The Human Body in the Regime of Chinese Cultural Heritage Law

Data publikacji: 2020

Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2020, 2/2020 (6), s. 339 - 354



Zhao Zhiyong
East China University of Political Science and Law, 555 Longyuan Road, Songjiang District 200261 Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8360-5368 Orcid
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The Human Body in the Regime of Chinese Cultural Heritage Law


For a long time, the concept of the human body has been governed by civil law. Today, this way of treating it is no longer certain. The human body can also be understood as an integral part of cultural heritage. On one hand, this is a question of the holder of the element of the intangible cultural heritage (ICH). On the other hand, it concerns the human body beyond the living person, protected as tangible heritage or cultural property. This article analyses these diverse dimensions of the human body under Chinese legislation on the protection of cultural relics and for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage, taking into consideration the respect for human dignity. In this regard, it offers a cross-cutting overview of the ethical and legal challenges surrounding the management and regulation of human remains.


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Informacje: Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2020, 2/2020 (6), s. 339 - 354

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



The Human Body in the Regime of Chinese Cultural Heritage Law


The Human Body in the Regime of Chinese Cultural Heritage Law



Zhao Zhiyong
East China University of Political Science and Law, 555 Longyuan Road, Songjiang District 200261 Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8360-5368 Orcid
Wszystkie publikacje autora →

East China University of Political Science and Law, 555 Longyuan Road, Songjiang District 200261 Shanghai, People’s Republic of China

Publikacja: 2020

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji

Udział procentowy autorów:

Zhao Zhiyong (Autor) - 100%

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Liczba wyświetleń: 1009

Liczba pobrań: 1005

<p> The Human Body in the Regime of Chinese Cultural Heritage Law</p>