Role of Light in Architecture upon the Example of Iconic Cultural Facilities. Selected Examples
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RIS BIB ENDNOTERola światła w architekturze na przykładzie ikonicznych obiektów kultury. Wybrane przykłady
Publication date: 16.10.2017
Housing Environment, 2017, 18/2017, pp. 95 - 105
Role of Light in Architecture upon the Example of Iconic Cultural Facilities. Selected Examples
Light, the natural as well as the artificial one, is an indispensable architectural material, the importance of which is equal to that of wood, stone, concrete, brick, steel, and glass. It has been so since the birth of humanity, it is so today, even in the times when technology dominates what Rasmussen called ‘experiencing architecture’. In residential, office or industrial buildings, light fulfils most of all a utilitarian role. Its access to individual rooms is governed by detailed regulations, which also provide for values of artificial light necessary to illuminate each square metre of the floor area, depending on the function. Monumental or more private, sacral buildings and cultural facilities, are a special field for experimenting with light. It helps to build emotions, necessary to perceive a work of architecture in an appropriate way. It brings out shapes, emphasises colours and properties of materials. The paper is devoted to the role of light in the process of building of an architectural form of iconic cultural facilities, taking into account Polish examples.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2017, 18/2017, pp. 95 - 105
Article type: Original article
Role of Light in Architecture upon the Example of Iconic Cultural Facilities. Selected Examples
Rola światła w architekturze na przykładzie ikonicznych obiektów kultury. Wybrane przykłady
Division of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland
Published at: 16.10.2017
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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Polish, EnglishView count: 2594
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