Instructions for Authors

Publication requirements

The "Środowisko Mieszkaniowe - Housing Environment" journal is a scientific publication. Articles submitted to the editorial office, undergoing a review process, must present original results of the author's or authors' scientific research, including appropriate citations and bibliography. Authors interested in publishing their articles are required to acquaint themselves with the journal's themes and profile, and to prepare the text following the guidelines provided by the editorial team. Please download the publishing template from the journal's website.


Submitted articles will undergo an assessment by the Editorial Office, which considers the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the journal's themes and leading subject.
  • Structure of the scientific article (AIM, SCOPE, RESEARCH METHOD).
  • Citation format and bibliography in the HARVARD style.


The Editorial Office reserves the right to reject texts that do not meet these requirements.

Guidelines for article preparation

Article texts should conform to the standards of scientific text (with a minimum length of 15,000 characters excluding the bibliography) and contain an appropriate number of bibliographic items (a minimum of 20 references). Authors should also provide a full translation of the article into English.

The editorial policy publishes articles in both Polish and English (texts from foreign authors are exclusively published in English), in accordance with the technical requirements outlined on the journal's website. Please download the publishing template from the journal's website.

Authors are obligated to sign a copyright statement, available as an attachment on the journal's website under the editorial section.

Submission of texts for the upcoming issues of the "Housing Environment - Środowisko Mieszkaniowe" journal is done through registration on the journal's website and submission of the full text using the system or via email: housingenvironment@pk.edu.pl


Authors submitting articles to the journal are required to:

  • Submit the full text of the article in both Polish and English, focusing on the leading topic for each year, after logging into the system on the journal's website. The text should adhere to the editorial requirements provided on the website in the author's section.

  • Pay the publication fee within the specified timeframe set by the Editorial Office, following the completion of the review process and necessary revisions. Please transfer the fee to the account: 09 2490 0005 0000 4600 1012 1826, Alior Bank SA, Krakow Branch, Kielecka 2 Street, 31-526 Krakow, with the note: Housing Environment Publication.


It's important to note that the publication fee is required post a positive review and the Editorial decision to accept the article for publication. It is not a prerequisite to commence the review process.

As part of the publication fee, the editorial office assures the author of: article publication in the printed journal following a positive review, assignment of a DOI identifier, inclusion of the ORCID number, an author's copy of the journal, publication of the article in the digital edition of the scientific journal, and inclusion of the article in databases associated with the journal to promote your scholarly work.