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Publication date: 12.2020

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Orcid Wacław Seruga

Secretary Małgorzata Rekuć

Issue content

Wacław Seruga

Housing Environment, 33/2020, 2020, pp. 3 - 3

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Krzysztof Smoliński

Housing Environment, 33/2020, 2020, pp. 4 - 12


Temporariness is a desired feature of our ever changing reality; however, it means neither a secondary significance nor low aesthetic value; on the contrary. As part of a study on manifestations of coherence after 2000, the author analyses the examples of architecture of theatre from this perspective. In the realm of theatre, temporariness makes the designers reach for courageous formal explorations, and for innovative and non-standard solutions which are clear signs in the landscape. The creative intention based on the concept of temporariness provides potential for fruition even as controversial solutions, which would be unacceptable in the convention of the non-temporary architecture. The resulting form becomes more attractive, clear, even garish, speaking the language of contemporary perception, (sometimes a short-lived one,) and as such, is intriguing and inspires curiosity. The element of temporariness is also an excuse for balanced design. The budget of these kinds of projects is usually limited and therefore limits the use of advanced technologies, which places these buildings in a low-tech trend. Temporariness and impermanence, as concepts, are a kind of contemporary expression. They are the expression of a specifically understood mobility, an answer to the volatility and unpredictability of current reality.

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Justyna Olesiak

Housing Environment, 33/2020, 2020, pp. 13 - 18


In many urban areas there is an observable extreme segregation of public space, in addition to the fact that many housing districts are spatially isolated from the city as a whole. As traditional methods of urban analysis provide poor guidelines in this context, an attempt to investigate this problem and present a different approach to segregation in urban design was made. This paper presents an investigation about how Space Syntax theories and methods can contribute to creating more detailed descriptions of spatial relationships in different districts and in the entire city. The research method employed was an analysis of the literature (both domestic and trade). Space-Syntax-based urban analysis enables demonstrating significant structural differences between districts and to determine the impact of urban forms on the spatial advantages of different areas of the city. It provides new opportunities to address segregation in urban design and formulate more effective anti-segregation interventions.

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Marek Barański, Krzysztof Jezierski, Hung Phu

Housing Environment, 33/2020, 2020, pp. 19 - 32


Pho Hien is a historic district of Hung Yen, a modern city situated in the mouth of the Red River in Vietnam. In the period of 2011–2012, a group of Polish architects prepared a revitalisation programme and a master plan for this district. The revitalisation programme was aimed at improving local housing as well as the creation of a cultural and education centre protecting historical monuments and recalling the historical tradition of the seventeenth and eighteenth century commercial harbour serving European and Chinese merchants.

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Magdalena Jagiełło-Kowalczyk

Housing Environment, 33/2020, 2020, pp. 33 - 90


The findings presented in this study, which focused on how Venice’s residents perceive the problems their city suffers from, served as a starting point for a discussion on the potential to address them by using the potential of the twenty-first century. Thesis design projects by architecture students can serve as an excellent testing ground for studies and presenting proposals of visions of a better future. The functio-spatial solutions presented in this paper can provide an original perspective on some of Venice’s much-discussed problems, such as enormous cruise ships entering the lagoon’s waters, tourist crowds and the search for new spaces for residents, employment market development or proposing new forms of sightseeing in the city.

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Wacław Seruga

Housing Environment, 33/2020, 2020, pp. 91 - 120


This paper is devoted to matters of architectural design in the housing environment during the two decades of the development of twenty-first-century architecture and further in the future. Beauty, visual expression and composition move to the fore of contemporary designs of urban space. New visions and architectural designs emerge, individually shaped and with original forms that point to new trajectories in shaping space and functio-spatial solutions, both in the present and in the near future, creating optimal conditions for the existence of society in the housing environment.

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