2020 Następne

Data publikacji: 12.2020


Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji

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Administracyjne prawo materialne

Agnieszka Kania

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 7 - 25


Return of Property Designed for Public Roads under Special Regulations

Interference in property rights carried out under expropriations is a sensitive issue, especially when it concerns public road construction or extension. The legal situation of entities whose property rights were withdrawn deteriorated after 2006, which was related to the introduction of lex specialis regulations, which are ambiguous as to the right to allow the return of unused property for the purpose of expropriation. The objective of this study is to identify the most important issues found in numerous court orders and legal literature. All considerations should lead to a deeper analysis of the presented issues and refer to the formulated de lege ferenda conclusions.
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Elżbieta A. Maj, Natalia Maj

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 26 - 46

Families with Disabled Childreninthe Welfare and Social SupportSystem
The research problem discussed in the article concerns the legal protection family with disabled children in the welfare and social support system. Due to the nature of the subject, the analysed has covered selected national acts mainly in the area of the welfare system in general terms. The presented conclusions are based on the resultsof the analyticalstudies of selected acts, such as:the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2 April 1997, the Charter of the Rights of the Disabled Persons of 1 August 1997, the Social Welfare Act of 12 March 2004, the Act on family benefits of 28 November 2003, the Mental Health Protection Act of 19 August 1994, Act of 27 August 1997 on the vocational and social rehabilitation and employment of people with disabilities and others.
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Wioletta Pawska

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 47 - 75

The Right of Minors to Freedom from Gambling and Internet andGaming Addition
The aim of the article is to highlight the dangers of gambling and Internet and gaming addiction of minors and young persons. The author is convinced that in the absence of positive legislative changes and if creators of games engaging young persons in gaming are not punished, children will not be safe in the online environment. There will not have any other lives than those in the games they play. Additionally, the most important thing is the role of the parents, guardians and teachers. They should talk to children about the problem, show them the dangers and organise better their free time – in an educational and carefree way. In accordance with the obligatory rules of custody, they should ensure them suitable development, safety and a sense of belonging. The teachers ought to support these activities. Summarising, if the status quo continues to be tolerated, minors and young person’s will be deprived of carefree life and suffer from harm and even sudden deaths. The author is sure that parents and children do not give enough attention to that and we should not take away from young person’s the joy of simple things letting them play in the Internet instead.
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Ewa Piwowarska

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 76 - 94

Discrimination against the Child in Access to Education Based on Ethnic Origin as Examplified by the Roma Minority in Selected Countries Summary
The aim of this study is to draw attention to the common problem of discrimination against children in access to education due to their ethnic origin. This problem affects particularly children of the Roma minority, who are subject to practices prohibited by anti-discrimination law, in particular school and class segregation and the practice of improper placement of Roma children in special schools. The article presents an analysis of the situation of Roma children in three selected countries: Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, based on source data, in particular research on discrimination and minorities conducted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and other collected data. The study also presents methods and attempts by states to combat practices that discriminate against children of Roma origin.
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Kacper Cholewa

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 95 - 111

The Socio-legal Situation of Children in Poland in the 21st Century. Discrimination of Minors and Methods of Resolving Conflicts Involving them
The issue of protection of rights of minors became of interest to both doctrines and practitioners already in the 1900s. The purpose of the article is to offer a socio-legal analysis of the situation of children in Poland in the 21st century. This subject seems to be particularly topical given the fact that aging society has increasing appreciation for its national treasure young children are seeking to ensure the best living conditions possible. Because of the significance of correct child development and the special need to protect the rights of minors, one should look at their actual situation, including during pending court proceedings, divorce cases and peer conflicts, which have a major impact on children’s psychological development and perception of their function in society.
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Aleksandra Garbacz

