2019 Następne

Data publikacji: 28.06.2019

Licencja: Żadna

Zawartość numeru


Michał Drożdż, Klaudia Cymanow-Sosin

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (6) 2019, 2019, s. 9 - 21


Monitoring news programmes on the example of a public station in the ethical and legal aspect related to the mission and the journalist profession

The subject matter of this article is the description of the methodology applied in the analysis of the content of the entire monitoring of the TVP Info station with regard to the mission of the public media and the ethical aspect in the actions of the media and the journalists. Detailed studies of the news programmes were conducted in the Academic Media Centre at the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, at the faculty of Social Sciences of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow. The applied methodology involved a study of a week constructed within the team working under substantive supervision of Michał Drożdż and the executive supervision of Klaudia Cymanow-Sosin. The content analysis was additionally supported by conclusions drawn on the basis of expert evaluations in the context of ethical and legal principles pertaining to the journalist profession and the obligations related to the public mission of a public broadcaster. The final report from the monitoring was developed in the context of two basic factors important for the functioning of the media, namely: the mission of the media and the ethics of the actions of the media and the journalists. The conclusions that were formed on the basis of this part of the research are a response to the abovementioned question related to the obligations of the public broadcaster in the ethical and legal aspect pertaining to the journalist profession.

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Klaudia Cymanow-Sosin, Michał Drożdż

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (6) 2019, 2019, s. 23 - 41

Analysis of the content of TV messages in news programmes on the example of TVP Info monitoring
The subject matter of this article is the analysis of the content of the material from the archives, shared by TVP S.A. [the Polish public television] on external media, related to the entire programme broadcast from 4 to 10 June 2018 on the TVP Info channel. The study involved content analysis, which entails a study of all the artefacts used in communication, and above all documents, not only in the form of text and image, but also audio-visual and multimedia forms. Such study is particularly useful in the research of complex material which is recurrent and systematic. Using this methodology required regular studies of the complete documentation within the analysed medium, without performing any selection or pointing to a certain part of the artefacts. Within the entire studied material, certain categories were formed in order to point to the occurrence of the most significant and dominant fragments of message – both with regard to the quantity (frequency of specific thematic programmes within a single week), and with regard to the quality – with special emphasis placed on news reporters’ materials in news programmes and news reporters’ materials in journalistic programmes, whose expert analysis with regard to their mission proved crucial to this research.
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Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (6) 2019, 2019, s. 43 - 53

In the years 1989–2018 the women’s press was an important element of the Polish media market which was dominated by the foreign publishers. The most important of these are Bauer Media, Edipresse Polska, Burda International. Each year the companies introduced new magazines to the market. Their total number was around 100. Most of them settled on the Polish press market and, due to a good position on the market of recipients and advertisers, generated revenue for their publishers. The author captured quantitative changes in the segment of the women’s press, analysed the involvement of the publishers in this part of the press market and highlighted the most important trends.
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Katarzyna Gajlewicz-Korab

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (6) 2019, 2019, s. 55 - 67

Once in a while there is a discussion in the Polish media about the capital concentration, and especially the content of the foreign capital on our market. At the end of 2016 the new government of the Republic of Poland also took up this topic with the view to returning to work on the restrictions of foreign shareholders in Polish media companies. France was recommended as a model to imitate both in KRRiT analysis of 2015 and the present comparison of Poland to France. The topic of the article concerns thus the answers to the questions: What are the restrictions in Poland and France? What do the differences derive from? Can French media system be uncritically imitated, as it happened in case of many other media situations?
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Katarzyna Kaczor

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (6) 2019, 2019, s. 71 - 80


My name is Mróz. Remigiusz Mróz. On the creation of an author / literary brand in the Polish literary / cultural field

The subject of the article is the analysis of the functioning in the Polish cultural field of Remigiusz Mroz as an author aiming to create his own literary brand identified with it. The aim of the conducted research was to follow the mechanisms for self-creation of the literary brand in the mainstream culture, including: conditions of the Polish publishing market, ways of using social media and opinion-making media for self-presentation and critical discourse of his work. The conclusions were formulated in the context of the results of the research of the contemporary Polish literary field conducted from the perspective of cultural research.
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Barbara Świąder-Puchowska

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (6) 2019, 2019, s. 81 - 89


Chaplin’s children. Movie paths in Gdansk student theatres of 50. and 60. of the XXth century (Cyrk Rodziny Afanasjeff and Co To)

This article discusses several important Gdansk student theatres of 50. and 60. of the XXth century: Bim-Bom, Cyrk Rodziny Afanasjeff, Co To. The aim of this article is to show the role of movies and cinema in those theatres work (especially Bim-Bom). Examples of theatre programs presented in the article show, how movies changed the way of creating theatre performances and inspired humanistic ideas and values (especially the ones realised by Charlie Chaplin and Vittorio de Sica), presented by early Gdańsk student theatres creators.
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Jolanta Laskowska

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (6) 2019, 2019, s. 91 - 104


The conditions of literary life in Sopot after the Second World War

The article discusses the conditions of literary life in Sopot after the Second World War. It presents the profiles of writers and poets who create the post-war literary environment of the Coast. Literary and cultural events, circulation institutions, publishing facilities, newspapers and magazines, discussion forums for creating writers were presented.
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Maciej Zweiffel

