Słowa kluczowe: light, darkness, architecture, metaphor, abstraction, sacral architecture, light, interior, sacrum, Tadao Ando, concrete architecture, light in architecture, on, light, architecture, refurbishing, downtown, Łódź, vertical urban farm, natural light, artificial light, Natural light, artificial light, light color, light in architecture, darkness, light, symbolism, expression, accent, light pollution, narration, shadow, architectural narrative, historic buildings, sun light, illumination, arrangement of conservation work, light and shadow, modern sacral buildings, light in architecture, hybrid cultural facilities, auditorium, museum, architectural composition, light, housing architecture, modernism, urban composition, architectural composition, light, shadow, space, surface, edifice, natural light, city housing, building law, technical conditions, natural lighting, artificial lighting, public space, urban and landscape solutions, city, composition, red colour of light in architecture, monochromatic architectural illumination, LED lighting, light, architectural traditions, identity, architectural space, furniture design; development prospects; architectural environment, Effects of daylight, altering composition through artificial lighting, spatial showpiece