4 (2016)

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Publication date: 2016


W bieżącym numerze 4/2016 znajdują się artykuły wybitnych naukowców z zakresu:

- wielowymiarowości pracy i kariery zawodowej w XXI wieku

- sytuacji różnych grup społecznych na rynku pracy

- recenzje książek i sprawozdania z konferencji


Licence: None

Issue content

Joanna M. Łukasik

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 7 - 9

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Ryszard Gerlach

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 11 - 26


The changes that human work undergoes influence a person’s attitude towards this form of activity and the way they treat it as a value. Those changes also provoke one to ask questions about the subjectivity of the humans having to face those changes. They are reflected in human functioning as a subject. The significance of one’s subjectivity may be considered in terms of philosophy, sociology, psychology and pedagogy, but also the science of human resources management. The last two scopes are the ones within which the subjectivity of a worker is being examined in this paper. The necessity of a subjectivity-oriented approach to human resources has also been emphasized. Human resources management should base on the subjectivity of particular workers. The “towards humans” orientation has been gaining significance. Shaping workers’ feeling of subjectivity is absolutely essential in the times of extensive and very quick civilizational changes. 

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Joanna Madalińska-Michalak

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 27 - 39


The subject of discussion in this article includes work headmaster and its distinguishing features and issues of roles and professional development of school director. The article emphasizes the need syncretic approach in the person of headmaster roles related to the administration, management and leadership of the school and its environment, and puts the question of what underlies the competence of school principals working under constant pressure. The conclusions concerning the professional development of directors and their professionalism.

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Leszek Graniszewski

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 41 - 55


The article is the issue of social capital, especially in the context of its role in the labour environment and developing the entrepreneurship. The article considers the meaning of an important indicator of social capital which is trust in social relations and economic and labor relations. Social capital provides long-term benefits in terms of faster social and economic development. In addition, social capital is an important indicator of a number of key factors for quality of life and development of society: health, innovation, productivity, at the level of individual, group and private and professional life.

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Zygmunt Wiatrowski

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 57 - 68


With a progress of our deliberations, we took up four closely linked issues: a professional career, an academical career, scientific career and a mastery in the field of science. The most disputable of these, appears the notion of an academia career, since it is restricted only to second degree studies and the so-called full-time studies. The above agreement and our analysis of structural problems, has produced several obstacles on our way, not to mention that it bleared the overall clarity of thinking and understanding. The author of the aforementioned considerations, though, is of the opinion that the essence of the following sections concerning the paper, was highlighted clearly and legibly enough. In conclusion we stressed those closely linked issues – there is a good chance that some of readers could be encouraged to analyze them in the context of their interaction, as all of them affect our contemporary perception of “a career” as a notion.

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Zdzisław Wołk

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 69 - 82


Professional work in post-capitalistic conditions is characterized by instability and its course has non-linear and discontinuous nature. Professional development of employees performing professional work is a  sequence of countless momentary states. These moments are defined as a number of different factors that in past were predictable, today however may cause unexpected consequences. it requires subsequent setting new goals and selecting ways of their implementation. The education plays an important role here, which interventions taking place over the entire life may significantly modify course of professional biography.

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Renata Tomaszewska-Lipiec

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 83 - 104


The article concerns the “metamorphoses” of the workplace, which is one of the main research scopes of labour pedagogy’s pedagogical subdiscipline. Based on various sources of interdisciplinary knowledge, the said metamorphoses were presented by showing the evolution of workplace from the times of natural economy to the forecasts concerning the nearest future. The analysis of the selected historical and organizational aspects related to this issue aimed at expanding the elaborations made by labour pedagogues upon workplace as a cognitively complex category.

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Andrzej Bałandynowicz

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 105 - 120


The law includes three standard spheres of the regulation of property determining its scope. These are: social facts, moral values and key concepts. Social facts determine the social layer and recognize the right or determine its existence. Moral values constituting the axiological sphere of law decide about its content material and respect for it, leaning on faith or pride. To improve the penal policy, we can use penalty intermediate-criminal sanctions based on restricting freedom, and develop a catalog of probation measures – criminal sanctions based on freedom supervision, associated with undertaking the tasks of social and professional life in the environment.

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Galina Sotskaya

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 121 - 130


Under modern conditions the teacher education in Ukraine constituting higher education provides for teachers’ training and pays much attention to their role in the innovative updated society and thus the need in reforming the system of professional training. Despite positive changes in teacher education professional training of teachers still has certain drawbacks. They can be overcome by recognizing teacher education as a sphere that provides with human capital – teachers; updating the content of teacher training based on its standardization; developing variable, diversified curricula in accordance with levels of higher teacher education; continuous professional development of teachers and pedagogues in the context of formal, non-formal and informal education. 

