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Volume 23, Issue 1

Volume 23 (2023) Next

Publication date: 01.06.2023


Cover design: Dorota Heliasz

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Barbara Markowska

Issue content

Dominika Topa-Bryniarska

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 23, Issue 1, Volume 23 (2023), pp. 1 - 12


The paper investigates the relatively little-examined journalistic film review genre from discursive, pragmatic and rhetorical perspectives. To illustrate the presented framework for genre analysis, we have selected 32 French and francophone journalistic reviews of two different film genres: a comedy (from 2017) and a drama (from 2019). The persuasive strategies of the pathotic dimension in the film review we focus on leverage two of the Aristotelian modes of persuasion (ethos and pathos) in order to instill particular views and concepts. Our study centres around those persuasive strategies that draw on the discursive construction of the reviewer’s ethos and pathos in the film review based on the concept of emotive argumentation.

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Paulina Mazurkiewicz

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 23, Issue 1, Volume 23 (2023), pp. 13 - 23


This article aims to analyze legal predications with the terms maternitépaternité and their Polish equivalents as an argument. The methodological framework of this study centers around the language expression of specialized concepts. The observed predications refer to legal actions for the purpose of establishing and contesting filiation in the French and Polish legal systems. We observe a strong use of nominal action predicates and an almost exact equivalence of expressions with the terms in question.

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Monika Plewko

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 23, Issue 1, Volume 23 (2023), pp. 25 - 34


In this article we try to compare and characterize the two electoral debates (one in Poland, between Donald Tusk and Jarosław Kaczyński, held on the 12th of October 2007 and the second, in Spain, be- tween Mariano Rajoy Brey and José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero held on the 25th of March 2008) from the point of view of the use of pronouns and their persuasive value. The study that we present below analyzes the discursive performance of the four politicians. This research is elaborated at the syntactic level and specifically the use of deictics: Iweyou.

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Silvia Iglesias Recuero

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 23, Issue 1, Volume 23 (2023), pp. 35 - 48


This paper is the second part of the study developed in Iglesias (2022). It consists of a pragmalinguistic analysis of indirect formulations of the directive speech acts from five plays of the so-called bourgeois comedy of customs introduced in Spain by Enlightenment authors in the second half of the 18th century. The different linguistic expressions of these acts and their conditions of use are studied in some detail. The analysis shows that, despite the fact that quantitative data could invite us to think of a pragmalinguistic continuity respect to the 16th and 17th centuries, we can find in these texts the first manifestations of form and meaning strategies belonging to non-impositive negative politeness (Jucker 2012, 2020), and a distribution of linguistic and usage directive patterns approaching to nowadays usage.

*Este trabajo se enmarca dentro del Proyecto de Investigación Los procesos de gestión de la imagen y la (des)cortesía: perspectivas históricas, lingüísticas y discursivas (PID2019-107668GB-I00), financiado por el MINECO.

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Roman Sosnowski

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 23, Issue 1, Volume 23 (2023), pp. 49 - 57


In this paper I present the detailed descriptions of the Italian manuscripts re-discovered recently in Kraków and considered lost in 2012 when the catalogues of the collection were being printed. The inquiries at the time revealed that four of the Italian manuscripts listed in the Lemm’s old inventory were neither in Kraków nor in Berlin as well as some other manuscripts deposited in the boxes during the Second World War. Thankfully, these boxes were discovered in 2014, and inside there were the Italian manuscripts believed to be lost forever. In order to complete the 2012 catalogues and in accordance with the criteria adopted therein, I offer the descriptions of the four manuscripts, thus completing the long-standing work of the Fibula group on Romance manuscripts from the Berlin collection.

* The research for this publication has been supported by a grant from the Heritage Priority Research Area under the Strategic Programme Excellence Initiative at Jagiellonian University. Flagship Project: European Treasure in the Jagiellonian Library Core Facility.

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Daniel Słapek

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 23, Issue 1, Volume 23 (2023), pp. 59 - 70


The Italian preterite (passato remoto, PR) is characterized by a complex inflexional morphology, both from the diachronic and the synchronic point of view. It is also the only verb tense that, according to the grammars, has two series of interchangeable endings ‒ for regular verbs ending in -ere: -ei, -erono versus -etti, -ette, -ettero. This article is part of a wider research on the effective use of PR in contemporary Italian and shows what the current preferences are in the selection of this two series of endings amongst native Italian speakers. I will discuss the results of a questionnaire in which 3675 informants participated, and in particular: a) criteria used for the choice of the analyzed verbs, b) construction of the questionnaire, c) data processing. The data will show that: 1) there are a very small number of verbs that prefer the endings -ei, 2) all verbs ending in -stere require the endings -etti, and 3) there is a clear correspondence between the responses given to the questionnaire and the occurrences of the PR forms in the corpora.

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Françoise Collinet, Joanna Górnikiewicz

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 23, Issue 1, Volume 23 (2023), pp. 71 - 77


The article constitutes a report on the publication Une histoire de la phrase française des Serments de Strasbourg aux écritures numériques [A History of French Sentence from the Oaths of Strasbourg” to Digital Writing] published under the direction of Gilles Siouffi. The notion of a sentence seems nowadays so widely shared that we could be tempted to think that all over the history it was an obvious thing. Texts used by the authors demonstrate the contrary, they show that a sentence was for a long time contending with little success against competitive concepts (such as periodproposition, to mention just the most important ones) and that it is the outcome of a complicated history relating to various areas of the social life: political history, literary history, technical innovations, language analyses, etc. Apart from the authors’ erudition and their ability to include linguistic thinking into the common history, this work seduces by the contrast between texts certified and the model of a sentence, which contemporary French speakers have encoded.

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Marta Wicherek

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 23, Issue 1, Volume 23 (2023), pp. 79 - 83


The article discusses the book Caracterización lingüística de los procedimientos de creación léxica by Érica Vega Moreno. The aim of the work is to delineate the most important concepts of neology and to show proceedings of how the Spanish language can enrich its lexicon. In this paper special attention has been given to qualities of the book but it also shows passages which may be subject to further discussion.

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Judyta Zbierska‐Mościcka

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 23, Issue 1, Volume 23 (2023), pp. 85 - 91


The article discusses the book Écritures de femmes en Belgique francophone après 1945 edited by M. Quaghebeur. The publication is a collection of articles showcasing the diversity of women’s writing over several decades, crucial to the empowerment of women in Belgian social life and particularly in the cultural field. The chronological presentation of the individual articles highlights the central theme of the books discussed here, which is identity: gender, ethnicity, professional identity.

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Tomasz Kaczmarek

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 23, Issue 1, Volume 23 (2023), pp. 93 - 99


Karolina Czerska’s book offers a comparative study in which the theater of Maurice Maeterlinck is confronted with the theatrical work of Tadeusz Kantor. The author has set herself two major objectives: on the one hand, she wants to popularize Maeterlinck’s dramaturgy with the Polish public, and on the other, she evokes the works of the Belgian writer in the context of Kantor’s stage productions, which agrees to revisit and reconsider the work of the Polish theater director from a new perspective. By comparing the work of these two theater men, Czerska examines four themes where their artistic concepts seem similar: the conceptions of the “tragique quotidien” (tragedy in everyday life) and the “invisible”, the construction and status of the character as well as the function of the actor.

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