Editor of the thematic concept: Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Gwóźdź
Deadline for article submissions: 22.02.2024
Please send articles to the editorial address: przeglad.kulturoznawczy[at]uj.edu.pl
The subject matter of the issue is oriented towards the various facets of narration in contemporary network media, with a particular focus on the various entanglements of visibility between them, including in particular the issues of circularity/liminality and the migration of messages. The scope of enquiry includes the dynamics of narrative processes in the cultural space of the Internet, delineated by the complex architecture of platforms and applications that define and redefine user interactions with software, as well as patterns of communicative behaviour. More important than the categorisations and typologies themselves, however, turn out to be in this respect the migratory processes that the web user experiences in the form of nodes, rhizomes and reflections. These, in turn, come to be recognised and described both in the dynamics of their “interior” and in the design of their surfaces. For these are generally stories spanned between different types (and generations) of screens, which constitute the essential space for the construction and use of these stories.
The cognitive aim of the project is to describe and analyse the various forms and content of “new” network narratives and the phenomena visible at the level of the texts themselves with the accompanying cultural practices reconfiguring social relations through various platforms or applications (streaming or the multiplatform nature of audiovisual communication).
This in turn entails a reflection on the structure of these practices, but also on the policies of the specific corporations that manage them and the institutions that use them. It is, therefore, a question, on the one hand, of identifying the changes that are taking place within the cultural practices associated with these narratives and the ways in which we participate in them through the communication tools of the network; on the other hand, of recognising the impact of network narratives on culture in general (including the tiktokification of culture), and consequently of identifying new types of its articulation and styles.
In the face of these phenomena and transformations, general questions also arise - about the rise in popularity and legitimacy of applying concepts such as “story” or “history” to these networked micro-narratives, and about the usefulness of traditional narrative theories in interpreting these messages and understanding the cultural paradigm shift that is emerging with them.
We encourage the submission of critically engaged texts that either explore the following research areas or propose their own:
Selected references:
Aspray, W., Cortada, J.W., From Urban Legends to Political Fact-Checking. Online Scrutiny in America, 1990-2015, Springer Nature Switzerland 2019.
Fuchs, Ch., Boersma, K., Albrechtslund, A., Sandoval, M., Internet and Surveillance. The Challenges of Web 2.0 and Social Media, (red.), Routledge 2012.
Hubler, Ch., Marres, N. (red.), Interact or Die: There Is Drama in the Networks, NAi Publishers, 2007.
J. P. Hudzik, M. Sanakiewicz, P. Celiński (red.), Projekt: Media. Wyobrazić sobie media i stworzyć świat, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2020.
Jemielniak, D., Researching Social Networks. Opportunities and Challenges. „Frontiers in Human Dynamics” 2020, vol. 2.
Koza M., Czy znasz ten mem? Pragmatyka i polityka internetowych wspólnot interpretacyjnych, „Teksty Drugie” 2015, nr 3.