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 112 - 127

Discrimination at School and its Consequences in the Sphere of the Psychosocial Functioning of Individuals
Discrimination is a widespread and firmly established phenomenon in society. Its manifestations can be observed already at the stage of relations between children. School as a natural peer environment is a meeting place for different people with certain characteristics, where some individuals, due to the presence or absence of certain features, differ from the general public and it is the sequalities that cause discriminatory behaviour towards them. Discrimination is based on stereotypes and prejudices formed and functioning in society and has specific consequences for all spheres of life, both for those experiencing discrimination and those discriminating others.
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Administracyjne prawo ustrojowe

Małgorzata Kmak

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 128 - 143

The article presents selected aspects being a consequence of the evolution of local government in Poland. The main attention is focused on the presentation of the structure and competences of the municipal council, in the context of systemic changes of local government. The article is of a review nature character and its aim is to diagnose organisational solutions concerning the municipal council in Poland. The main premise of the article implies that the process of evaluation of the structure and functioning of the municipal council is conditioned by involvement of the local residents who experience its influence on their daily lives, including meeting their needs. Decentralisation and participation of local community members in local government structures such as the municipal council or other bodies are key issues in civil society development. The process of local government evolution has not been completed and localgovernment organisation and functionality does not deviate from European standards.
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Wojciech Glac

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 144 - 161

Respite Care as a New Task for Local Government Bodies: A Review of the Legal Practice to Date
Respite care, also known as relieving care, is a form of supporting families of people with disabilities that require constant care, especially at home. The purpose of this type of support is to temporarily relieve the family or informal caregivers from the need to perform caring activities, which are then taken over by a specialized entity. It seems to be primarily an instrument of social assistance, and not, as it is sometimes misinter preted, of the healthcare system. The aim of this study is to analyse the current legal status regarding respite care, its place in the legal order and the support system for people with disabilities and their families. First of all, it is based on analysis of the literature as the main research method used. The article analyses the solutions adopted, among others, in the Act on the Solidarity Fund and Programmes titled Respite Care.
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Paweł Ostachowski

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 162 - 176

The Functioning of and Challenges for Local Authorities Related to the Participatory Budget in Poland Exemplified by Largest Polish Cities
The article presents issues related to the participatory budget as fast-developing contemporary tool of residents’ participation in local space management. It focuses on the benefits of the participatory budget shared by authorities and local communities. The article also presents threats to that vehicle of social participation, including one of the key ones, i.e. the weakening interest shown by residents in its creation and implementation. The main premise of the article in this case is that large cities are the most effected by the weak attendance of urban population in voting on the participatory budget, which is confirmed by the analysis of the functioning of the tool in question in Poland’s largest cities in the period 2014–2018. In the summary of the results of the analysis, the article highlights the fact that the participatory budget in large Polish cities continues to be not fully established or effective. It also requires further years of work of local authorities and society itself to become more popular among the public, both in terms of knowledge about it and civic participation in its creation and implementation.
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Nauki o polityce i administracji

Karolina Jasnosz

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 177 - 202

The Shaping of Civic Society in Poland after 1989 and its Current State
In the article, the author presents the subject of the formation of attitudes and institutions of civil society in the reality of the Polish political transformation that began in 1989. The author focuses on factors influencing the development of Polish society in the context of civic activity and participation. The issues presented refer to the directions of development adopted by the Polish state, which were oriented on improving civil society institutions in the public sphere. They also diagnose the condition of Polish civic participation and activity in the light of political transformation after the fall of communism. The article has been enriched with the results of survey research conducted in May 2020. The survey questionnaire drafted for the purpose was intended to measure the level of involvement of the respondents in public affairs of their local communities. The final section of the article contains conclusions.
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Artur Szklarski

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 203 - 224


The Backstage of the Russian Policy towards the Chechen Republic and its Consequences

