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Publication date: 2022

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Michał Kowalski, Szymon Wiśniewski, Szymon Wiśniewski

Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society, 25 (4), 2022, pp. 5-6

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Urszula Motowidlak

Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society, 25 (4), 2022, pp. 7-25


The article concerns the analysis of trends and policies supporting the development of zero-emission mobility, in accordance with the assumptions of the European Green Deal. The aim of the study is to identify and assess the essential factors determining the level of sustainability of the electromobility system in relation to individual car transport in the European Union. he article reviews strategies for the development of climate-neutral mobility as outlined in strategic documents, the European Green Deal and the “Fit for 55” package. The current state of development of the electric vehicle market and charging infrastructure is shown, which implies a number of challenges in the pursuit of emission-free mobility. A review of the literature on the subject and the results of the expert analysis confirmed the importance of national and regional policies in the uptake of electric vehicles. Taking active measures to increase the level of sustainability of the electromobility system should first focus on the further development of charging infrastructure, the creation of an EV battery value chain and the uptake of cars. The main expectations for the development of electromobility are to reduce CO2 emissions, reduce dependence on the supply of fossil fuels, increase the competitiveness and innovation of the economy, and reduce the social costs generated by transportation.

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Stanisław Mordwa

Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society, 25 (4), 2022, pp. 26-39

The goals of the study presented in the article draw attention to the role of public transport stops in the spatial distribution of crime in the Stare Bałuty estate in Łódź, Poland. Answers are provided to the questions of spatio-temporal structure of criminal acts committed within the estate, the influence zone of transport stops as well as the assessment and effects of environmental crime predictors in their vicinity.
Crime location quotient (LQC) was used to assess the intensity of crime and identify the influence zone that attracts certain categories of crimes to the vicinity of stops. The influence of environmental predictors on the level of threat was identified and assessed on the basis of B. Czarnecki’s method. The variables used in the analysis initially spanned 739 crimes and 53 public transport stops evaluated with regard to 20 safety aspects and their impact on the pro-crime effects on the scale of location as well as various forms and functions of urban development.
A strong negative influence of public transport stops ‒ attracting various categories of crime, mostly property theft ‒ was discovered. The negative influence of stops on the concentration of crime within 200 metres is reinforced by the existence of environmental crime predictors.
The recommendations and discussions resulting from the findings should influence the policy of crime prevention on the level of object location, management and the maintenance of socio-spatial order in the vicinity.
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Iryna Manczak, Natalia Muniak, Kamil Pawłowski

Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society, 25 (4), 2022, pp. 40-47


Public transport services are an example of important category for the implementation of key activities by the local community. These services enable the movement of residents and guests visiting destinations and provide access to city elements of the settlement. The aim of the article is to identify the reasons for using public transport services in Cracow in the group of respondents. Selected characteristics of public transport are outlined on the basis of an analysis of the published literature. Particular attention was paid to the offer of Cracow’s public transport. The study presents the results of surveys conducted by an online diagnostic survey among users of the surveyed services. The aim of the research was to identify the reasons why the respondents use Cracow’s public transport services are: the lack of a car, a travel allowance and an attractive connection network turned out to be a group of key reasons for using the analyzed services. The results indicate the need to continuously improve the level of functioning of Cracow’s public transport by: information about vehicle delays, improving the operation of ticket vending machines, and by providing a regular number of conn.

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Joanna Górniak

Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society, 25 (4), 2022, pp. 48-58


Nowadays, technical and technological development is subject to many new concepts and challenges, such as sustainable development, smart city and electromobility. In order to improve the flow of people through cities, it is necessary to skillfully implement various types of solutions and tools. The article presents the essence and importance of information in urban transport. The considerations focus mainly on selected mobile applications, which are designed to provide travelers with information about traveling by public transport in Poland. Various classifications distinguishing information mobile applications in urban transport have been presented. The empirical part of the article presents the division into two groups of these tools, namely applications whose main functionality is the possibility of purchasing a ticket and planning the route. In the comparative analysis of mobile information applications in urban transport, parameters such as geographical coverage, payment, the need to log in and additional functionalities were taken into account.

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Marcin Połom

Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society, 25 (4), 2022, pp. 59-73


Urban transport in countries of East-Central Europe, including the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, played an important role in the residents’ daily mobility. The underdevelopment of individual motorisation contributed to the lasting significant role of public transport. Due to the operating characteristics of electric vehicles, as well as emerging fuel crises, electric public transport played a key role, especially in large cities. Differences in the development of economies in the electrotechnical segment influenced the structure of public transport in the analysed countries. The higher level of development of the Czechoslovak transport sector contributed to a greater share of trams and trolleybuses in total transport. Despite many development plans in Poland, the process of developing traditional means of electric transport slowed down with the political change in 1989. The situation was slightly different in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, where, despite financial difficulties, the development of tramway and trolleybus networks continued. Modernisation of public transport began after joining the European Union. Technological development has led to the emergence of a new means of transport –electric buses. The apparent ease of putting them into service revolutionised the situation in Poland, thus popularising electric transport. The situation was different in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, where the main focus was on the development of tramway and trolleybus transport. The article reconstructs the development of urban electric transport after 1989 in the analysed countries and identifies factors that differentiate contemporary transport development policies in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.

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Łukasz Lechowski

Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society, 25 (4), 2022, pp. 74-93


In spatial accessibility studies based on market areas, such as floating catchment area (FCA) family methods, it is crucial to identify the point to which weights are assigned, both on the demand and supply side. Bearing in mind that it is not always possible to work on disaggregated data, the aim of this paper was to investigate which method of determining a point, minimises bias in the estimation of walking accessibility. The research used the G2SFCA method, introduced by Dai, which has been employed several times to model walking accessibility. Results clearly show that point location methods for area units, based on disaggregating data to buildings, perform better at the scale of statistical districts or cadastral precincts, compared to those based on the centrally weighted mean. They also show that positional measures such as the Euclidean centrally weighted median can improve the results of analyses in units that are heterogeneous in terms of settlement network pattern.

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Mariusz Lamprecht

Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society, 25 (4), 2022, pp. 94-105


The article contains the results of the analysis on the distribution of economic activities in modern Łódź conducted with the use of space syntax tools. The study encompassed selected street sections in the broadly-understood city centre (in total, approx. 30 km of streets, with more than 1300 recorded business locations). The analysis conducted has shown that the observed density of business activities in Łódź is connected to the spatial arrangement of the global street network integration. The configuration of the Łódź plan is a statistically important factor that influences the spatial patterns of economic activities. Depending on the location within the layout, individual street sections provide various conditions for the development of business activities, therefore they have varying significance to the shaping of the internal, economic image of the city area.

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