The editors of the Środowisko Mieszkaniowe / Housing Enviroment journal follow the principles specified in the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Code of Conduct.
Editorial policy
Articles and glosses sent for publication in Środowisko Mieszkaniowe / Housing Enviroment are subject to a two-step review procedure.
First, an internal review is made. The internal review is prepared by a member of the Editorial Board designated by the Editor-in-Chief.
If the internal review is positive, the article is sent to external reviewers. If the internal review is negative, the author is informed about the refusal of publication and its reasons.
The external review is conducted in the double-blind peer-review system by two independent reviewers. If the reviewers present contradictory opinions, it is possible to appoint a third reviewer.
The author receives the reviews for perusal (after the information about the identity of reviewers has been removed) and is obliged to respond to them and take into account critical remarks.
The author re-submits the revised text along with the responses to the reviewers' comments to the editor, after which, the Editorial Board makes the final decision on accepting or rejecting the text.
Reviewers are asked to disclose possible plagiarisms, infringements, and manipulations of data, and they should pay attention to the sources cited and the validity of the laws and regulations referred to.
Reviewers evaluate the article according to their knowledge and in a timely fashion, and they pay attention to the originality and usefulness of the texts for science and practice.
The editorial staff ensures the data protection of the reviewers for the reviewing period and the confidentiality of the materials submitted to the editorial office.
The members of the Editorial Board are experts in the field represented by the journal.
The tasks of the Editorial Board members include searching for the best authors and reviewers.
The members of the Editorial Board are responsible for accepting or rejecting an article. They make every effort to detect plagiarism, and they support the authors whose copyright has been violated. They endeavour to avoid any conflict of interest with regard to rejected or accepted articles.
It is the duty of the Editorial Board to protect personal data.
The editorial staff are required to take action, namely, to reject the submitted article if suspicion arises that the article is plagiarized, or, when required, request appropriate institutions to investigate the matter.
The editorial staff monitor observance of the Publishing Ethics Principles by authors, reviewers, and members of the Editorial Board.
Ethical and intellectual norms are preserved and editorial standards maintained.
The editors use all available means to detect plagiarism.
In the case of noticed inaccuracies or erroneous statements in the published article, if necessary, the editorial staff publishes relevant explanations and corrections.