The Russians lost the First Chechen War. Russia’s federal security service (FSB) organised kidnappings of western citizens to change the real image of the Chechen people in Russia and the West. The FSB agent Adam Deniyev founded the first Wahhabi organisation in Chechnya. Shamil Basayev, who collaborated with Russia’s military intelligence Service (GRU), carried out a series of terrorist attacks in Russia. Gradually, the Chechen national liberation movement was transformed into a jihadist movement. The FSB carried out the infamous bomb attacks in Russia, which, together with Basayev’s land offensive in Dagestan, became the reason for starting the Second Chechen War, won by the Russians. After the attack on the president of Chechnya Akhmad Kadyrov, power was taken over by his son, the dictator Ramzan Kadyrov, who is still ruling today, and is Vladimir Putin’s right-hand man in the North Caucasus.

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Łukasz Zweiffel

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 225 - 236

Social and Political Transformation in the Netherlands in 1967–1971
The author deals with the subject of social and political transformation that took place in the Netherlands at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s. This was a key transformation for the existence of the now tolerant and open Netherlands. It entailed permanent changes, not only in the cultural and social spheres, but also reflected in Dutch politics.
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Zarządzanie i ekonomia w administracji publicznej

Elżbieta Szczygieł

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 237 - 253

Circularity measurement in Households in the Context of Improving their Life Quality
The article presents the issue of measuring circularity in households. The main attention is given to the presentation of available methods of measuring circularity, among others in the whole economy. The main objective of this article is to establish links between the perceptible improvement in the quality of life and the implementation of circular behaviour in households is key in assessing the possibilities of implementing postulates of circular economy in all aspects of the economy. The purpose of this article is to attempt to link the two aforementioned areas as well as to identify potential factors that should be taken into account when measuring. This contribution is the third in a series of articles devoted to circular economy and theoretical in nature.
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Krzysztof Sala

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 254 - 266


Threats Related to Light Pollution and Ways to Reduce it

The natural environment can be exposed to many different types of pollution. The most frequently mentioned are air, water, soil and radioactive contamination. On the other hand, light pollution is mentioned much less frequently. Light pollution only applies to light from artificial sources. It turns out that light, in addition to its undisputable advantages and colossal significance for life, in some cases can be associated with significant threats. The purpose and premise of this publication is to show that light pollution involves a considerable threat to the natural environment, including animals and humans. However, there are ways to effectively limit this phenomenon. The paper discusses the concept of light pollution, its sources, forms and division. Particular attention has been devoted to the characterisation of the threats that it brings with regard to the natural environment, including humans. The publication also reveals examples of actions to reduce this harmful phenomenon. The article has been created using book materials, magazines, as well as information available online. The research method used in the publication is existing data analysis and literary criticism. The test results verify the premise positively.
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Paulina Szyja

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 267 - 281


The Functioning of Public Administration in a Crisis Situation Caused by External Factors: a COVID 19 Case Study

The Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic has caused major changes to the functioning of countries and their communities around the world. We observe the consequences of the spread of a disease which knows no boundaries. Experts talk and write about the crisis, the effects of which affect various spheres of socio-economic life. Governments of many countries, with the support of public administration, have taken a number of activities related to ensuring the safety of citizens, but also the continuity of the state’s functioning and reducing the effects of a possible economic slowdown. The goal of the paper is to analyse how the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus has influenced and still influences public administration, taking into account a wide selection of activities, good practices in the areas of human resource management, customer service, as well as communication between national authorities and citizens.
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Prawo i administracja w wymiarze europejskim i międzynarodowym

Klaudia Baran, Wiktoria Burek, Martyna Gibek

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 282 - 299


The Impact of Covid-19 on Society and Law: Selected Aspects of Polish and European Legislation

