2018 Następne

Data publikacji: 15.10.2018

Licencja: Żadna

Zawartość numeru

Klaudia Kamieniarz

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 11 - 23


Evening news and opinion shaping

The following article is devoted to the qualitative analysis of certain elements of television news. These elements have a major impact on the viewers‘ perception and can intentionally form their personal views. Subjects of the analysis are agenda, previews both at the beginning and in the middle of the program, titles of the news and their visual trailers.

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Anna Sieradzan

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 25 - 40


Literary Programmes of the Second Channel of the Polish Public Radio after 1983

The article presents an attempt to characterize the literary programmes of the Second Channel
of Polish Public Radio which appeared on air after 1983, taking into consideration important
moments in the history of ‘Dwójka’ radio station. This work is focused on content analysis of
literary programmes, attempt at creating their typology and analysis of their substance. Content
analysis of literary section’s schedules shows that there was more of presenting literature (using
uniqueness of the radio) that actually discussions about literature (in the researched period
1983-1997). This whole work presents the impact that the Second Channel of the Polish Radio
has on the Polish modern literature Such research has never been done before.

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Krzysztof Grządzielski

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 41 - 56


Dimensions of implementation of the socio-religious profile in a local radio station on the example of Radio Emaus in Poznań

Independent socio-religious stations are an important element of the radio market in Poland, where the phenomenon of networking and program formatting is still progressing. After almost 30 years of development of the Catholic radio, its creators present different visions of programs, radio formats and various approaches to evangelistic content. Radio Emaus, which has been analysed in this article, is an existing radio station of the Archdiocese of Poznań for over 23 years. It is the only local Catholic radio station in Poznań and one of the three operating in Greater Poland. In the article, the author presented details of the goals and assumptions of the socio-religious profile (character) of this station and detailed analysis of the program in selected research period. As a result, the scope of implementation by Radio Emaus of the socio-religious profile, information function and others, related to fulfilling the function of the radio as a local medium, has been showed.

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Valerie Kasianchuk

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 57 - 65


The article analyses the selection criteria for manuscripts in scholarly journals on communications with impact factor. This information is important for authors, readers and reviewers. Selection criteria of these journals include: scientific approaches and methodology, contribution to the subject area, high quality, style, novelty, relevance, originality, international orientation etc. Some editorials create their own ”formula” of the scientific content of the article

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Paweł Kozielski, Ewelina Gutowska-Kozielska

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 69 - 80


This article consists of three parts. In the first one the author presents the key concepts describing postmodernity with the focus on the works of Francois Lyotard. The crisis of narrations of the Polish society after 1989 is described in the second chapter. The last part of the text provides “Gazeta Polska’s” discourse analysis from the point of view of the narration of postmodernity.

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Konrad Knoch

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 81 - 97


”Political Review” in the years 1989–2000. Part 3. Liberal revolution

The article describes how the ”Political Review” wanted to promote the liberal revolution in Poland. Debates on capitalism, postulated reforms, mainly in the economic dimension included in the Review are described. The phenomenon of privatization, decentralization and settlements with the liberal revolution in Poland in the first half of the 1990s is also analysed. The evolution and profile change of the magazine is also presented. At the end, the role and significance of the ”Political Review” is summarized and its journalistic achievements are assessed.

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Florian Peters

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 99 - 113


The article presents an unusual metamorphosis of the weekly “Reality”, which from the propaganda tube of the so-called communist concrete transformed into a champion of “managerial” capitalism in the late 1980s of the XXth century. Against the background of the then opening of party discourses for economic liberalism, the article analyses explicit changes in the journalism of the “Reality” on economic topics in the years 1981–1990. It also follows attempts to save the weekly in a new formula under the name “Rondo” in 1989, which, however, did not achieve long-term success due to the liquidation of the party press group RSW “Press-Book-Movement”. On the basis of this specific case, the article highlights the issue of ideological erosion among proponents of “real socialism” in Poland and brings closer the sources of the concept of nomenclature capitalism.

Od „Rzeczywistości” do „Ronda”. Tygodnik betonowych komunistów na drodze w kapitalizm w latach 80. XX wieku

W artykule przedstawiono nietypową metamorfozę tygodnika „Rzeczywistość”, który z tuby propagandowej tak zwanego komunistycznego betonu przekształcił się w orędownik kapitalizmu „menedżerskiego” pod koniec lat 80. XX wieku. Na tle ówczesnego otwarcia się partyjnych dyskursów dla liberalizmu gospodarczego przeanalizowano wyraźne zmiany w publicystyce „Rzeczywistości” na tematy gospodarcze w latach 1981–1990. Śledzi także próby uratowania tygodnika w nowej formule pod nazwą „Rondo” w 1989 roku, które jednak nie odniosły długotrwałego sukcesu ze względu na likwidację partyjnego koncernu prasowego RSW „Prasa-Książka-Ruch”. Na podstawie tego specyficznego przypadku, artykuł naświetla zagadnienie erozji ideologicznej wśród zwolenników „realnego socjalizmu” w Polsce oraz przybliża się źródłom koncepcji kapitalizmu nomenklaturowego.

