Aims & Scope

Aims & Scope

The journal Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society is currently published jointly by the Commission of Transport Geography of the Polish Geographical Society and the Department of Regional Development of the University of Gdańsk, where the editorial office is located. The journal was launched in 1994. In the years 1995–2011, 18 volumes were published. In 2015, a decision was taken to re-establish the journal and transform it into a scientific quarterly with a reference electronic version. The journal is published in an electronic form on the Portal of Scientific Journals of the Jagiellonian University and in a printed form for which the Bernardinum Publishing House is responsible. Individual issues are published at the end of each quarter of a given year.

Articles may cover the following main thematic issues:

  • spatial aspects of the functioning of various modes of transport,
  • development of sustainable mobility,
  • links between transport and the state of the environment,
  • energy efficiency of transport,
  • the role of transport and mobility in the spatial integration of urbanized areas,
  • links between modes of transport, including transportation hubs,
  • the impact of transport policy on the functioning of cities and regions,
  • the geographic dimension of the organization, operation and structure of public and private transport carriers,
  • development of transport infrastructure,
  • diffusion of technological innovations in transport and communication,
  • geographic dimension of modern transportation technologies,
  • methodological development of transport research,
  • spatial and quantitative methods in transport analyses (including GIS, Big data),
  • relationships between transport and tourism.

Articles submitted to the Editorial Office of the journal should be original and prepared in a manner consistent with the principles of scientific ethics, and not being subject to a parallel review process in other journals. In the first phase, the articles are verified by the Editorial Office in terms of meeting the basic criteria such as the subject matter, volume, preparation of figures and tables. After the initial approval, the articles are subject to double-blinded reviews.

The journal is published jointly by the Transport Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society and the Department of Regional Development of the University of Gdańsk. The Bernardinum Publishing House is responsible for typesetting, editing and the printed version.


The review and publication of articles in the journal is free of charge.


The electronic version is the original version of the journal. Published studies are archived on the journal's website and in the digital repository of the National Library.Print versions of the journal are archived in 15 obligatory libraries in Poland, including the National Library.

Licensing terms and copyright terms

Articles published in Transport Geography Papers of the Polish Geographical Society are open access papers distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivatives International License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). All copyright remains with the Author(s). At the end of the published text, the following note is placed by the Publishers:

© 2021 (Author(s)) This is an open access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.International License.

Open access statement

Articles published in Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society are open access papers, permitting any user to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. All the articles published in this journal are free to access immediately since the date of publication.

The accepted papers will be openly available to readers online. Readers can view abstracts (html format) and download full papers freely (pdf format).