V-SIM simulation program,
  • possibility of experimentally checking the behavior of the human body during various types of road accidents.

Directions for the future development of the multibody model of the human body used in the V-SIM 5.0 program, including its new functionalities and new potential uses are also presented.

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Marek Guzek

Paragraph on the Road, 2/2022, 2022, pp. 31-45


When preparing expert opinions on road accidents, we will always deal with the uncertainty of calculations results. The aim of the article is to present selected aspects related to the assessment of uncertainty, illustrated by the situation of the risk of hitting a pedestrian. Based on the results of experiments conducted in a car driving simulator, typical behaviors of drivers in the event of accident risk as in the case of a pedestrian’s intrusion in front of an oncoming vehicle are shown. Using an analogous event scenario, a simple analytical model, and assumed but realistic values of the parameters describing the driver, vehicle, and road, the calculations of selected indicators relating to the situation are presented, taking into account the uncertainty. The Monte Carlo probabilistic method was used to calculate the uncertainty. The results are presented as probabilistic characteristics of the stopping distance. The possibility of determining the distance intervals needed to stop the vehicle with a certain confidence level has been shown. The probabilities of hitting a pedestrian are also given. The presented results indicate, on the one hand, the need to take into account the uncertainty in the calculations of the analyses of accidents, and on the other hand, the great opportunities and benefits of using probabilistic methods to assess uncertainty.

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Robert Janczur, Jolanta Zawałeń

Paragraph on the Road, 2/2022, 2022, pp. 47-61


The article presents the new functionality of the V-SIM program in version 5 and emphasizes the need to reveal, in particular, all traces on the vehicle and pedestrian's clothing, and to use the expertise of forensic medics, in order to determine the pedestrian's position as precisely as possible at the time of impact by vehicle. The configuration of the pedestrian position in the "multibody" model implemented in the V-SIM program and the real 3D body model of vehicle have a fundamental impact on the simulation of pedestrian impact and post-impact movement of a pedestrian. On the example of two well-documented road incidents involving pedestrians, the analysis of the mechanism of the simulation course and the sensitivity of the simulation results to a given input in the form of a pedestrian's position and the location of their lower and upper limbs is presented. In the summary, attention was paid to the elements of correct simulation preparation in the V-SIM 5 program, leading to obtaining reliable results.

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Krzysztof Wach

Paragraph on the Road, 2/2022, 2022, pp. 63-71


The aim of the work was an analysis of the currently used solutions that ensure pedestrian protection at the time of collision. Selected systems from the area of external passive safety of a car are presented. One of the increasingly used systems of this type is the so-called Active Hood (Pop-up Bonnet). As a result of detecting the contact of the front part of the car body with a pedestrian, the system controller generates a signal initiating the lifting of the engine cover (usually its rear part) upwards. This increases the distance between the bonnet and the hard components in the engine compartment, reducing the severity of injuries to pedestrians (especially the head). The change of the position of the engine cover during a crash may have an impact on the value of wrap around distance. This quantity is used to estimate the collision speed of the car. The article presents a theoretical analysis of the impact of the Active Hood safety system on the value of the pedestrian wrap around distance increment and, consequently, on the estimated value of the minimum impact velocity. The obtained results indicate that in some cases the lifting of the bonnet may have a slight influence on the estimated value of the collision velocity, however, this should not have significant influence on the results of the analysis.

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Wojciech Ambroszko

Paragraph on the Road, 2/2022, 2022, pp. 73-90


The article presents the results of research on the parameters of the movement of a person moving on various types of roller skates. An analysis and evaluation of the impact of the roller skate design on the achieved traffic parameters, speeds in particular, in terms of the possibility of reconstructing road events with the participation of roller skaters and conducting time-distance analyses was carried out. The tests were carried out in various road conditions, i.e. on the maneuvering yard and over long distances. The VBOX Sport measuring device was used for the tests. Using the V-Sim version 5.0, a simulation of a fall while roller skating was carried out, indicating the values of acceleration and velocity at the moment of hitting the head on the ground. The speed results obtained in various traffic conditions can be used in time-distance analyses, and the presented material indicates the complexity of the issue a as well as the need for an indepth analysis of a possible case.

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Mirosław Kędzierski

Paragraph on the Road, 2/2022, 2022, pp. 91-102


Preliminary results of biomechanical simulations using V-SIM and PC-Crash softwareThe article presents preliminary results of biomechanical simulations carried out using V-SIM and PC-Crash software packages. In both environments similar simulation parameters were adopted. Both universal and real vehicle body shapes were used. The comparison between the two software packages was done based on examples of different levels of complexity.

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