All texts undergo review by external reviewers and are entirely published in both Polish and English. Articles are reviewed according to the principles of double-blind peer review.
Review Process Guidelines:
The submitting author is informed of the article's acceptance with editorial requirements and its submission to reviewers. Each review concludes with the reviewer's decision to admit, admit after revisions, or not admit the article for publication. Upon receiving reviews within the set deadline, the editorial team contacts the author to incorporate any reviewer comments into the publication. The article author is obliged to make necessary corrections within the deadline set by the Editorial Office and then submit the revised text. Failure to meet the deadline by the author may result in the article not being published in the "Housing Environment - Środowisko Mieszkaniowe" journal.
If there is suspicion of plagiarism, fabricated data, ghostwriting, guest authorship, or other abuses concerning the content or authors of the articles, the reviewer is obliged to immediately notify the Editorial Office. In each of these cases, the Editorial Office will apply procedures developed by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and used in contentious publishing matters.
The description of procedures is available in the Publishing Ethics Guidelines.