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Patrycja Mazur

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 117 - 126


Brand promotion on Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube

The text describes brand promotion in the new new audio-visual media (Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube) that become main channels for reaching a desired target group. It includes case study of two selected brands and their profiles in the discussed social media. These are: FMCG brand Coca-Cola Poland and chain of cosmetics stores Sephora Poland. The aim of the work is not only to show the differences between discussed social media that belong to one brand, but also to show different ways to manage profiles by companies from different sectors.

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Norbert Rędzia

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 127 - 143


Communication of the Grupa Filmowa Darwin on YouTube

The article presents an analysis of personal research on communication of Grupa Filmowa Darwin YouTube channel, defined in the Internet as the most professional profile on Polish YouTube. The author analyses patterns of viewers behaviour and their reactions to uploaded on channel content. The aim of the study is to evaluate how the Internet audience reacts to the actions and video formats prepared by the chosen YouTube channel and make an attempt to determine valuable features of authors who gathers large communities of recipients.

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Katarzyna Nowicka-Zagórów

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 147 - 157


Student has a cool life – about the mythologization of theatrical student movement

The history of functioning of student theatres of the Coast, that are one of the most outstanding examples of student culture achievements in 1950s and 1960s, although seems to be well-known, is rarely a subject to reliable analysis and critical reflection. The article attempts to view the mythologized moment of the prosperity of the student culture in  the PRL from a modern perspective, confronting it with a current beliefs about student life. In the text memories of actors are used as well as those of co-creators and friends of the theatres ‘Co to’, ’Bim-Bom’, ‘Cyrk Rodziny Afanasjeff’, all derived from the direct conversation and memoirs as well as thesis articles and dissertations highlighting the  contexts of the student culture of the PRL. The text emphasizes the simplification of student theatres history in the dominant narrative based on anecdotal, mythologizing view of the era of student theatres.

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Barbara Świąder-Puchowska

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 159 - 168


Chaplin’s children. Movie paths in Gdansk student theatres of 50. and 60. of the XXth century (Bim-Bom)

This article discusses several important Gdansk student theatres of 50. and 60. of the XXth century: ‘Bim-Bom’, ‘Cyrk Rodziny Afanasjeff’, ‘Co To’. The aim of this article is to show the role of movie and cinema in those theatres work (especially Bim-Bom). The text also presents context of formatting in 1950s of the XXth century in Poland Film Disciussion Clubs, which were one of new places gathering youth and student culture, that was just born during that time. Examples of ‘Bim-Bom’ programs presented in the article show how movies changed the way of creating theatre performances and inspired humanistic ideas and values (especially the one realised by Charlie Chaplin and Vittorio de Sica), presented by student theatres creators.

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Katarzyna Osior-Szot

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 171 - 184


Differences in communication styles between women and men

The article is an attempt to check whether the way language is communicated depends on gender. For this purpose an analysis of ten motivational speeches by men and women was carried out which showed that apart from the content communicated independently of the sender’s sex (e.g. paying attention to such values as courage, talent, dreams), there are threads touched mainly by women (e.g. life balance or self-awareness), and those that are characteristic only for men (e.g. determination in pursuit of goals, effectiveness of action and professionalism). Differences between men’s and women’s communication also apply to words being used – in women’s speech there are more uncertainty indicators, which include indefinite pronouns (e.g. some, somewhere), and metatextual expressions (in English: discourse markers) (e.g. so to speak, in fact, simply), in men’s speeches, semantically expressive names prevail as well as positive ones (e.g. success, sage, knowledge, and coach). The analysis also showed that the communication differences between women and men also concern grammar. Women speak more often in the first person singular and they mainly use past tense, and men prefer third person narrative and present or future tenses.

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Maciej Krajewski

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 185 - 196


The conundrums of play – a theoretical look at games and when gamification can work

Because of increasing frequency of implementing gamification mechanisms by companies (small and large), there appears to be a growing concern about such actions. They are criticized for their simplicity, intrusiveness and a kind of infantilization of a given activity. Mostly, however, bad gamification is caused by incorrect or incomplete understanding of the very essence of play. The purpose of this article is therefore to gather, analyse and interpret the existing theory in the discussed matter and try to answer: what makes gamification work as intended?

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Katarzyna Maciejewska-Mieszkowska

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (5) 2018, 2018, s. 199 - 201

Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia, Działalność programowa telewizji publicznej. Kluczowe determinanty programowania i dystrybucja oferty,
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2017, ss. 321,
ISBN 978-83-233-4280-9

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