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Volume 13, Issie 1

Volume 13 (2013) Next

Publication date: 14.11.2013

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Marcela Świątkowska

Secretary Iwona Piechnik

Issue content

Marcela Świątkowska

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issie 1, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 1 - 1

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Edyta Bocian

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issie 1, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 11 - 19


he status of the metaphor: terminology and categorizations
The article is divided into two parts. In the first one, the author reflects on the metaphorical terminology born according to various classifications, especially along the usual/unusual axis based on the criterion of frequency of use and the evocation of original image. In the second part of the article, on the basis of previous reflections, the author proposes to focus on the partial nature of the metaphorical structuring in the cognitive theory of metaphor developed by Lakoff and Johnson. That concept is the classifying criterion to distinguish between the original metaphor and the filling one (metafora riempitiva). In addition, the author lays special emphasis on the status of the so-called sleeping metaphor, oscillating between the category of the metaphor conventional and the unconventional one.

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Marcin Jakubczyk

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issie 1, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 20 - 28


Duchênebillot and Malicki: the first two French grammars published in Polish
The article analyzed the first two Polish-French grammars published in Poland at the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They are: Nouvelle methode très facile pour aprendre un peu de tems à lire, écrire & parler François... – Nowy sposób do nauczenia się łatwo i prędko czytać, pisać i gadać po francusku (F.D. Duchênebillot 1699) and Klucz do języka francuskiego, to jest Gramatyka polsko-francuska (B.K. Malicki 1700).

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Marcin Jakubczyk

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issie 1, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 29 - 37


Use of the term equivocation in French seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (grammarians and homonymy)
The phenomenon of homonymy, now located within the semantics, it was included in days of old, in accordance with the then current state of knowledge of the language, to the grammatical descriptions. Homonyms (including homophones and homographes) was determined in the seventeenth-century French grammars as mots équivoques, so equivocations (Polish former: ekwiwok, ekiwok). The article analyzed the lists of equivocations contained in grammars published in the seventeenth century in France and in the first two Polish-French grammars published in Poland at the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

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Mateusz Kłagisz

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issie 1, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 38 - 51


Remarques sur les emprunts français dans le persan moderne
Le vocabulaire du persan moderne est un véritable trésor qui peut intéresser beaucoup de lexicologues. Quoique dans sa majorité il se compose d’emprunts arabes et turcs et que, de nos jours, il soit fortement influencé par l’anglais, les emprunts français constituent toujours une part considérable de mots qui apparaissent dans la communication quotidienne. La question de l’influence française sur le persan a déjà été objet de quelques études, c’est pourquoi dans cet article je me suis décidé à me concentrer sur le vocabulaire spécifique lié à la mode et aux vêtements, pour évaluer et compléter les conclusions proposées par les chercheurs antérieurs.

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Jan Lazar

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issie 1, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 52 - 58


On the usage of hypocorisms in French chat nicknames
This article focuses on the nicknames that are formed from the anthroponyms and used by the Internet users, especially in the context of the real time communication on the Internet, which means the chat communication. The author puts emphasis particularly on the anthroponymic nicknames, which are formed from the hypocorisms. The aim of the article is to provide a deep analysis of all the possible ways of the formation of hypocorisms from the nicknames. Moreover, another aim of the article is to give a detailed quantification of all the ways of their formation and their possible use in the electronic communication. In addition, the richness of the ways of their formation is further illustrated by the concrete examples taken from the corpus.

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Maria Malinowska

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issie 1, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 59 - 70


The Italian preposition in and its Polish equivalents – Cognitive approach
Prepositions are highly polysemous items i.e. they are used in various semantic and syntactic contexts. In the theory elaborated by Johnson (1987) and Lakoff (1987), image schemas have been applied to the analysis of the meaning of prepositional phrases. These structured wholes allow for the interpretation of the prepositional phrases both in spatial contexts (locational and directional) and in their metaphorical extensions. The analysis of the preposition in in Italian in spatial contexts leads to the conclusion that the unit in is a linguistic tool that engenders the container schema in whatever spatial context (static or dynamic) it appears. In dynamic contexts the container schema structures only the final location of the trajector which is located in the inner part of the landmark. Directional movement is structured with a path schema built up into the verb stem. The in phrases out of the context (without a static or dynamic predicate) can receive both in or into interpretation.
There is only a partial overlap between the uses of the preposition in in Italian and in Polish, which is due to different categorisations of spatial relations in both languages. The Polish equivalents of in phrases in Italian are the following: w+loc, w+acc, na+loc, na+acc i do+gen. They involve different image schemas including the container schema. The first structure w+loc is modelled by the container schema, the second in+acc by the path and container schema, the third na+loc by the support and contiguity schema, the fourth na+acc by the path and support and contiguity schema and the fifth do+gen by the endpoint schema. These correspondences may result useful in the teaching/learning process of prepositional units.

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Francisco Javier Sánchez Martín

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issie 1, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 71 - 85


Terminological study of Nueba ymbención y demonstración de la quadratura del círculo of Diego Arias de Tavoada (1646)
This geometrical treatise, entitled Nueba ymbención y demonstración de la quadratura de el círculo, was inspected in the files and catalogues of the Brussels Royal Albert I Library. Its first value is that has not been described by specialists. This work also proves the contribution of the Flemish publishers to spread the scientific production about various aspects during the 16th and 17th centuries, not only of literature or dictionaries and grammars, but the scientific works that were attended by the typesetter from Antwerp. With the study of this treatise we intend to show the enormous interest that the analysis of the scientific language acquire for the history of the Spanish language.

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Dorota Sieroń

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issie 1, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 86 - 93


Destined to disappear? Use of congiuntivo 150 years after unification of Italy. Study based on „La Repubblica” corpus
Since Italian became the language of everyday communication, its grammar has evolved. One of the often cited new tendencies is decreasing use of congiuntivo. The aim of this study is to verify whether we can observe such tendency in language of newspapers exemplified by the newspaper “La Repubblica”. The study is based on “La Repubblica” corpus which collects texts published in this newspaper during 15 years (approximately 380 million tokens). The analysis shows that the position of congiuntivo in Italian verbal system is not threatened. However there are some differences between diverse contexts and single expressions which can be followed by congiuntivo. This may indicate that the principles of use of congiuntivo are slowly changing.

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Ewa Stala

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issie 1, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 94 - 104


Polysemous Latinisms in Spanish – Analysis of the Phenomenon
In his article from 1971 Bruno Migliorini advocated for further analysis of the vast amount of latinismos in Romance languages whose etymons are polysemous. This article is an attempt to continue the guidelines presented by the Italian linguist, this time in a properly documented version. Although, for obvious reasons, it is limited to a single language and a reduced number of words, we hope to present the wide range of different behaviors that can take the latinismos in the Spanish language, inviting, in this way, to further studies.

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Andrzej Zieliński

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issie 1, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 105 - 115


The semantic-syntactic evolution of superlative suffix -ísimo in Spanish
The aim of this paper is to analyze the semantic-syntactic evolution of the superlative -ísimo in Spanish language. With the help of a relatively large corpus, the author tries to find the reasons that led to the full establishment of the superlative suffix.

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