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Publication date: 12.09.2019

Licence: None

Editorial team

Secretary Małgorzata Rekuć

Editor-in-Chief Orcid Wacław Seruga

Issue content

Wacław Seruga

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 3-3

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Jan Mazur

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 4-10


Walicow 14 Warsaw Tenement House has become an image of the total of most facts and events concerning the City during 20th century. The past left its traces on many European cities. The Warsaw case is very spectacular. Walicow 14 Warsaw Tenement House is an integral element of the city structure, which does not exist any more as reality, but still exist as an idea, as well as an element of real today’s city structure. By its urban historical and emotional context it contains the City memory. It transmits the existential and spatial type of City code through the time.

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Vadym Abyzov

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 11-15


The generalization of the typological, functional, and architectural organization of entertaining establishments will contribute to the further improvement of their development in modern conditions. The purpose of the article is to identify the system-structural principles of the architectural environment typology of entertaining establishments and to consider the features of the architectural and spatial structure of leisure objects in accordance with the hierarchical levels of their environment’s formation and development.
The research was based on A systematic approach that allows us to consider the architectural environment of entertaining institutions as hierarchically subordinate to the integrity. Methods of historical, comparative and typological analysis were also used.
The article summarizes the features of the entertaining institutions’ typology. The specifics of their location in the architectural environment are considered. Features and examples of their functional and spatial solutions, including existing buildings and structures, are considered, taking into account the transformation and adaptation of them for entertaining establishments. The hierarchical levels of formation and development of the architectural environment of leisure objects are revealed.

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Anna Taczalska-Ryniak

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 16-22


The main topic of the following article is a process of making office spaces look more like home interiors by introducing furniture, decorative elements and finishing material traditionally used in housing. For this article use there are several examples of polish and western European office building analysed, that have been ejected in few las years. There are functional schemes with all the modifications taken into consideration, as well as elements and materials used to arrange interior spaces.

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Przemysław Bigaj

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 23-32


The topic of the paper are corner houses in an urban block and the accompanying uniqueness of form that results from the specific nature of their location in the urban structure. The study aims to demonstrate that there are currently attempts at implementation and reinterpretation of the solutions known from the past under new formal and aesthetic  conditions. The study was conducted owing to the unique spatial specificity of the form of a corner house in urban development, which is predestined for original solutions and has always been a creative temptation to invent shapes that can aspire to the status of the local sign of a place. The subject of the study is corner buildings with a broadly understood residential purpose whose forms have a key impact on the recognition of co-created places. The basic research method is the analysis of selected developments. The research results indicate various spatial solutions of the bodies of corner houses, giving premises for the formulation of certain typologies and theoretical bases for the  design of this type  of buildings. On the basis of the research, conclusions were drawn on the principles of composing attractive forms of corner houses. This attractiveness can be achieved both by means of conservative and resultant solutions, as well as by creating the legible sign of a place through original forms which are frequently expressive in character.

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Katarzyna Jachorek-Kiesiewicz

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 33-37


The tenement houses were very important in Cracow and played important functions. They not only played a moral and political role. They were a permanent place of residence. However, in the nineteenth century, “house in the city” was one more sphere - family. It was a place of existence and meetings, an expression of the wealth of its inhabitants. Such an example of a model house was undoubtedly a good bourgeois private life. He appeared in numerous variants, differing in innumerable details. We can talk about the relative unity of fashion of bourgeois life in the nineteenth century and ways of living reinforced by architectural styles. The subject of my deliberations will be a socially complex, very diverse environment of a tenement house that created a separate world. However, based on numerous memories, on press journalism, one can try to recreate the distribution, social structure and everyday life of the inhabitants. The issue of the residential architecture of 19th century cities has been widely studied, but so far few works have been created connecting the architectural aspect with social and moral aspects.

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Mykola Orlenko, Yuliia Ivashko

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 38-44


The article deals with the issue of urban development at the Secession period, it reveals the role of a private estate as an urban-planning unit of the late 19th century – beginning of the 20th century, analyses the specific features of private estates in different cities of Ukraine. The role of the historical and architectural site plans in modern conditions for the preservation of the historical environment of the cities was determined.

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Gerardo Semprebon, Luca Maria Francesco Fabris

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 45-51


With the turn of the millennium, Chinese central government issued arrays of policies targeted to promote virtuous cycles of vitalization in rural areas, mitigate the socio-economic gap with urbanised regions, and face the problem of food security. The current transition is leading China to have an ever-saturated land where the boundaries between human settlements are elusive and blurred, shaping what is scholarly labelled as an urban-rural continuum. The settlement’s schemes realized over the last years, that consists of small or medium size towns as the result of natural villages relocation or new agglomerations, intercepts the call for urbanity, and its related amenities in terms of infrastructure and services – or, in aword, the desire for ahouse in the city – emerging from the marginalized rural citizens. The authors found that such controversial practices are shaping the new Chinese countryside which, conceived as aform of sustainable development by national programs, turned out to impact significantly on the people lifestyle as well as the built environment. Based on several months on-field observations and recent literature, the paper reveals atwo-fold degree of resilience: weak about the real production of space for dwelling and robust about the intangible culture composed by indigenous beliefs and symbolism entangled with the concepts of home and family

