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Volume 14, Issue 1

Volume 14 (2014) Next

Publication date: 09.03.2014

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Marcela Świątkowska

Secretary Iwona Piechnik

Issue content

Łukasz Berger

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 14, Issue 1, Volume 14 (2014), pp. 11 - 21

Use of the deictic component in the narrative formulae of the Cantar de Mio Cid

In this paper we examine the narrative formulae of the Cantar de Mio Cid (CMC) in order to trace phenomena of the transposition of the original deictic reference they include. As a result, it is argued that the formulae used by the narrator of the CMC may have a phatic function as they absorb the perspective of the addressee: either by a centripetal or a centrifugal movements of the narration. Uso del componente deíctico en las fórmulas narrativas del Cantar de Mio Cid 21 Moreover some expressions seem to serve (intratextually) to organize the informational pattern of the plot by enhancing the epic text with an additional meaning. Finally, it is concluded that the analysis of the pragmatic component of the CMC may add some new insights for its literary, linguistic and textual construction.

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Joanna Górnikiewicz

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 14, Issue 1, Volume 14 (2014), pp. 22 - 37

What kind of ‘rupture’ in the French ‘imparfait de rupture’?

This article proposes a short analysis regarding the reference of the term de rupture used to name one of the rather atypical uses of the French past tense the imparfait. The author shows that the aforementioned term shouldn’t be considered as a generic one and describes all uses of the French past tense imparfait in which the receiver is directed to see the process as completed and / or having a different temporal reference. The term de rupture, even if its meaning changes depending on the approach chosen, is specialized as a parameter which enables us to distinct two major values of this unusual use of the imparfait. Actually, the latter is described nowadays most commonly as imparfait narratif and is considered as a carrier of various meaning effects.

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Oksana Halyan

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 14, Issue 1, Volume 14 (2014), pp. 38 - 48

The structure and semantics of physical term-phrases in French

The article analyzes the morphology and semantics of binary term-phrases and formation of genericspecies relationships during their creation. We have identified the basic prepositions that complement the characterizing function of the dependent component of phrase. The basic structures of consistent, radial, combined subordination in ternary term-phrases were determined. We discuss reasons of quasistability of the multicomponent term-phrases.

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Rafael Jiménez Fernández, Oliva Manuel Francisco Romero , Marek Baran

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 14, Issue 1, Volume 14 (2014), pp. 49 - 61

On the colloquial speech of Cadiz: contributions to the development of communicative competence
in Spanish as a foreign language

Based on the research conducted on social stratification of language use in different towns of the province of Cadiz, we intend to describe in the present paper the discursive use of the following morphological and syntactic phenomena: pronouns ustedes/vosotros, past tense and present perfect verb forms, infinitive for the imperative, and dequeísmo/queísmo variation. For this purpose we will rely on a source document constituted by a series of oral recordings of colloquial speech produced by speakers of different sex, social class and age.

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Lesya Korpan

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 14, Issue 1, Volume 14 (2014), pp. 62 - 70

Motivation peculiarities of the metaphorical predicative syntagm

Metaphor has been attracting linguists’ attention for years, where investigation palm was transferred to a nominal metaphor. Our study aims at describing the metaphorical syntagms, especially a predicative syntagm (verbal), and revealing a motivation-demotivation of an element choosing a metaphorical context where semantic and syntactic properties are seen.

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Magdalena Mitura

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 14, Issue 1, Volume 14 (2014), pp. 71 - 80

Explicitation of cohesive relations in a literary translation: interclausal cohesive conjunctions in the French version of the novel Wszystkie języki świata [All languages of the world] by Zbigniew Mentzel

The paper discusses the phenomenon of explicitation of interclausal cohesive relations in a translation. The study was devoted to adjustments (pertaining e.g. to conjunctions and ellipsis) introduced by Maryla Laurent to her French translation of the novel Wszystkie języki świata [All languages of the world] by Zbigniew Mentzel. Conducted analyses have shown that additions and modifications of cohesive conjunctions are not determined by linguistic asymmetry of the target language, but they comply with the strategy of adapting the translation to meet expectations of the French audience regarding discourse and style.

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Andrzej Zieliński

Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 14, Issue 1, Volume 14 (2014), pp. 81 - 92


On the case of a case. Semantics of the Polish and Spanish dative. Principal differences

The main purpose of this paper is the contrastive analysis of Polish and Spanish dative, with special focus on the difference which separates the both grammatical systems and their use.

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