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (6) 2019, 2019, s. 105 - 116


Literacy competence and understanding of jurnalistic texts

The author of the article defines literacy competence and on the example of interpreting a literary work builds the model of this competence, based on hermeneutics. After this theoretical part he, analysing one press article and one media message, presents how the literacy competence can be useful in the reception of messages in general.
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Andrii Kutsyk

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (6) 2019, 2019, s. 117 - 124

This article examines the evolution of the emergence of the Internet. It is shown how at first people created networks, and how subsequently the network became the influencer of human life. Conditional stages of formation of web culture as well as of that of values of network computer communication are characterized. It is highlighted what led to the origination of freedom of information. The transition from the non-commercial nature of the content to commerce and the mass of the Internet are also discussed. The development of Web 2.0 culture, which includes blogs, electronic encyclopaedias and social networks, is analysed. Finally, it’s shown how web 2.0 has become an integral part of the existence of the human-generation web culture. Also, the benchmark for Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 is described in Tim O Reilly’s article „What is Web 2.0?» It shows why and how blogs began, and what the subculture of bloggers do today. Additionally, the special role of video hosting Your Tube in the progress of the Internet is discussed, namely describing how YouTube has transitioned from a personal video hosting service towards a replacement for Television itself.Finally, the importance of social networks, which have become an interactive platform, that combines the ability to view videos, photos and communication in a single forum was also highlighted.
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Anna Ryłko-Kurpiewska

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (6) 2019, 2019, s. 127 - 140


New faces of outdoor advertising. The “here” and now” communication

The author of the article presents changes taking place on the advertising market resulting from the growing importance of OOH (Out of Home) carriers. The discovery of the potential of outdoor advertising media by advertisers is here both the result of the conclusions drawn from the study of media consumption as well as technological changes leading to the effectiveness of remittances. The aim of the considerations is to show the specificity of advertising communication adopting a personalized form, using the recipients’ mobility and their longer presence outside the home, the immediacy of contact proper to the medium and the elimination of the time and spatial distance between the sender and the recipient. These factors unambiguously influence the way messages are constructed, which are currently subject to new rules, which is manifested, among others, in resigning from the basic element of the outdoor – slogan – as a proper agent for authoritative messages, suggesting a superior relation of the sender to the recipient. Reversing the communication relationship and making the addressee the main subject and perpetrator of events is now a clear trend in the changing face of the OOH market from year to year.
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Krzysztof Kietliński

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (6) 2019, 2019, s. 141 - 152

Evaluation of technocratic ideology in the perspective of teaching the Catholic Church
In the present world, we observe the rapid development of science and technology, which are soon to contribute to the construction of a technocratic society. The vision of technocratic ideology has a long history in which the cult of progress and faith in technology are invariably stressed. Technicians assume that future technologies will solve all the problems that affect humanity. The Catholic Church, appreciating the importance of science and technology, at the same time postulates the necessity of subordinating them to the man whom they should serve. He warns against the temptation of absolutizing technology and progress, and another dangerous ideology – a technocratic utopia.
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Maciej Żulpo

Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (6) 2019, 2019, s. 155 - 156

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Słowa kluczowe: analiza zawartości, etyka, media publiczne, misyjność mediów, telewizja, content analysis, ethic, public media, media mission, television, analiza zawartości, etyka, misja, monitoring, pluralizm mediów, content analysis, ethic, mission, media pluralism, magazyny kobiece, segmentacja, sprzedaż, wydawcy prasy kobiecej, women’s magazines, segmentation, circulation, women’s press publishers, koncentracja kapitału, system medialny Polski, system medialny Francji, capital concentration, Polish media system, French media system, Remigiusz Mróz, marka literacka, polskie pole literackie w XXI wieku, polska literatura popularna XXI wieku, rynek wydawniczy, marketing w polu kultury, literary brand, Polish literary field in the 21st century, Polish popular literature of the 21st century, publishing market, marketing in the field of culture, polski teatr współczesny, gdańskie teatry studenckie, Bim-Bom, Cyrk Rodziny Afanasjeff, Co To, Polish contemporary theatre, Gdansk student theatres, Co To., życie literackie, Sopot, prasa, czasopisma, literatura, literary life, newspapers, magazines, literature, kompetencja literacka, hermeneutyka, stopienie horyzontów, intersubiektywność, literacy competence, hermeneutics, fusion of horizons, intersubjectivity, tworzenie kultury, kultura internetowa, komunikacja sieciowa, inteligencja zbiorowa, wolność informacji, web 2.0, cultural cultivating, web culture, network communication, collective intelligence, information freedom, Web 2.0., reklama zewnętrzna, rynek reklamy OOH, komunikacja, kontekst, społeczeństwo, outdoor advertising, OOH advertising market, communication, context, society., ideologia technokratyczna, postęp techniczny, gospodarka oparta na wiedzy, moralność i technika, technokracja i religia, Kościół i technika, technocratic ideology, technical progress, knowledge-based economy, morality and technology, technique and religion, Church and technology