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Volume 13, Issue 3

Volume 13 (2013) Next

Publication date: 15.11.2013

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Marcela Świątkowska

Secretary Iwona Piechnik

Issue content

Mihaela Culea

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 181 - 197


The Crisis of Values in Romania and the Cultural Representation of Churlishness in Atlas of Urban Rudeness
After December 1989, Romania entered a long dark period of transition, that from communism to capitalism and democracy. Unfortunately, it seems that this intermediary stage has not ended yet (Pleşu 1996; Pasti 1995), and has turned into a carnival where every one of us is inevitably trapped into a mask-game, groping our way in the darkness of social, cultural, economic and political crises. Our paper takes special interest in the cultural crisis censured by the recent national campaign against urban rudeness initiated by Propaganda Agency and Guerilla Radio, between March 15 and May 15 2009, interactively engaging diversified media activism: radio broadcasting, print, TV, cinema, and even online.
The media campaign aimed at denouncing the major types of “urban fauna” circumscribing the label of urban rudeness, with its female and male subtypes tagged in slang, although the language describing them is tele-encyclopaedic. We intend to address questions related to why the collection of “urban species” was printed in the format of an Atlas of Urban Rudeness, reasons why the collection itself forms an atlas, or why the species described form the contemporary urban “fauna”. We will also analyse the sources for launching such negative generalizations, the criteria taken into consideration when systematizing the species or the goals of cultural criticism.
In the first part of our paper we briefly refer to the Romanian crisis of cultural values in the so-called period of transition and post-transition. The next step entails some theoretical considerations regarding categorization, stereotyping and generalization with both positive and negative ideological implications for social groups. The portrayal of rudeness is also considered, having in view its definitions through the ages, from Ion L. Caragiale’s hero to the type populating the contemporary Romanian society. The last part of the article attempts to answer questions related to the linguistic level of the articles from the Atlas, looking into the type of journalistic text, metaphorization processes, the linguistic instantiation of the forms without foundation/substance theory, or the sources of humour. Stereotypes are embedded in culture, so the media campaign, by way of its sharp moral penalty, called for cultural agency that would gradually substitute moral degradation with moral worthiness.

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Nataliia Iaroshko

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 198 - 206


The Nature and the Strategies of the Feminine Discourse in the French Literature of the End of the XXth Century
The article deals with the problem of establishing the criteria to define the notion of discourse. It contains an analysis of the contemporary French feminine novels according to those criteria which leads to the conclusion that they are an expression of a pluralistic literary discourse. The article also presents a survey of different approaches to the notion of the strategy and specifies the leading ones inside the present discourse.

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Ewa Łukaszyk

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 207 - 216


Amazigh identity and French language. On auto-translation of the novel Le pain des corbeaux by Lhoussain Azergui
The main problem discussed in the article is the meaning of the decision taken by Lhoussain Azergui who, after having engaged in the process of revitalization, finally opted by translating into French his novel originally written in Amazigh. The phenomenon of the emergent Amazigh literature can be understood in the perspective of trans-colonial renegotiation of Maghrebian identities. With Azergui, it enters a new field of experimentation, when the linguistic fidelity is broken to let the writer confront himself with a major literary language. It is a „betrayal with a promise of return” that can lead to a new stage in the development of Amazigh culture.
Azergui’s novel justifies internally the option of translation. Its main subject is the necessity of crossing the borders of traditional mentality. The hero, a journalist leaving the prison, finds no place in his own community due to the ancestral believes considering writing as a magical gesture. The traditional culture finds the hero guilty of supreme transgression, which is punishable by death. The intellectual rejected by his own community has no other option than to seek alliances in the outside world, hoping to efface the frontiers between the local and the global.

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Luca Palmarini

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 217 - 233


“Fortunate” Italian in Cracow. Biography and linguistic and literary work of Giannini Fortunato between Italy and Poland
Every student of Italian during their studies surely came across the name of Giannini Fortunato in the context of his two most famous in Poland works: Italian-Polish Polish-Italian Dictionary and The Practical Method of Italian Language. This teacher of Italian language, who came to Cracow over a decade ago, without any doubt provided a further boost to the linguistic and cultural relations existing between these two countries for centuries. The present article aims at presenting the biography and achievements of Giannini, who appears to be highly prolific in the fields of both languages. Moreover, the literary heritage left by Giannini is undoubtedly worth paying attention both from historical as well as from linguistic point of view.

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