Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 17-24 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 25-32 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 33-64 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 65-86 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 87-118 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 119-150 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 151-176 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 177-198 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 199-222 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 223-250 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 251-260 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 261-278 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 279-292 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 293-312 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 313-338 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 339-354 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 355-376 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 377-406 Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 407-409
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Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 413-420
Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2020 (6), 2020, s. 421-423
Słowa kluczowe: UNESCO, digital cultural heritage, Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage, digital heritage, digital surrogates, restitution, colonialism, international law, Holocaust collections, vulnerability, digitization, research ethics, cultural heritage and digitalization, digitization, Indigenous heritage, cultural appropriation, Intellectual Property, curators’ moral rights, Museum of the Second World War in Gdansk, museum exhibition, creative work, copyright, museum, technology, cultural property, cultural heritage, digital, oral history, ethics, human rights museology, digital storytelling, collecting, museums, social media, museum education, museum ethics, Holocaust commemoration, social activism, digital inheritance, digital heritage, access, law & humanities, German Federal Court of Justice, trademark, follow the money, digitization process, cultural objects, cyber threat, digital content, digital heritage, consumer rights, intellectual property, soft law, China, return of cultural property, United States, codes of ethics, human remains, repatriation, France, Maori, Commission scientifique nationale des collections, human body, property rights, cultural heritage, cultural property, China, cultural heritage, urban planning law, architectural quality, urban renewal, digitization, cultural heritage, copyrights, digital heritage