The article should be prepared using the template available below.
Suggested article structure:
If there is a need to include information about the source of funding for the paper from the budget of a research project, this information should be included in the footnote to the title on the first page.
If the Author(s) wish to include acknowledgments, this should be done at the end of the article, before the References.
Sample affiliation of the authors:
dr Marcin Połom, Department of Regional Development, Institute of Geography, University of Gdańsk, ul. J. Bażyńskiego 4, 80-309 Gdańsk
In the case of two or more authors, the corresponding author should be indicated by adding a note in brackets:
dr Marcin Połom, Department of Regional Development, Institute of Geography, University of Gdańsk, ul. J. Bażyńskiego 4, 80-309 Gdańsk, e-mail:
dr Maciej Tarkowski, Department of Regional Development, Institute of Geography, University of Gdańsk, ul. J. Bażyńskiego 4, 80-309 Gdańsk, e-mail: (corresponding author)
Figures and tables:
References in the text:
According to T. Stryjakiewicz (1998), big cities are big.
Big cities are big (Stryjakiewicz, 2003).
Big cities are big (Kocanowski, Grawer, 2009).
Big cities are big (Wendt et al., 2012).
Big cities are big (Wendt (ed.), 2012).
Big cities are big (Wendt et al. (eds.), 2012).
Big cities are big (Stryjakiewicz, 2011, 2012a, 2012b).
Big cities are big (Socio-demographic characteristics ..., 2016).
For publications with two authors, both should be referenced; when there are three or more authors, the following notation is used (Goińska et al., 1987).
Referencing style:
Komornicki T., 2011, Przemiany mobilności codziennej Polaków na tle rozwoju motoryzacji [Eng. The transformations of everyday mobility of Poles against the background of automotive development], Prace Geograficzne, 227, IGiPZ PAN, Warszawa.
McDonald J.F., 1988, The first Chicago Area Transportation Study projections and plans for metropolitan Chicago in retrospect, Planning Perspectives, 3(3), 245–268.
Melosik Z., 2012, Mass media, tożsamość i rekonstrukcje kultury współczesnej [Media Education Culture. Towards media education], [in:] W. Skrzydlewski, S. Dylak (eds.), Media Edukacja Kultura. W stronę edukacji medialnej, Polskie Towarzystwo Technologii i Mediów Edukacyjnych, Rzeszów–Poznań, 32–49.
Referencing published materials:
Guzik R., 2015, Dojazdy do pracy w województwie małopolskim 2006-2011, Opracowanie na zlecenie Wojewódzkiego Urzędu Pracy w Krakowie, Małopolskie Obserwatorium Rynku Pracy i Edukacji, Kraków.
Badanie pilotażowe zachowań komunikacyjnych ludności w Polsce, 2015, GUS, Warszawa.
Referencing of materials available only on the Internet:
E-ferry: Prototype and full-scale demonstration of next generation 100% electrically powered ferry for passengers and vehicles, [accessed: 22 September 2019].
Eurostat. Air Emission Inventories (Source: EAA), environment/air-emissions-inventories/database [accessed: 13 Oct. 2019].
Wold M.C., 2018, Dawn of a New Era – DNV GL, [accessed: 21 Sep. 2019].
Note: literature written in the Cyrillic alphabet is given in the original version and in transliteration.