In our research approach, we have focused on the negative influence of SARS-Cov-2 on European society and legislation. This topic concerns each one of us. The pandemic has become an enormous challenge for the legislator. We look at how recent regulations has been affecting functioning of society or respecting human rights, concluding that they were at risk with no sign of improvement. We discuss some key issues related to human rights and Polish legislation onCOVID-19, i.e. the Ordinance of the Minister of Health of 20 March 2020 or Regulations of the Council of Ministers of 31 March 2020. Those acts, for instance, included prohibitions on personal movement, with the exception of for the purpose of performing work and business tasks as well as satisfying necessary daily need, which was a major limitation of freedom. Closing most work places, in turn, violated second-generation human rights. We also mention the financial penalties and their unsuitability given other punishments for unlawful acts. In addition, we describe two ways of receiving fines, classified and characterised based on competent decision-making authorities. The new procedures entail extended prerogatives granted to the police. As result, the problem appears of interpretation of human rights as well as possible infringements of fundamental human rights. Our article contains a short description of difficulties related to the presidential election in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. To ensure a comprehensive analysis of therese arch problem, we have compared Polish legislation with legal solutions adopted by other counties.
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Sabina Kubas

Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2020 (6), 2020, s. 300 - 319

Other than Membership Statuses of Participation in International Organisations
Today, the status of international organisations no longer raises much controversy and is so deeply rooted that their activities are often the subject of separate analyses, included in the framework of the law of international organisations as an independent scientific discipline. With their tasks they even enter areas previously reserved only for states. Common tasks for a given international organisation are implemented once membership status is obtained. This status may be full, and therefore based on the full rights and obligations of a given entity. It may also be incomplete, and thus somewhat limited, where these rights are not vested in that entity as a whole but still give the opportunity to cooperate with an international organization and implement its statutory objectives.
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Słowa kluczowe: inwestycja drogowa, wywłaszczenie, zwrot nieruchomości drogowych, droga publiczna / road investment, expropriation, return of road property, public road, dziecko, dziecko niepełnosprawne, prawo, niepełnosprawność, pomoc społeczna, wsparcie społeczne / child, disabled child, law, disability, social assistance, welfare system, social support, hazard, dysfunkcyjne korzystanie z Internetu, uzależnienie dziecka, uzależnienie od gier komputerowych, czyn zabroniony / gamble, dysfunctional online activity, child`s dependency, gaming disorder, prohibited act, dyskryminacja w dostępie do edukacji, dyskryminacja dzieci romskich, pochodzenie etniczne, segregacja szkolna i klasowa, szkoły specjalne / discrimination in access to education, discrimination of Roma children, ethnic origin, school and class segregation, special schools, dziecko, małoletni, dyskryminacja, konflikt, mediacja / child, minor, discrimination, conflict, mediation, discrimination, stereotype, prejudice, consequences of discrimination, discrimination at school, municipality, municipal council, local government, participation, administrative division, reform, Pomoc społeczna, prawo pomocy społecznej, opieka wytchnieniowa, samorząd terytorialny / social welfare, social welfare law, respite care, local government, budżet, partycypacja, społeczność lokalna, zarządzanie lokalne, projekty miejskie, inwestycje lokalne / budget, participation, local community, local and municipal management, local investment projects, społeczeństwo obywatelskie, aktywność obywatelska, dobro publiczne, trzeci sektor, sprawy publiczne / civil society, civil activity, public weal, community sector, public affairs, polityka, Rosja, Czeczenia, FSB, terroryzm / politics, Russia, Chechnya, terrorism, transformacja, filaryzacja, defilaryzacja / transformation, phylarisation, defilarization, gospodarka obiegu zamkniętego, jakość życia, pomiar, gospodarstwo domowe / circular economy, quality of life, measurement, household, bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne, inteligentne oświetlenie, polutanty, światło / ecological security, intelligent lighting, pollutants, light, administracja publiczna, kryzys, pandemia / public administration, crisis, pandemic, COVID-19, obostrzenia, sankcje, wybory prezydenckie 2020, sytuacja prawna / COVID-19, restrictions, sanctions, presidential election 2020, legal situation, organizacja międzynarodowa, członkostwo, państwo / international organisation, membership, state