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Marek Początko

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 52-60


The logic of living space is changing. Likewise, the structure of a house, whose role in the contemporary city is becoming increasingly complicated. The paper presents an analysis of selected architectural works in the 20th century and the latest ones, constituting the basis for considerations on the structure of residential architecture and its changes. Its scale encompasses buildings in densely built-up urban areas. The juxtaposition of different examples in terms of the logic of the structure and its legibility allows one to ask the following questions: does the change in the form and internal logic of the house affect the cities? What is the role of unusual structures in their space?

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Anna Mielnik

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 61-70


This article is part of the author’s research on rationalist tendencies in contemporary residential architecture. The subject of this analysis are the urban-architectural theories of Aldo Rossi and their influence on the design of various multi-family housing architecture (building quarter, corner building, urban villa, block) in Berlin and Milan.
Aldo Rossi, a theoretician and creator, researched the history and collective memory to draw information - about the city and its architecture -, and then applied this methodology to his design. He tried to define universal, invariable forms and architectural elements. In his typological research, he was looking for a combination of: an abstract language of geometry with a function (also explored historically), analysis of the area, local structures, materials, and unique features of the environment. The author is interested in why Rossi’s works, characterized by unusual formalism and a unwillingness to compromise, during their formation and now, still constitute important examples, or even icons, of urban housing architecture.
The text is also intended to show that Aldo Rossi’s “theoretical and architectural heritage” can still be a source of inspiration in solving the problems facing contemporary architecture. Even today, creators reaching for the forms, structures, types and materials established in the past, may continue to search for universal values in architecture, taking into account contemporary conditions and needs. The objective is to draw attention to the issue of rationalism as a general attitude in shaping urban housing architecture, which may constitute a compromise between the past and the present, tradition and novelty.

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Magdalena Woźniczka

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 71-80


The article presents the changes that took place in the village of Kurdwanów after its inclusion to Krakow. The analysis is carried out for area within the historical borders of Kurdwanów. These borders functioned until the introduction of a new division of the districts of Krakow in 2008. Transformations of architectural forms as well as spatial and functional layout are presented. The results were based on: analysis of archival documentation, observation of the environment and information obtained from the residents of Kurdwanów. The village of Kurdwanów was incorporated into the city in 1941. Construction of the multi-family housing estate began at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s. The housing estate was erected on a previously undeveloped hill above Cechowa Street. As a result, the main street of the village lost its importance.
Another crucial moment was the construction of a section of the southern Krakow bypass in 2003. The investment separated the historic village into two parts. Landscape values and social ties were destroyed.
The research was carried out to determine which processes and activities contributed to the destruction of the old village and the domination of previously empty areas. The result of the analysis indicates that the main factor were errors in the spatial policy of the city of Krakow.
Determination of unfavorable processes in the Kurdwanów’s area gives an opportunity to implement measures to prevent further degradation of the region.

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Krzysztof Bizio

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 81-94


The subject of the paper is the study of multifamily residential architecture, which was developed after 1989 and is directly related to the urbanization processes in the Szczecin agglomeration. Selected and representative examples were analyzed in terms of their characteristics of urban composition. The article describes the consecutive stages of development of the Szczecin agglomeration from the end of the 19th century to the present day in the context of changes in the shapes of multifamily residential architecture, emerging in suburban areas. For the purposes of the paper, typology of solutions was introduced based on the size and type of composition. Difficulties of creating new residential architecture in the areas of former villages, adaptations and extensions of former complexes of land estates and industrial complexes were discussed. The impact of the forms of investment processes on the shape of spatial solutions is also discussed, as well as the prospects for further development.

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Anna Kiepas-Kokot

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 95-103


The purpose of the paper is to determine whether, and if so how, the tenants of social rental construction adjust the living space to their needs and whether restrictive housekeeping regulations restrict its symbolic identification. The subject of the analysis is a two-building housing complex of the Szczecin Society of Social Housing (STBS), and in it the  tate of development of visible recreational spaces (balconies, loggias and frontyards) after 10 years from settlement. The research carried out indicates that the rental construction is not devoid of practices characteristic of property rights. In the recreational housing area there is a process of change that manifests privacy and border guarding, the need for isolation and separation, favors the presentation of visible elements of premises, manifest territoriality, build identity with the place and personalize space. The observed space rearrangement is within the limits defined by the rules of the housekeeping regulations.

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Wacław Seruga

Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 104-111


This article has been devoted to matters associated with man’s place of residence in the urban environment. In currently designed urban spaces, places assigned for human housing play a dominant role. They are characterised by assets associated with beauty and spatial composition and featuring optimal functional and spatial solutions in apartments and houses, linked with natural and architectural surroundings.

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