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Jiří Prokop

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 131 - 149


The differences between the behaviour of Romani and “non-Romani” are, according to popular interpretations, culturally conditioned. The behaviour of Romani is typically described as suboptimal and justified by different cultural heritage whose inertia prevents them from adapting to new circumstances. On the contrary, economists and teachers assume that people as individuals behave optimally and adapt quickly to the circumstances. The aim of this paper is to determine the circumstances under which individuals’ optimization led to socially suboptimal results and to propose remedies. We use this framework to analyse the problems of Romani in the labour market. The problem is especially high rate of unemployment among the Romani ethnic group. Romani also perform unskilled work and earn less than the major part of society. Inferior status of Romani in the labour market has many interacting causes and factors. We will therefore analyse the various causes of this unsatisfactory state and its interaction. Emphasis will be placed on the area of upbringing, education and overall social situation of Romani ethnic group

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Janusz Surzykiewicz

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 151 - 190


This paper presents a clipping taken by the author’s research project, showing both selected theoretical issues (documenting the sources of selected research topics), and the results of research in the context of the factors determining the choice of a profession by young people, with particular emphasis on spirituality and religiosity.

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Bożena Matyjas

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 191 - 200


The article, based on empirical research, aims at seeking the views of men (students) on professional activity of women in the labour market as well as on how they manage to combine their working careers with family life. Professional activity of women will be discussed in the context of specialist literature and author’s empirical research. The article is finalised by conclusions.

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Norbert G. Pikuła

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 201 - 217


The article focuses on the professional development and a sense of career satisfaction among the seniors whose activity on the labour market ended about a decade or several decades ago. Indicating their motives for development and factors inhibiting or facilitating professional development, the subjects stressed the change which characterizes the contemporary labour market. Their motivators and professional experiences are completely different from the motivators and experiences of people who are professionally active today. They indicate the priorities which determined their development and how these priorities are now outdated on the contemporary labour market. 

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Dagmara Kowalik

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 219 - 231


W artykule zaprezentowano możliwość planowania kariery zawodowej w  oparciu o  kwalifikacyjne kursy zawodowe, które są elastycznym sposobem uzupełniania i  poszerzania kwalifikacji poszukiwanych na rynku pracy. Kwalifikacyjne kursy zawodowe projektuje się zgodnie z Europejską i Polską Ramą Kwalifikacji (EQR),(PQR)w oparciu o podstawę programową kształcenia w zawodach i standardy kompetencji zawodowych. W tekście zawarto wyniki badań identyfikacji kompetencji zawodowych opisujących standard. Określone w standardzie kompetencje zawodowe, wiedza i umiejętności, są narzędziem do projektowania programów szkoleń.

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Ivan Rác, Lýdia Lehoczká

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 233 - 243


The article provides information about barriers of Roma women in the labour market. It analyses the partial results of the project VEGA – Intimate Partner Violence against Roma Women. Most often interpret the entry limits of Roma women in the labour market.

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Andrzej Zwoliński

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 245 - 262


The principle of the common good stipulates adoption of market mechanism as a way of regulating the economy. In the encyclical Centesimus Annus (1991), John Paul II pointed to the market as an appropriate mechanism for regulating the economy, recognizing it, however, as one of the factors of co-creating the social doctrine of the Church. Beside this, however, he mentioned the primacy of moral and spiritual values over economic and material, as well as the priority of labor over capital, the principle of solidarity and social justice. Differentiation of possible economic activity by performing various jobs requires the development of specific rules and regulations which may govern ethics, taking into account the contribution of the individual to the common good of society

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Nellya Nychkalo

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 263 - 282


In the article the category ‘ethical force’ of human labour has been considered on the basis of inter subject approach. Special attention is paid to philosophical and pedagogical aspects of this issue taking as an example St. John Paul II and Tadeusz Nowacki’s activity, the pedagogy of labour founder (together with Stanislaw Kachur and Zygmunt Wiatrowski). The problem of integration of professional relationships in labour activity in Ukraine has been analyzed as well as ethical force of labour in the context of its complexity and a human’s freedom in labour. The comparative analysis of main approaches to the development of ethics of labour force in Japanese and South Korean companies during on-the-job training has been made. Some aspects of voluntary work and study of ethics in educational establishments in Ukraine has been revealed.  

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Ireneusz M. Świtała

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 283 - 299


Professional work plays an important role in social adaptation and integration of the disabled as do therapeutic and economic reasons, too. Exercises and physical or intellectual effort relieve health problems and help improve previously disturbed activities. Many theoreticians and practitioners in the field of rehabilitation stress favourable psychological and social effects of work and the viewpoint that the issues of the disabled can be solved by a welfare state has gone down in history. The role of activity in the process of social rehabilitation and integration of the disabled has been widely propagated recently. Professional preparation and the creation of new job opportunities for people with lower capacity seem to be current objectives of any democratic state social policy. Integration, as an idea and value, in the system of cultural values of our society is a determinant of such social attitudes as: solidarity, acceptance, tolerance and kindliness. From the point of view of humane ethics every human being has the right to work – work which is a universal, instrumental and (for many) also autotelic value.

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Beata Jakimiuk

Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 301 - 322


The ongoing process of ageing makes the questions connected with seniors’ activity a more and more timely issue. An important role is played here by lifelong counseling. The support of seniors’ mobilization is not very popular in Polish conditions but at the same time the awareness of needs is becoming more common. The article presents a characteristics of ageing, seniors’ needs in the scope of undertaking various activities and means of counselors’ actions aimed at seniors’ mobilization.It also presents perspectives and needs in developing of elderly people’s activity and the current status of the problem. 

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